Age. Salary. Profession

What do you do and earn biz?

>22 here.
>45K USD a year
>Solidity smart contract auditing

learn to work a fryer and explain the gap in your resume

89k euro
financial advisor

>First year LAWYER (yuropoor country)
>50 k USD

300k USD
Entrepreneur working from home.


This but 31 and 250k

Math degree, 300 K starting

>none of your business
>none of your business
>none of your business

go fuck yourself

>$107K USD a year + ~35k Bonus Structure.
>Facilities Management, top 3 Pharma

But let's be real..

107 IQ
Trump Party

>Bar Manager/Bartender

1. 26
2. Theater actor
3. 60k


>150k USD a year
>Lead Go Developer

>30k, Security Guard
>graduating w/ accounting degree in fall

50k year, busdrivrr. Just trying to do something with my life. Crypto seems like it's gonna change the world.

>Crypto seems like it's gonna change the world.

It already is

>In-house attorney for a large tech company

>30k raised from a scammy token sale

Big data engineer

>full time professional crypto trader

felix, why are you posting this shit again?
incidentally did you sell your eth?
t. xjp

>full time professional crypto trader


4k USD a year.


>75k AUD

aws cloud migrations

Time to dump

>220K USD a year (real currency)
> Rental income and speculation, esp so. Cal, gooks are paying anything

mid 20s
36k euros

hoping to switch to a bigger firm for 50k soon

still, architects aren't what they used to be

>55k aud
>project manager
need a new job lads

Industrial electrician
100k AUD
Just started studying PLCs and instrumentation. Going to do engineering after that. Hopefully start my own business within the next 4 years.

Does anyone have any learning resources I could use about starting a business? Books, online courses ect
Ive been listening to podcasts, but they only get me so far.


whats wrong with her vagina?


sales manager

God dammit man this is the funniest shut I heard in a while

>Service/assembly technician
>Up to 80k a year

5k usd

Shithole county

you alone earn more than our whole local theater (capital of the country)

3rd month front end developer
poor russian

>20k support money from my PhD program from an european university
>Engineering physics PhD, no time for a real job yet

which country u from user

Vietnam. I work as an IT helpdesk.


25k USD yr
Hotel Night Audit/Professional Ball Sitter

Easy job, given me time to learn about the current state of crypto (stepped out in 2011) and try and make tasty gains.

yeah as a student i cant help but feel that our profession is dying down, mainly due to how out of date we are. This needs to stop

Could you develop on that.

>135k aud gross
that's without O.T / weekends
union plumber

wow. so rich kids. feel like kms after reading all the replies.

> 33
> 50k Eur
> shithole scandinavian country

+profession: network administrator

>Code monkey

>roughly 25k
>wagecucking in a kitchen

if crypto doesn't work out I'm ending it all rofl

>21 here

20k a year
kill me

>Data Analyst

I make more money from crypto than wagecucking

>>Data Analyst

is that below average or above average for DA in UK?

>26 turning 27 this year
>0 trying to start a company but havent finished my product yet
>NEET but was a product manager

>48k€ (2.2k€ /month after taxes)
>PHP developer

>expecting 50k+ (GBP) after I graduate
>student (master's)

Software developer/ERP consultant
4 years exp

Yeah I know I’m underpaid :(

>only making 45k auditing contracts

nigger you need to be more cutthroat, there are faggots here that'll pay 1 - 2 ETH/day

>Yeah I know I’m underpaid :(

I earn about same, what EU country?

How do I become a smart contract auditor?

Why the fuck is everyone a chad here, i thought we were all low tier wagecucks trying to escape slavery.

Software developer £35k


Thats nothing,

31k eurodollars for civil engineering
Also scandinavia

Cruisey job
80k per year
Trade crypto at work
Musician on the side for fun
~20k per year from music

38k GBP

What's your degree in?

50k grad job straight from uni, I don't think so. Try 30k -34k max. And they're insane competitive.

Thinking about kms daily

Ireland. You?

>Senior Software Dev
>$50k gross, $45k net

Maths student at a top uni

I have 2 years of experience and it's about average.

With 2-3 years of experience then £40k is quite standard.

If you're a senior analyst (maybe 5-10 years) then you can get £50-£60k.

You can make good money if you are good at your job and go contracting. £500 a day or more.

These are for standard jobs... if you have a gig at KPMG doing 80 hours a week the rules are different.



Depends on where you live. London has higher wages, everywhere else not so much.

I am a dev and earn 35k GBP but I live deep in the south west. I could earn 60 to 100k in London but I did London for 6 years and I am over it. If you earn £60k in London you will still end up shittier and more expensive accommodation, transport etc. After all the expenses you may as well live near the beach in a 3 bedroom house and still have more money at the end of the month than you would in London.


I'm thinking of moving to UK and get MBA from Cambridge or Oxford and then join something like that. You think its worth it?

IT Person
170k AUD

Not enough to feel good man. Starting a MSP as we speak.

>180k EUR net a year
>Part time compliance officer

>still end up shittier and more expensive accommodation

I have been to London a couple of times and the accommodation is way too expensive there.

Whats your opinion on my above post about MBA?

Starting as a tech consultant at KPMG in September

Fuck contracting, did it for 2 years and while the money was good it burns you out, you eat, breathe, sleep and shit your contract.

Then there is the brain rape factor, you have no protection in a contract. I had a few technical interviews which were basically: We have a problem our shit devs can't solve so we are going to give it to you in the technical interview. You submit your code and they are like cheers this is awesome, we want you on an as and when basis... they implement your code and you never hear from them again.

30k per year, reliably every year

Yes if you're smart, hard-working, driven and can handle a bit of stress.

Working for one of the Big 4, even for a few years, is going to open up opportunities.

I've recently graduated from my master's at Oxford (history), lived with a couple of MBAs. Most MBA folk there were looking at the strategy consulting/IB/tech startup route post-graduation. I've recently landed a job at KPMG actually, didn't seem like there were many MBAs at all among the assistant manager/manager grades (the two above analyst which is the standard graduate entry route).

Yeah, if you pull your weight in your course. Those sorts of courses are not just about the qualification. Good schools in the UK are about who you meet. Cambridge, Oxford, Goldsmiths etc are all about making connections. I know a few people who studied product design... the 2 who studied at Goldsmiths got work at quite big firms pretty easily the ones who didn't study at the good school had to fend for themselves.

the first time I heard someone refer to themselves as a 'solidity dev' I lmao
it's still incredibly cringe worthy.

Thanks. Their post MBA stats look quite impressive with starting salary ~ £70k

Wait until "Full stack smart contract engineer" becomes a thing


>Smart contract auditing

Tell us more about your job. What is it that you actually do?

you will end up saving more in London if you have a decent job but live beliw your means, but that will involve living in a shithole areq and dealing with shithole people which you shouldn’t do for your safety and sanity

>50k USD
First year lawyer working for the state

50k euro

> 21
> 80k AUD + 2% of my capital gains profits
> Prop Firm

>140k USD a year
>shitcoin investor

>62k $
>strategy consultant
