Fucking gook piece of shit i hate you

fucking gook piece of shit i hate you

Be patient, user. Things like this are a long term hold. Think about the people complaining about ethereum in its first year.

Blockchain 3.0 , once it starts following up on its roadmap it will rise in price beautifully. I don't think it's illogical to assume $15+ by end of year as a CONSERVATIVE estimate, which is almost a 4x current price.

i feel ya op. holding some of these bags myself.

just hold on boi.

My portfolio is 60% ICX and I don't even know what it does.

should've never trusted this god damn North Korean coin

got 32 of these bad boys how will i do eoy

>holding 25k ICX

Why are you so emotional about this? It's one of my three main coins and I couldn't care less that it's not rising today, the whole market is dipping. Get a bit more detached from your imaginary money.

nobody does. "it's the ethereum of korea"
>no korean uses it

hodling about 300x - Purchased them at about 6900 each. Not going to sell till October/november when this fucking 4xs

Because it hurts knowing we could have sold at $12 (and bought back in).

This, anyone who falls for it deserves to lose money. No Korean will ever use it, they'd rather use QTUM and EOS. Hell even T-ara is going to be using QTUM to issue their token, not this crap.

Their slogan is hyperconnect the world. What this means is that they want to use loopchain to connect all of the other blockchains in the world together. So it will work as an interface that allows blockchains to share information with each other. This will be great for automation and internet of things stuff, as all of the shit running on these blockchains will be able to communicate, when human interaction would otherwise be required. It will be necessary for large-scale, decentralized automation. Pretty nifty IMO.

Whatever happened to the icon vending machine or whatever the hell it was

Is this all in theory? Because I never hear about ICX showing off their technology. Lots of news on segwit 2x, lighting network, XRB, ripple, litecoin, but never ICX.

That will teach you for being a race-traitor.


Went all in at almost $70 my friend. One day my bags will be offloaded. One day...

But I bought at $12!

No, they literally launched their mainnet 1.5 weeks ago. It's all online and fully operational. But people sold the news and no one actually understands tech in this market, so it has gone down. Once they launch the wallet and go through with the token exchange we will probably start hearing more about realization of use cases. Hold long term and you will be rewarded.

Dumping this piece of shit as soon as it goes over $5 again

Buy more now then . that's what I'm doing with my next paycheck

So tokens on binance are auto swapped?

goodluck my friend. sold mine during that run

me too user. feels bad man

I remember all the icon fags saying "oh it'll go to atleast $20 for mainnet." Then when it tanked on mainnet launch they said "priced in." How fucking stupid are you pajeets?

You will have $30

This so so funny. As an early ETH investor who bought ETH at $6.40 only to see it drop to 3.60, we had people flooding /biz saying it was all over. These are long term holds. You buy and leave it in your long portfolio because this thing will be worth way more than it is now. Zoom out of the Ethereum chart and look at the long term picture. If you day trade this, don't bother, just buy TRON.

There's also 400,000 tokens waiting to be released (thought not all at once, a big chunk will be available for sale when the wallet releases) and up to 20% inflation per year

I traded on fucking oxy again. Not because I'm an addict, but because I had the second part of a two part surgery. In the first part, I took that shit and made a bad trade and got fucked. I told myself that trading on oxy was a mistake and I wouldn't do it again. Then I was on oxy again, and when you're on oxy, suddenly it seems like a good idea. I fucked myself, and by the time I realized it, I royally fucked myself and didn't want to take a major loss, and then my loses just grew. Don't get thyroid cancer user. You'll have to get your shit ripped out, and it's fucking painful, and then you'll take drugs that wll make you fuck your own life even harder.

This shit will never be an Ethereum. This shit is just another chink scam. Literal vaporware. I sold after I found out about their fake conference.

You weren't here during the NEO fud.

Hold the fuck on, newfag.

anything I can trade these ICX bags for that's also currently down but with a potentially higher rebound?

Hahahaha, fuck. My thyroid results keep coming back fucked and I have more tests soon, I hope that doesn't turn out to be it. Sorry that it happened to you, that does seem to suck.

>selling before icx/krw pair
Never gonna make it