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you're not going to make it

Show us your boobs and vag


Get back in the kitchen bitch and make me a sandwhich. Fuck off we don't want none of your reddit teir trash KYS

tits or gtfo, we have rules here.

Yah show us deem Khazar Milker OP


>launched in April, 2014

come on in nice lady

smart girls combine the thing they want to ruin with softcore porn. just look at twitch for inspiration.

Do milk

No ok

rape you later

Blame the soyboy orbiters that watch that shit.

show bob and vagene

it.. it's a real site...

Many people are interested in crypto currency, but few seem to get involved and actually own some. Why? Because people assume that because the coins are in digital form, you have to be a computer genius to ever get their hands on any. But you could not be more wrong. Creating your own wallet and getting coins really could not be simpler.

bitcoin trading company, the fuck she talking about?

>Click start here
>Explains how to buy dnote
>3m market cap shitcoin

You know this is a pretty clever way to sell your bags.

Which one of you fags did this?
>“Kids with a CR.I.S.P.” (Ctyptocurrency Investment Savings Plan)
>Crypto Moms will be helping to teach kids (and their parents) about the importance of a long term savings plan for cryptocurrency by introducing the CR.I.S.P. This is an unstructured and self-directed plan, meaning you can deposit as much as you want, whenever you want. Since digital currency is relatively new, there is the potential for significant profit for early adopters.


If I were pajeet holding heavy bags, this is where i would be.

>show bobs and vegana
>hello bitch lasagna

>even replying to bait this weak

the absolute state of Veeky Forums, fucking christ.

Mommy why aren't you stopping the evil red dildos from hurting your special boy?