Which boards did you lurk before coming to Veeky Forums? Interested to see if there are similar patterns. Since 2005:

Which boards did you lurk before coming to Veeky Forums? Interested to see if there are similar patterns. Since 2005:

/b/ -> /r9k/ -> Veeky Forums -> /pol/ -> Veeky Forums.

Now that I’ve pulled out of crypto I’m waiting for the stock market to find its feet again, dump a load of money in FANG then back to Veeky Forums. Fuck this board mayn.

Other urls found in this thread:


/a/ -> /int/ -> /z/ -> Veeky Forums


Veeky Forums -> /pol/ -> Veeky Forums ...Veeky Forums ...once I've made my million its back to Veeky Forums ...look like shit rn.

r9k -> b -> fit ->biz

/b/-/g/-/pol/-Veeky Forums



/b/ -> /pol/ -> Veeky Forums


250mg test-e twice a week
train each bodypart twice a week

/b/ -> /int/ - > Veeky Forums this was in 2013

theres other boards?



/b/ -> /g/ -> Veeky Forums -> /trv/ -> Veeky Forums
still lurk /g/ onward

/b/-/pol/-Veeky Forums-Veeky Forums

Donating 10 SMELLY to every brap poster


You heard this user. Bring your best SMELLS for SMELLY!

/b/ -> /mu/ -> /v/+/g/+Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums

Started during roodypoo candyass era on /b/ I think

i actually started lurking at biz, fit and lit. before crypto. and still managed to miss out, fml.

/b/ - /a/ - /g/ - Veeky Forums - /mu/ - Veeky Forums - Veeky Forums - Veeky Forums

And I have to say that Veeky Forums shitstorms are by far the most entertaining. There is a special kind of please in seeing idiots loose their money.

mmm yesss this was a very good year

/b/ -> /pol/ and Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums

just /brap/

/v/ > /r9k/ > /pol/ > Veeky Forums
A coming of age story.

/v/ /a/ -> /g/ -> Veeky Forums -> /pol/ -> Veeky Forums
>all of these /pol/ and Veeky Forums migrants
It makes a little sense, but still weird.

Why do you niggers still go to /b/? All it is nowadays is facebook fap and pics you shouldn’t be sharing threads.

My other boards in order of frequency are /tv/ /int/ /g/ /pol/ Veeky Forums /gif/

/b/ -> /mu/ -> Veeky Forums -> /pol/ -> Veeky Forums

/b/ -> /g/ -> Veeky Forums - /k/ - Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums

Forgot to mention /diy/ /s/ and /hr/

/b/ -> /v/ -> /pol/ -> /x/ -> Veeky Forums

Oh baby

/b/ -> /wg/ & /wsg/ & Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums
only the last 4 now

/b/ -> /x/ - > Veeky Forums -> /pol/ - > Veeky Forums

/b/ -> /mu/ -> /a/ -> Veeky Forums -> /g/ -> /pol/ -> Veeky Forums

Fartsmellers aren't people.

b, k, pol and fit

/b/ -> /v/ -> Veeky Forums

/b/->/out/->/k/->/pol/->Veeky Forums->Veeky Forums.

Why the hell do you like Veeky Forums?
That board is the most boring shit
In fact Veeky Forums is the only good board on this shit site

/b//pol/Veeky Forums/his/fit/biz/

same except I skipped pol and started in 07

/g/-/t/ -> Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums

Since 2007:

>/b/,/x/ and Veeky Forums from 2007 to around 2012
>/pol/, /x/ and Veeky Forums from 2012 - present
>Veeky Forums in 2016 - present

/pol/ straight to Veeky Forums

the jump in users was very noticeable

Veeky Forums was a /pol/+/g/ colony from the start my dude

/adv/ -> /int/ -> /r9k/ -> Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums -> /tv/ (shame on me for wasting my time on this) -> Veeky Forums

/pol/ --> Veeky Forums --> Veeky Forums

/a/ -> Veeky Forums -> /g/ -> Veeky Forums

started from the Veeky Forums now i'm here


/b/ /gif/ /mu/ /co/ /tv/ Veeky Forums Veeky Forums

My fucking sides, no way that's real. It legit follows the graph of Bitcoin.

>weak hands were shaken out of Veeky Forums
>pajeets got btfo and are now homeless



yeah pretty legit you can check for yourself 4stats.moe/

/b/, /mu/, /tv/, /pol/, Veeky Forums

/tv/ at first
Veeky Forums for a while
then Veeky Forums
/co/ to read the Star Wars thread
/an/ for a little while to clear my mind from the other boards

Was part of the big Fappening influx


/a/-/v/-/pol/-Veeky Forums-/x/-Veeky Forums

/g/ -> /pol/ -> /k/ -> Veeky Forums

/b/>/mu/>/k/>/out/>Veeky Forums
And /pol/ during the 2016 meme war

please tell me where this is from.

/b/ > /x/ > Veeky Forums > /pol/ > Veeky Forums

nvm, just scrolled down further.
