There's gotta be a fucking way to make money online that isn't Crypto

Jesus christ I get that Crytpo is the fucking but that can't be the only way to make money online. I can program better than the average pajeet. How the fuck do I make money with it?!

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I'll pay you $1.40 if you send a photo of yourself showing a timestamp and a sharpie in your anus.

tease faggots on chaturbate

make a trade bot for stock market? fucking retard

Are you any good with Solidity?

Email me [email protected] if you are and would like to help me with a small project.

Please, noone needs coders... my little brother who is 12 is probably on par with you, they learn that stuff in school nowadays. Write some scam smart contract or do online assistant for another pajeet who has a poo business.

You can have an online buisness selling items, if youre good at code you can sell apps. There's plenty of ways to make money online.

try developing an actual skill. many skills can be rendered through the internet.
stop looking for get rich quick schemes. work hard for ~5 years and then freelance computer programming work. you'll make more than all of your peers if you can muster the discipline to do it.

What is this, some sort of meme API?

I have no interest in get rich quick schemes because that's silly. I've been programming since I was 11, and I've done freelance shit before, but the pajeets are undercutting profitability like a motherfucker. I'm considering going back to grad school for a Data Analytics masters program because the current market is so fucked.

damn. I think creative pursuits are the future, honestly. stuff like Hydewars and youtube channels and concept art and illustration... a lot of people are making good money from their Patreon/Gumroad/Youtube channel etc.

Any resources you'd recommend for TA? Or any API's you'd recommend?

I'm far too mathematically oriented to be good at spontaneous art. If I found a sperg that could do that shit I could film and formulate his autism into something interesting because I worked with digital media for a few years. I'm just pretty uninteresting overall and couldn't think of consistent content myself to do something.

having better connections and market yourself better than the average pajeet

I hate social media on principle but if it's really that impactful, I might get back on LinkedIn.

pls no die

It's all been real life connections through family for me

This. Think of life like a game of civilization. English speaking people are winning a cultural victory. Play to an audience for shekels.

thank me later user

Learn to code more than fucking PHP faggot. I charge $120 ph currently as a freelance coder. No end to the work, I want less, kek.

Nobody even hires pajeets anymore - if you're so trash-tier you're still competing with them kys

Use the coding skills to create something that can actually scale and bring you infinite income. Selling your coding services is trading your time for money and that can never scale and is a pretty shit goal

But PHP is a shit and an antiquated language. How are you still making so much money doing whatever the newest JS meme is capable of doing?

AHHHHHHHHH have you tried freelance?

How do you get that idea

If you can freelance have a look at fiverr. Also I used to have a shitty blogspot blog like fifteen years ago and would write paid promotion posts on it. But at that point it's probably better to work a proper job.

>more than fucking PHP faggot
learn to read too

if you are a brainlet. people create successful startup year

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