tfw i have1500.. i'll quit my wagecuck job in two years and let the staking returns pay for my sushi dinners for the rest of my life.. who else accumulating?
Tfw i have1500...
Hoping it will rop below 10 usd once more. Only have 384. Had 500, but sold at 19 usd.
You’re very lucky, I wish I had that many
i pray for you user
i went all in
Once fairx for xlm is released (should be this week), pouring 85% into OMG.
i have 25k FUN.. i'm hoping for a spike so i can maybe throw another 5 grand into OMG
Same here user. I've been with FUN since the ath and as much as I love the concept and the team, now I've discovered OMG I'm selling my 75k bags and going all in. There's only so long you can look at a 56% loss before realising OMG will make that back in a fraction of the time it would take for FUN to drag itself into the green.
word. i'm sort of holding onto my FUN just for the memes at this point.. i wonder if i should just wait like another month to see if it pumps before selling.. i just feel like OMG is about to shoot through to another universe any second now
We share the same thought. If I don't do OMG now I'll never be able to. See you on the other size user.
im goin balls deeper tomorrow
All crypto is going dow. Sell now to buy back x3 your position
i'm too lazy, unsure, and ungreedy to do that.. i will not risk my comfy 1500 stack of OMG..
t.pussy and i don't care
took a punt that stratis might moon first, not looking like a great decision atm
>he is still not in
Do you hate money user?
Should I just go all in OMG? Should put me around 4700 OMG. How likely is it to moon within the next 30 days?
OMG is a long term hold coin for staking and getting dividends. Not a short term moon coin.
While the value probably will increase significantly because the OMG team have some great stuff in the works the main benefit is the yearly pay out you'll get for each coin you own. Literally just for having them sitting in your wallet.
Sell everything for OMG, except for LINK.
Not like this
Go 70% OMG, 15% ICX and 15% VEN
You're welcome.
That's what I was thinking. I want dat yearly staking return. But the link pooling will likely give me some sweet returns as well. Thanks user
sushi sucks kys fag
yes. especially the link.
if BTC goes to 2-3k then OMG will goto 2-3usd. I'll be looking to buy around there...just fucking load up on it and hodl...gonna sell fucking everything to buy in
OMG wont go to 2-3 USD, more like 5 usd.
If it drops below 6 usd im going to put 3k usd more into it.
got 15k ven all in. thoughts on whether which project may be better or perhaps sell 5k ven for omg?
only 7 people involved in OMG, is this a good or bad thing?
are you high nigga?
That link and req stack lol. You are honestly brain dead if you sell those for OMG
brain dead for still holding onto those shitbags
Yes this is my plan too
Hoping for Ven to outperform OMG before Thor rebranding then selling 200 ven (25% of my ven stack) for omg
Going all in if bitcoin breaks 8600 today. That's the end of the downtrend.
Anything the December newfags touches turns to shit. OMG doesn't need to be fucking shilled, especially not here.
what's the guess for staking returns? $3 a year?
$1000/year per token obviously.
Anyone with a more realistic idea?
Sell your shit coins and you can?
It's impossible to answer that question honestly at this time. We just can't know until they actually release it in Q2.
Frankly the staking returns could turn out to be just about anything. From 1/year to 10/year to 50/year, it entirely depends on how many transactions the service gets to generate those funds through fees. Which is something we just can't answer accurately right now.
when plasma?
you're not gonna make it with 4700.
Its 4000 or nothing buddy.
I'm holding FUN and OMG, I'm not selling FUN until it hits .50, it'd be pointless to. OMG will probably pump with the wallet release but unless the market bounces back anytime soon I doubt this will pump OMG the way people think it's going to.
hi am from poor country srry bad english will i make it with 4000 omg please thanks
>tfw just need to have $5 a year staking to have a standard income
I feel so comfy boyz
I personally think the staking rewards will be around 0.90$ at the beginning.
Could look totally different in 5 years.