This coin will dump to 1 cent. It wasn't Bitgrails fault, IT IS THE NANO CODE.
This coin will dump to 1 cent. It wasn't Bitgrails fault, IT IS THE NANO CODE.
Other urls found in this thread:
how can we exploit this
by finding this out a week ago
exploit is still working
I was a raiblocks millionaire a month ago
sorry user. never get emotionally attached to your shitcoins
Xplain sir
explain so we can kick this coin off top 10
is there an exchange where I can short nano?
This for real
Ive said it once, I'll say it a million times.
shit dude RIP nano holders
Nice fake FUD senpai.
raichad still chillin
Sold already. Had high hopes for this coin but sadly had to let it go.
Fake dud? Troy isn't denying this in the discord
just double my nano ty OP
DAGs are just not secure. Binance should get rid of this coin ASAP before it makes them insolvent as well.
Lol, it doesn't have the daily volume to make them insolvent but I guarantee it's related with their recent and only downtime.
Its in front of their eyes and they still dont want to believe they hold literally worthless bags now, this is definitely exploited
im pretty hairy on how the voting representatives work for xrb... The wallets that hold the most are the representatives and for a long time it was just bitgrail and mercatox. We know mercatox worked with bitgrail because huge amounts of xrb flowed through the exchanges even when withdraws/deposits were down to the public....
If they control voting representative majority could they just forge transactions between the two?
Lol, shills are so quick to downvote real shit on leddit
It wasn't a double spend bug. Kucoin had an issue with the way they set up withdraws where in instances extra nano was credited. It has been fixed.
>it was bitgrails fault
>it was kucoins fault
>it was binance fault when they added the coin that deposits were down for a day
soon you shills are going to say the same thing about Binance
Just accept that you invested in a shitcoin
going to 1 sat
Wow that actually makes sense.
Some safeguard detects inconsistencies, they think it's database corruption issue.
They resync and there's still some mismatch, they realize it's due to something else, but the loss is small enough they can cover it without telling anybody.
I would dump rai now, if this is true it's going to be delisted from all exchanges. Unsellable bags.
How am I shilling? I don't even own xrb... But this is an issue with how withdrawals were set up. An actual double spend bug is a completely different beast. These are two separate transactions that were sent - you can view for yourself on the chain using the Account ID shown.
This clearly was/is a raiblocks issue.
>it was mercatox fault
it's over
nano is finished
How does one short NANO?
Did you even read the post? Mercatox wasn't hacked.
who sent all you fudsters here?
man you nano faggots are getting destroyed
i feel sorry for you
serves you right for being beta testers for an alt coin
>man you nano faggots are getting destroyed
price has barely moved brainlet
Did you read it?
>Between January 17th-19th Bitgrail AND Mercatox sent these addresses millions worth of NANO LINKS
What obviously happened is that BOTH were hacked by the same hacker, but mercatox managed to run a fractional reserve so far.
no wonder bomber halted XRB withdrawals. Glad I am out of this shitcoin
shit's unrelated to what happened on bitgrail, what I found on linked reddit post
"The Core team was notified this morning by KuCoin that approximately 20 withdraws had been double credited. They immediately saw the issue, fixed it, and contacted the Nano Dev Team."
also if you think binance would turn off their exchange because of 50m volume coin you're a hopeless brainlet
>rebrand + binance pumped price back to $20
> down to $8 and falling
>barely moved
boy do i have news for you
Q predicted this.
oh ok
Not OP but guys, I'm serious and I am practically here to beg you, if you hold ANY SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT of this coin please dump it ASAP. I'm one of the few that's figured out the double spend exploit nearly half a week ago. I've exploited it, made a bit of money off of it, but ultimately dumped what I had and am staying far away from this shit.
Seriously for you own good, get rid of it if you still have it.
looks the exact same as every other coin over that time period brainlet
yes. please sell your bags to me kids
already done faggot
What are you holding that didnt lose value since jan 2?
I just bought 100k of that
Since you've dumped already, then it wouldn't be difficult to show us proof of double spending.
This seemed like classic Veeky Forums bullshit FUD at first, but the dots are really lining up. I bought XRB after the huge dip yesterday, but I'm just going to sell this shit to be on the safe side.
Don't get attached. Bought in at .35 cents. Sold between $17 and $30. First time I listened to my gut over TA. Up 500 now.
thanks for the update pajeet. and thank you for selling to me
It takes like 5 minutes of research to realize that op is a lying piece of shit. This is the most obvious coordinated fud attack I've ever witnessed here
I'm trying to sell my bags but volume is so shit on binance right now
Pls sirs. Dump this coin. I needs to get it cheap
nano shills unable to form counter points on their own without relying on the dev's telling them what to say
There is nothing for them to counter point though, because double spending hasn't been proven. But please go ahead and do us all a favour nano.org
Counterpoints to what? You're spreading false information that has already been discredited in this thread. I wonder what sort of a sad life one would have to lead to spend their days spreading bullshit about cryptocurrencies on Veeky Forums all day. Do you really think anyone who lurks this shithole even has enough pull to move the markets? Christ it's just sad. Consider ending your misery soon.
Just took this image from
images can be manipulated. provide verifiable proof, Sanjay. please, do the honorable thing for your family. otherwise you shall never have Gurdeep's hand in arranged marriage.
but... I would become a joke, buying high selling low :(
I never thought I’d see the day when Chinks became more trustworthy than Yuropoors.
>Gurdeep's hand in arranged marriage
Shitting on Pajeet is some the funniest content on this Mongolian pottery forum
I have done a ton of transfers trying to reproduce this no luck. I wish there was a double NANO bug cause I'de be rich ohh well
Why all the zeros in this?
>The RIP museum
That was unexpected
There's a hundred k XRB bounty for critical bugs in the system right now. If this was legit, someone would already have collected on that and it would then be fixed. So either A) it's fucking nothing or B) it's a problem with the exchanges once again.
there's no error in nano protocol, but there could be some common error in exchanges' implementations, but the second one is devastating as well as you can see from bitgrail (assuming for a while that bomber is not bullshiting again)
loving all this fud, coordinated just when BTC drops, in a few days I will get my nano for pennies and then see it rise to become a top5 coin as people realise all the fud was just fud
Nice FUD. Nano explorer link is this one: nanode.co
>"Thank you for showing us the broken code and how to fix it. Can we continue talking about this tomorrow? Oh, that's right..."
>*pulls gun*
>"There will be no tomorrow for you.
You know that the price is tanking to 0 because of this, right?
The price has barely moved. Down like $1.
lel that's not double spending
>down 10%
>barely moved
>pls to buy more nano sir is very good coin sir thank you, friend
price down 82% from ATH
>barely moved
Your usual bizkid might have trouble communicating but it seems this time words are to deceive rather than to communicate. Dont lose your soul for silver and gold. What good are all the wolds riches if you have become what you despise. Maybe you gazed too long to the abyss and it filled your mind with illusions. It happened to me too.
>the dots are really lining up
Have managed to exploit. Expect a big announcement from me soon.
Just tried this exploit and it fucking works. Holy fuck... This shit is going sub $1
thanks for the free BTC. just printed 100k XRB.
i won't dump it all at once though, too obvious.
Yeah, this shit is actually pretty obvious if you’re not a shit dev
Proof faggot.
Is this shit still working? what wallet are u using? xrb or nano?
>get 100k, once
>print any amount you want, however often you'd like
Wow gee I wonder what they would do.
I dont know if this is really nano’s bug, but Vitalik said it clearly: the security is decreased if not all nodes are validating transactions. Thats why ETH has 17-seconds blocks. If you would decrease that time further, not all nodes could do the validation.
In nano only certain nodes to the validation, thats a fact. Everyone would love to have free instant transactions, but it probably cannot be done this way.
same pls don't crash it before I pull out $10k pls pls pls
>b-b-b-but m-m-muh bounty!
have you actually read the protocol? they require multiple work days of back-and-forth for CONFIRMATION of an exploit. meanwhile the price is going to tank when hackers take advantage.
100k XRB that works is worth 1t XRB that don't.
You can request the bounty to be paid in BTC you brainlet. The nano fud is such low quality today that I'm starting to think it's being done by nano supporters to increase exposure and get people looking into the project where they'll inevitably find pretty solid tech
Devs are fucking liars and cucks.
Can't wait to see shit get BTFO.
Are you guy super dumb? its an error with Kucoin withdrawal where someone sent 2 withdrawals and confirmed only 1 via mail he got both
now its been fixed
>The Core team was notified this morning by KuCoin that approximately 20 withdraws had been double credited. They immediately saw the issue, fixed it, and contacted the Nano Dev Team.
Sounds legit, and not a coverup at all. Glad Kucoin had a super hawkeye and magically noticed this!
At this point, nobody going to admit anything