EthPyramid devs are definitely going to dump and leave everyone behind

> EthPyramid devs are definitely going to dump and leave everyone behind

> Devs now funding Korean writers to discuss their thoughts on everything

> Devs paying out of their own pocket because they were tired of "spend some money on advertising"

I literally don't know what else you want, user. Do you want them to come to your door and give you money in person?

Other urls found in this thread:

Dev talking about himself in third person

wut? what do you mean by this incoherent pos post?

Implying I have $240 to hand

interesting but how is this going to help? isn't this dead?

look at the fucking graph

it's dying, no momentum, ppl. learned the hard way

Implying my implication

won't this give it momentum? koreans are crazy

And how will this get it to Korea?

People learned the hard way because previous efforts were jacked. Look at all the exploit attempts bouncing off EthPyramid and tell me it'd have been the same story if this had come out first.

People have short memories. Sufficient media coverage (negative OR positive) and the realisation that this isn't going anywhere any time soon is going to do SOMETHING to that graph.

Hell, even stagnation on the scale seen in the last few days still pays out dividends without majorly altering the price.

AFAIK the article will be posted on a Korean cryptocurrency blog, and they've said "say whatever you like, negative or positive, we just want your thoughts".

All publicity...

Yer ok. Gl

fagots are still in it because they didn't break even and have to wait and shill hard

Isn't... isn't that the point tho


If only there was a successor.

Oh wait there is!

Lol you want me to put money in something made by ppl who literally lost $2m worth of ppls money?

> Being this retarded

...why would you need a successor to something which both works and did what Shadow aimed to do in the first place?

Don't give me that shit about how they'd still try Gauntlet if Shadow actually worked. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.

to be fair, the ethpyramid devs already dumped and left everyone behind, and then realized they fucked up because the pyramid didn't drop low enough for them to re-buy in at the same level.

So now they half re-bought back in and want it to not die.

You can literally check the wallets of the first ten transactions. tocsick, Norsefire and Arc are all still there. Divine pulled out and put back in, but he's gone dark since.

Do you even check these things before you post obvious bullshit, or are you just sent from a Discord with a message?

because the OP literally says they're hiring a korean writer to write about it. are you actually blind

why would i check things

Also, since I forgot to put it in the OP, didn't PonziBot *literally* say at one point "sell more, guys, I can't afford to buy back into my own contract"?.

Norsefire and Arc completely support PoWHG. But in any case, the testnet will speak for itself.

lol ponzibot sold out of the contract along with everyone in discord at the 1400 eth peak after the users in discord decided to dump.

That was half the fun, it hit reddit/twitter and everyone got some crazy profit.


Grats, you got an *immediate* reaction from him on Discord!

looks photoshopped, there's a norsefire helping the dev team of PoWH G

Oh man I think you're misinformed :')

"address": "0x4f4ebf556cfdc21c3424f85ff6572c77c514fcae",
"msg": "Norsefire here.\n\nNot helping PoWHG. Told them good luck. Not reviewing any code. Not doing anything other than sitting in Discord.\n\nAnyone who says otherwise is straight up lying.",
"sig": "0x919993c4e1826275cee43a1b331302457463f3ae93736af378ca155c5bb37df12a509aeab0e34e8a7035768adfd6726568cd8003bdee4ca3797ab100043e28e91b",
"version": "2"

Nobody here knows how to confirm that signature dumass

like i'm neutral here but you have to be fucking joking me that someone would spend all that time to disprove something on an anime message board "dumass"

Eh, I think he's just mad that people are saying he's doing shit that he isn't, especially since he went all over Reddit and stated he wasn't going to be doing anything of the sort again.

Doesn't take long to sign a message either if you've got your key to hand - I do it all the time for various bullshit.

so should i put eth into this? seems fishy

Join the Discord. Ask shit. Don't put in anything you'd regret.

this is too much effort for memes my friend

"address": "0x97919f851fed6b5e26c297b19d1b5974ba3e2917",
"msg": "Norsefire here.I’m helping PoWHG. Wish them good luck. Yes\nreviewing any code. Yes doing anything other than sitting in\nDiscord.\\n\\nAnyone who says otherwise is straight up lying.",
"sig": "0x8b1f93eb871e5172c0f1d2470c6a2a555fd95ac40b9e8320c91ee28d05f3134b5e03a2a9aff15a6ae3ea9d9af0326eab14750ddc9dd9ee980a8a759fb50efe1c1b",
"version": "2"

Kek, guess you just have to ask him yourself

Ahaha fuck this is actually signed

Powh g is g

do you guys not have devs of your own? this is so confusing, you guys are jacking each other off and completely alienating everyone else who is reading this

Don't read into it much user.

Hordes of etherpyramid devs jumped off the sinking ship to other projects. Some had some cool successful ones for a while (Shadowpyramid) and others went to PoWHG and have been working quietly towards PoWHG Goals.

> Hordes of EthPy devs

> 4 total
> 1 ghosted
> 2 others actively refuting development

quick mafs

just pay attention to PoWH-G news, it'll hit Veeky Forums with the most fomo of any of these because it's no longer a scam.

no i was talking about guys pissing yourselves over having this norsefire pajeet on your team

who is actually working on your project other than that guy who royally fucked up and got assassinated

Fear of losing $2m again

yeah is this new one from the guy that got death threats for losing a fuckload of money?

The devs from ethpyramid have nothing to do with the first powh. Or the new gauntlet hands that the original powh devs are working on. But go to the discord ask questions there rather than on here

The devs from ethpyramid are using there own money to pay for top quality translations.
Fully support there work. They have pride in it. I would rather my ethereum was in here making me divs rather than stuck in a wallet doing nothing

where is the discord i'm a brainlet

Discord link is discord gg 9dUkFr8

Pajeet spam detector doesn't want me to drop the https in front.

ok cool i'll check it out

No shit.

>Literally named PyramidScamCoin

That's some high quality thinkin

After that POWH/Shadow 'team' did such an incompotent job to lose 2 Million Dollars (and were they behind the whole thing? 232 thought so) why would anyone EVER give them $$ for a new project?

Then you have ETH Pyramid.Upfront, Transparent, and the devs that did all the coding are still working on the project, and still hold their (small) positions. You can literally see them on the blockchain.

I know where I'll put my play money, thank you very much!

Video is funny

Also instructions for the brainless

you didn't answer my question lol - where are your devs.

this is shady as fuck as it is

Devs are on discord chat. If you go to the site link is there. Ask any questions there

i meant the powhg guys, they have good memes but don't appear to be saying anything of subtance whereas the ethpyramid guys are

Nothing shady about it. The contract can be read. The code. The site. The only thing they can't do is put the money in your hands. You have to. :)

We have nothing to do with powhg

Still in hiding from 232

I've got a next gen pyramid in the pipeline Veeky Forums

>cryptocelebs was gen 1
>powh was gen 2

i'm currently developing a gen 3 pyramid. it'll take about a month, but it will NOT die out for about 6 months, leaving dividends much more enticing (potentially keeping it alive even longer than planned)

keep ur eye out i'll be shilling int at end of Feb.

you don't wanna miss out on the ground floor.

it'll revolutionize pyramids and i guarentee there'll be shitty clones all 2018.

It's legit mate. Fuck all these pajeet shilling clones from scammers. If you want to be a FOMO frenzying douchebag like me and make gainz, get in there. EthPyramid is basically what Bitconnect pretended to be - just straight up, endless passive income.

Each week when I buy my usual bit of cryptos, I'm going to keep adding to my stack on EthPyramid. Not all of course, just like 0.05 Eth per week. Plus the gainz from divs, should build up nicely.

okay i'm in, not gonna put in much though in case it explodes like other ones

"address": "0x4f4ebf556cfdc21c3424f85ff6572c77c514fcae",
"msg": "Norsefire here.\n\nHelping PoWHG. Bringing them good luck. Reviewing all code. Even sitting in Discord.\n\nAnyone who says otherwise like is straight up lying.",
"sig": "0x919993c4e1826275cee43a1b331302457463f3ae93736af378ca155c5bb37df12a509aeab0e34e8a7035768adfd6726568cd8003bdee4ca3797ab100043e28e91b",
"version": "2"

Good man spread the word

think of it like an antisocial security fund that brings back closer to .5 -5% retruns a day in dividends when its not busy. Its like a money cyclone we are trying to understand ourselves, run by an emotionless robot on the block chain. More game than coin, but much more potential.

>stealing powh snek

>getting butt hurt about a snek on an infographic about how a team of faggot stole tons of money from an idea they stole off a math professor

oh, you known that idea? you own that snek?
but everything else is correct tho?


wow im getting dividends already, this is crazy haha. not much but more than now when the market is down

fuck you, bitch, and your POWH propaganda posted here
and here
you are the worst kind of scammer. The ones that jump ship once everyone else is on board. The exact shit that got POWH and shadow ruined, fucking GREED. your horrible greed is evident even from text alone sir, please just stop. You will not succeed.

Ethpyramid was literally charity funded by the people that lost so much money to POWH, and instead of just stopping while yall were 2 million dollars behind, you have the GAUL to make another? How dare you, fucking worthless sacks of meat and stink. I hope 232 eth guy is on his way...probably why yall are frantically making new ones every day.

Point is folks, ethpyramid is here to stay

did Powh guys ever even talk about hireing Korean translators? Did they even proof read their smart contracts? Did they even incorporate safe math? Nope.

Did they produce shotty work on multiple occasions, rape Veeky Forums, and run back to try to figure out how to do it again? Yep.

Ethpyramid is opposite of Powh, if there ever was one

i did some searching after buying in on the discord and found this article, is it an accurate version of the story

Check em, dubs of truth.

Nah, the code is open source - it's the real deal. Good choice!

See? Not bad right? Just leave it alone and let it grow.

In theory it'll just endlessly run. As people cash out more FOMO in, which then drives the price up etc. And since it's a transparent contract, unless Eth itself vanishes (not likely) you're all good!


and bump

bigger things are coming

see that line in there, to your left in that image. I hate it when you fags always say the next will be the best...but is already here and we know it works

bump for interest

I love how active the Devs are on they are working on new tools and gathering all the data to put on the site. So anyone can check various things out.
I have had $200 divs so far today 1

Just to prove the divs are real

this is the future holy shit, just put in .9 eth for the lulz

Dev here. Norsefire, specifically.

AMA. Or call me a cuck. I think both of those are legit here.

The only "dev" that mattered was Divine because he put 5 ETH in there despite the other devs agreeing to settling at .5 ETH. Divine also cashed out completely, creating the huge crash. He disappeared completely and won't answer the other devs anymore.
You've been had.
Sure, the current devs are doing some work on this project out of their own curiosity, but don't expect to make mad dividends anymore, because even if the ETH sum in the contract might be low, you're too late to the party.

why even give ethpyramid the time of day when next gen ether apps are on their way

Divines tokens were burned as he left, thus "destroying" his part of the pyramid and moving everyone else up. He also lost most his profits gambling on Ethroll

Nothing better than coffee throwning in some cash and watch it grow it's a fun game

I have some *slight* disagreements with that, but I’m not going to sling them around on biz. For the record- that sig up there saying I’m not involved in PoWHG is legitimate.

I’ll be making a Reddit post soon discussing a breakdown of the mathematics and why it’s not yet a dead project. You’re right in that we’re doing this now for curiosity, but there’s life in the beast yet, should people trust it.

Thanks for reading.

in all honesty, what do you think the future of this looks like?


where do you think the next wave of people will come from or is it a global thing?

I really, really don't know. Part of the reason I'm funding marketing is because I want to see what this looks like on a global scale - I want to see how cultures view this kind of thing (especially China given that we're five days away from the Lunar New Year).

We have a dataset which we've nearly completed scraping and will put up on the page soon. The numbers are more surprising than you'd think. No single wallet controls more than 2% of total supply, and no dev is in the top five. (Yes, that means I'm sixth).

Whether this is the pyre of Ether that finally causes tight regulation, something that fades away (although can't really die) or becomes something else entirely, I couldn't even begin to hazard a guess.

god bless

Again: not a clue. I’ve paid some writers across the world to analyse the concept and give their unfiltered opinion: I have no veto power over what they publish.

Asking me to guess what comes next is like asking me to tell you who’s going to be the 50th POTUS. Haven’t. Got. A. Clue.

do you have numbers on total eth that has gone in?

etherscan only shows current balance so hard to see total buy-ins