I'm sad, biz.
I'm from Brazil, 23 years old. My sister has an American citizenship and my mom is going to live with her (legally) and get the green card and then the American citizenship. But I read that it'll take as much as 6 years to get the citizenship AFTER my mom gets it. So probably 8 years+ from now. Why is life like that? I'm a nice person. I even look white!!! Pale skin, brown hair, green eyes, 6'3. Caucasian features... I just... want to live in the same country as you. The USA is great, despite all its problems.
I'm sad, biz
We're full
they want you to die in the Favellas
don't brazilian people have donkey sized genitals?
you should mention that to the immigration officer next time you see him, he'll put you on the fast track
stay where you are huemonkey
USA is a shithole. Go live in the EU and get free state benefits, free health care and so on.
i don't live in the favellas
15 cm dick.
fuck u
i'm not a commie. i don't want free state benefits. i want to work and contribute with the country. brazil is a shithole mostly because of socialism. i know what it's like to live in a leftist country. this is what i'm trying to run away from.
Hire coyotes to smuggle you in thru Mexico. Costs about 10k usd.
I've been to brazil once, what a shithole of a country. I liked the south beaches though, in floripa (i think), and food is great. And please stay where you are, we don't need your kind here
Stay out of Pennsylvania
good boy. you will fit in nicely there. have fun contributing to the country.
I've done enough jiu-jitsu to fucking hate Brazilians. Stay in your shithole country.
Well then you're a moron who doesn't take free money and thinks that politicians give a shit about you.
is your sister hot?
drug dealing hiv carrying rent boys and faggots
no. I don't dislike Brazilians unfairly. I hate them for what they are
ok get in here bro
Ok. Fine. You can come. But only if you convert socialists.
Convert them into corpses.
and they smell. i took a bus when i was there, people smell worse than negroids, it's like there's no hygiene at all, and then when i decided to go down and take a cab instead i got robbed in the end by the taxi driver, im not even kidding like wtf is that
>free shit
lol. You pay taxes for it dummy. I can pay out of pocket for everything you get for "free" and still end up spending less in the end. And it's a choice unlike you commie fucks.
>mfw family came to America from Ecuador in the 60s
>Living Upper Middle class now
>Gonna inherit atleast 200k
Lol and to think I could have been you OP. Maybe if your grandparents took a risk and weren't such faggots you'd be here right now but nope. But hey atleast you can look 'white' while getting killed in your shithole country hahahahahaha. DISSSSCCCCONNNNEEECCCCTTTTTT
6 years for citizenship? Forget it. Children over 21 are not considered direct relatives for naturalization purposes (I know that sounds absurd, look it up) so you'll have to wait in Brazil for 6 years after your mother's applied for you to get your green card to be able to move here permanently, plus another 2-3 years of actually living here to be eligible for citizenship.
>t. Brazilian living illegally in the US for 5 years
Seconding this, just move to Europe and marry some eurotrash if you wanna migrate. The US is nothing more than a wealthy shithole
and then he and his bitch eurogirl get raped by 5 mohammads whilst another one blows up in the back
At least we're wealthy. Euroshit is just a shithole. The majority of your countries have double digit poverty levels with half the wages of a developed country. Your claim to fame is Scandinavia and I can point out several US states like Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine etc. that have it better even than them.
Just move to Poland or Romania or Estonia, no niggers or shitskins allowed
isn't eastern europe infested with gypsies? that's gotta be even worse
I honestly wouldn't what's worse, gypsies or all the niggers that infest the majority of US metropolises
>running from other leftist country to another leftist country
m8... I know you're Brazilian but don't live up the stereotype
>Wouldn't know
Citizenship approved
>niggers that infest the majority of US metropolises
wew lad
We were discussing eastern europe lad
Just move here illegally like every other south american.
Youll get blanket amnesty sooner or later, weve already turned into brazil/mexico 2.0
Post Brazilian braps
You made the crack about US metro's so obviously you aren't restricting the conversation to just eastern Europe. I was just pointing out the fact that maybe you should feel so smug when quite a few cities in your own back yard are about as bad.
As far as eastern Europe as a whole is concerned, man you can keep it. Double digit poverty, third world tier wages, organized crime. i'd be worried about keeping my organs running around Romania or Belarus. Keep it. I'll stay here in Maine with my 1st world standard of living and no niggers. By the way, Maine is larger than most of your countries so it's not like I need to or care about going anywhere niggers are.
Stay the fuck out subhuman
america sucks but it's still the best country depending on where you live. the whole middle part of the country is crap but NYC LA SF dominate in every aspect of life. some areas of europe are still nice but going downhill fast because of socialism and muslim invasion. i spent a few weeks in france last year it's so sad to see how far those cucks have fallen.
Why would someone leave Brazil with all the cute girls there?
poverty. crime. hiv.
great place to visit but they are not doing too well as a whole.
You're fucking retarded. NYC, LA, and SF are dominated by niggers and other sub-human scum. Anybody with any sense will either find a mid-western medium sized city or hole up in rural New England somewhere.
lol i train too, the more experienced brazilians are bro tier but the new ones suck at english and they always roll and drill at 100%, like even in drills they try to go hard, bad training partners
someone get this man a citizenship. you passed the test.
-parents can only sponsor children under 21 years of age
-siblings can't sponsor other siblings
-trump will eliminate chain migration
i.e. not happening, pic related. get fucked.
Holy shit are you butthurt, we were comparing Eastern Europe to the US. And I ain't keeping shit lol, I'm a South American living in the US illegally. Pretty close to Maine acktchually, been meaning to visit.
Yeah I'm so butthurt I didn't even have to resort to my "identity" to try to make a weak ass point. You're worse than roastie posters "as uh wymyn". Except for you "as a Brazilian blah blah"
And fuck off, we're full.
maybe the ghetto areas of those cities. i live in manhattan where a studio apt costs $2k/mo which filters out all the poor nig nogs and other undesirables
Pay for a marriage, it runs about 15k + additional costs. I've sold a marriage twice now.
Lel how retarded are you, I only brought it up because you idiotically assumed I was european. I'm already here faggot, leeching off your hard earned tax dollars
This isn't Veeky Forums related in any way. Get the fuck out of here.
Just fix your shithole country user
You spoke from the perspective of first hand experience for the entire thread and now you claim you were larping and are actually a welfare South American nigger. And I'm the one who is retarded? Let me let you in on a little secret. You leeching welfare doesn't bother me in the slightest. I like it when nigs and your kind do that. As long as I and my fellow whites can keep you on the plantation, you'll never challenge us. If it isn't picking cotton, it's shacking up with Shanequa in the projects watching soap operas and day time TV all day. Don't forget your weed sack too. I really want you to enjoy yourself.
Holy shit are you inbred Trump supporters butthurt. I'm actually a black female Hillary supporter
>As far as eastern Europe as a whole is concerned,
Poland is quite nice actually.
A niggeress so to speak.
Tits or gtfo, with the time writer on them.
Lets see those udders oprah
Okay so in the same thread you've switched identities yet again. This is the third one. I don't know what you are nor do I care but "muh Trump" and "muh butthurt" marks you as somebody probably (hopefully) really young and desperately crying out for attention. How does it feel to be a loser backing the loser Hillary? If you really are a black female I'd suggest taking whatever money you have in crypto and running as fast as you can otherwise you will be eaten alive.
Only take Ubers in Brazil
i feel you op. socialist countries crush your spirit, everyone has this bring everyone else down with them mentality
while burger anons may have a kneejerk reaction thinking "we've got those people too", they don't realise in socialist countries there's NOTHING but those people
it was an eyeopening experience for me as a frog to travel to the US and see people busting their ass to make money and then spending that money just as lavishly; having money and not being ashamed of it, imagine that!
America is the only real white-ish country of the world. everything else is just failed systems talked up by failures who know they wouldn't fit in any kind of meritocratic system (even the US isn't meritocratic, but it's closer to it than socialist countries). if i make it with crypto i'm emigrating to the US on an investor visa, to make an actual business and provide value. fuck lambos, who want that bullshit when you can build meaningful shit
You're welcome here anytime frog-bro.
i agree with this. i believe elon musk should get the fuck back to south africa and fix that fucking shithole.
Maybe the flame throwers are all part of the master plan.
I heard there was a libertarian movement there against the socialist government?
Vai tomar no cu OP do caralho
Você está em crypto, logo basta um emprego meia boca de merda, persistência, HODL e bons investimentos em alts e ICOs pra ficar rico e ficar de boa
Just sign up for the US military. A couple guys were getting citizenship that way when I was in. One guy was a Brazilian too.
South Korean here
Immigrated w/ parents at age 6
Got my green card at age 19
Just applied for citizenship at age 24
Almost there. Hopefully Trump doesn't do anything to screw up the naturalization process. I'm legal and have a good job and everything anyways
Good luck getting in now.
As you can see from this thread, the answer to your question is that we are assholes.
Oh noes
But I'm good as long as Trump doesn't do anything in the next 6 months to legal permanent residents, and then I get my citizenship. I highly doubt he'll do something to legal green card holders.
And if anything happens after that you'd need some really draconian laws to get rid of people like me. Like I said, I am 100% legal and I am a net contributor, I have a good tech job and I pay my taxes.
Gypsies are in Southern Europe, so Romania, Bulgaria and Italy. Rome in particular is infested in them.
Close to zero gypsies in Poland and Estonia
Not true. Plenty of them in Poland.
There are like two locations where they are concentrated (Puławy and one area of Wrocław) but overall close to none, less than 0.1% of the entire population.
It's supposed to be 3% in Romania
You're a huehue , might as well do a service to yourself by ending yourself.
How about you and your family stay in Brazil?