ITT: we prepare for the upcoming economic happening

ITT: we prepare for the upcoming economic happening

cont from

Other urls found in this thread:

>PE ratios
>Deviation from historical averages for interest
>Record government and public debt
>Debt bond stock by back shell companies like IBM etc
>Unsustainable personal debt (auto load, 'student' loan etc)
>Unsustainable public debt
>Bond market instability
>Worthless web 2.0 shell companies like FB and fraud companies like Apple, twitter, Amazon, google, that produce no innovation and are essentially drifting marketing hulks that do nothing that contributes to GDP or productivity
>No rise in productivity

Hypothetically, what would be the most stable country in the event of a massive US (and arguably world by extension) economic crisis? Would cryptocurrencies still have value?

It's obviously going to be a hyperinflationary collapse.
The fed is going to keep printing money regardless.

So don't worry, cryptos are safe.

read this to understand the absolute state of the australian economy

See the correlation between interest rates and recessions. We didn't raise rates for years and are starting late. Not good. There's not much leeway to decrease them further unless you go negative.

Sure about that? They must be aware that if they keep printing now there's gonna be a severe case of hyperinflation when things stabilize and everybody has 1M worth of loan money. The faith in the entire fiat economy would be lost.

>yfw the upcoming economic happening threads will be legendary after the fact
It's like /pol/ and Trump.

Holy shit it gets worse the further I read it and it's tens of screens long.

Regardless of whether it's gonna be hyperinflation or asset bubbles crashing it's gonna be ugly. But I seriously hope they don't go with hyperinflation because death of fiat would destroy our entire world economy. It'd be an absolute shitshow of riots and collapse of society.

id guess new zealand or norway.

>growth pushed by low interest rate
>no glass-steagall and little to no regulation
>heavy speculation
>purchase power lag behind productivity and investment
guess the year?
nah 1928

Norway works on oil though. Which might be good or bad.


its not going to matter what economy runs off of what. once the global economy falls(re: usd) everyone will be on equal footing. I made my choice based on population, isolation, and natural resources.

Buy gold before its too late, I'm going to buy about 150 ounces next week, stock up whilst you still have chance

switzerland? at least i imagine they won't resort to violent means and the government will be competent enough to handle a crisis

Good point. Both countries run their own currencies as well.

Too bad gold is in a bubble as well. You'd be better off buying some other scarce metal that has industrial use and isn't bought by many speculators.

Actually, if you're expecting the unlikely hyperinflation you might be better off buying crypto. If USD becomes worthless people might actually use cryptos as currency for real. More attainable and usable than gold

>gold is in a bubble

Sydney here. Yeah nah, we're proper fucked, that's for sure, and I've been telling people for ages.

>"Oh, no, our housing market isn't in a bubble"
Oh yeah? Go speak to a few real estate agents and then they'll tell you how fucked it is trying to get young people to buy homes, and how it's only boomers moving money around and foreigners buying up property. If the government wants to prop up this housing market, they're going to have to up the number of foreigners coming in, which will result in the collapse of infrastructure.

The average person in this country gets paid 40-55k per year. Now combine that with taxes and the standard of living and trying to pay off a house in Sydney which comes close to $700,000-900,000 just for a shitty house. Tell me, how are you going to do it if your partner is only earning between 80,000-100k a year? Including all the taxes, kids and so on?

Anyone who denies Sydney is in a bubble is either part of the media, a boomer or a deluded real estate agent who wants his career to keep going.

Its price far exceeds its intrinsic value of industrial use. Nobody cares about the speculative value or its use in bling if a depression hits. And not for many many years after, either.

Meanwhile some other industrial metal would also drop during a depression but would be guaranteed to recover fully as soon as production gets back on track.

Longest bubble in history.

If you and your partner are only earning between 80k-100k a year together*

Is it true that Australians are big into crypto because of your situation?

Golds value is derived from its monetary history not from industrial uses. Gold will also return to a monetary role in the future as well.

Why would it do that when it's terrible as currency? If you wanna act against hyperinflation buy something that has intrinsic value and is not in a bubble, not gold.

If you're trying to anticipate the next currency, it will be crypto if anything. And even that's highly unlikely

>it's terrible as currency?
your going to have to explain these crazy claims your making

Hmm, not too sure, I know the Normans are starting to speak about it a lot almost daily now, I hear the conversations at my gym at least 3 times a week. Other mates are saying that people at work are starting to talk about it a lot almost daily now.

>not easily divisible
>doesn't work over the internet, you know that thing kids these days use a lot
>inconvenient to transport
>not owned by most people and hard to come by, thus not a realistic vehicle of transaction

Australia’s different, mate. Property always goes up, mate. Just gotta get your foot on the property ladder, mate.

I fucking hate Australia sometimes. There are way too many Australians whose main aspiration in life is to buy fucking houses and then flip them to the next sucker.

Okay, so the same deal as everywhere else. I remember some kangaroo in an earlier thread claiming some people were buying crypto as hedge against the economy there.

you might actually be a brainlet, please get checked. Your not going to be physically trading the gold, in the future, it will likely be a gold backed crypto

Then why introduce gold into the situation at all? You can just trade any crypto that's limited cap.

Mainland China

New Zealand and more remote locates like the Virgin/Turks/Caicos Islands might be comfy tho

>Just gotta get your foot on the property ladder, mate.
Pic related kek

>There are way too many Australians whose main aspiration in life is to buy fucking houses
I also share your anger.

Wouldn't surprise me to be honest, people will try and turn to any opportunity to make money these days.

blockchain will be a revolutionary technology, but the current cryptocurrencies will not exist in the next ten years. Gold on the other hand has been money for 6000 years until 1971. The attraction to Gold is human nature. Gold and cryptos really should go hand in hand in the monetary system, gold gives real value and blockchain gives real trust (ie no fraction reserve theft)

Cayman Islands

I hear China is in massive housing trouble already. And Swiss frank is inflated by them doing QE because everybody's been buying it. Not sure any single country is gonna be a safe bet, everybody's gonna feel the collateral. Maybe some of these will be better off than the rest still but realistically almost every country seems to have problems.

I don't know, if any of those cryptos happens to gain real traction as a currency it will achieve gold status too.

Still I'd prefer buying underground metals right now. That's gonna be a lot of work though

bond market will be prepped by smart money moving their QE gains to it under Trump, screencap

Bonds are a gray area for me and there's plenty of people warning about them. What if banks/govts get into trouble and just default on them?

bonds are fucked, china is letting their Ts roll over, The fed is supposidly going to be shrinking their balance sheet and will be selling their bonds and drumpf is increasing the deficit by the greatest amount in history outside of very brief periods in times of economic happenings resulting in the US borrowing 1.89 million dollars a second in 2018-19 - bonds are going through the floor.

Unironically this. However, with the number of internal crises the country is approaching its immunity to a global crash won't matter much.

Isn't that gonna crash not just bonds but USD as well? Surely they can't be retarded enough to do that?

You boys might wanna start following /k/. When shit hits the fan bullets water and food become the new currency.

>Isn't that gonna crash not just bonds but USD as well?

The spending bill has already been passed, I am somewhat sceptical the fed will go along with their plan to raise rates and shrink their balance sheets as I'm sure they know the consequences but that too will be extreamly damaging to the dollar and confidence in the US - Both outcomes will be very good for gold.

Oh god.

If that kinda bill is passed that's the beginning of the end. Sure the fed understands that it can't win either way but it'd still be far less damaging to the economy to not flush the USD down the toilet altogether. Can we trust they'd stick with the right decision or are they really so dumb they'll think they can get away with it again by just conjuring up more money?

I'm expecting the EUR area to be fucked by association as well. Feels very comfy holding EURs right now.

Either way I'm thinking if that spending is gonna happen then the economy is possibly gonna be ruined no matter what the fed does. Seems like a good time to bail into deflationary assets, no matter what they are as long as they're deflationary

How can I profit from
>the upcoming economic happening
? Asking for a friend

Depending on the level of happening
>hold cash
>stock up on guns, food, heroine and metals

>Can we trust they'd stick with the right decision
the right decision would have been to never start qe in the first place. There is going to be no clean way out of this mess, due to my understanding of human nature I believe it more likely they will try and kick the can down the road for as long as they can, rate hikes will be called off in order to keep the government debt manageable and the house and stock bubbles inflated. The US gov. can't even keep up with the interest on the debt with interest rates being at this historic low, a rise in interest will be catastrophic for them. Trump has also taken ownership of the stock market qe bubble, with his new fed chair in position I'm sure he will be begging for him to 'do the political' to coin his own phrase. Hyperinflation seems the most likely outcome to me based upon this speculation, in dollar terms the stock market will likely continue to rally, but in real terms it will go through the floor with the dollar

>the right decision would have been to never start qe in the first place
Yeah lol, kind of late for that now. I agree they should have dealt with the depression in a free market and not bailed out with QE and more debt. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with just using a deflationary currency?

>due to my understanding of human nature I believe it more likely they will try and kick the can down the road for as long as they can
>rate hikes will be called off in order to keep the government debt manageable and the house and stock bubbles inflated
Fuck, I'm starting to think you might turn out to be absolutely right.

>but in real terms it will go through the floor with the dollar
That's literally what will happen, if stocks start rallying tomorrow and the plunge protection team sends them to new highs we'll be in absolutely fucking massive trouble in the near future. Will be buying scarce assets if there's no confirmation of the fed and the reality star coming to their senses.

>what is mining
>how does a blockchain work

>a rise in interest will be catastrophic for them
And yeah, this is what I was referring to as the rigth decision. Just suck it up, they knew it was gonna happen. No reason to make it even worse so that it wipes out the entire economy in one fell swoop when it gets delayed again

because inflation save the gov literally billions of dollars.
everyone aim for a 2% inflation since its distortionary effects are low and while saving a fuckton on the debt side

The economy was already one swoop away from total collapse in 2008.
One bank run and it would've been all over with blood in the streets and burning cities.

I made you a meme user

consider the following; if everyone went to get their money out of the bank at the same time, for every $1000 you have you would get 6 cents

- pillaging of supermarkets and pharmacies
- no more gasoline

Be trapped in your basement defending your stack of food and occasionally go out and shoot a cat for the bbq.

Great times, if i wasnt living in a muslim nigger society once called Holland.

another meme i made

It's just an additional tax, one that's getting hard to protect oneself from. Absolutely rigged.

Yeah, this time it can happen. The economy hasn't improved much at all apart from stocks gaining "value".

Fucking accurate. We're the ones laying at both tracks

what happening user?

oh you mean flippening

The first quote is still legendary m8

Funnily enough I have a small hedge in crypto and it's all in XLM

btw, I'm thinking stocks might be a hedge as well? If QE keeps happening and stocks pump like crazy, they'll retain their value much better than USD. Holding some stocks as well in anticipation of that might not be a poor idea.

or maybe I'm just being retarded now. If USD collapses then stocks surely won't retain their appreciation eventually like precious metals would

Get off the tracks whilst you can

Just buy foreign stocks or bet against dollar on forex.

>The first quote is still legendary m8
Funny thing is Greenspan is starting to sound all doom and gloom now as well
>If QE keeps happening and stocks pump like crazy, they'll retain their value much better than USD
yes but theres more risk to it

Already bailed my RRSP into cash lol
/r/investing screaming HODL as always

Made a concrete survival draft here

First buy any physical commodities necessary for survival for at least a couple of months. Make sure you can defend your ownership if shit really hits the fan

Remaining wealth
- cash 30%
- reasonably valued stocks 15% - 20% (avoid things like Google and Faceberg)
- crypto 5%, maybe even more
- the rest into metals such as copper and gold, anything you can come by. maybe something like lithium might be a fun experiment?

I'm not sure about a time frame, but what I've gathered from people I've spoken to and also from this forum is that the next major economic crisis is likely to be a global one from which there is no escape. Sounds pretty terrifying honestly.

but, i mean, that's literally econ 101

Then why does nobody seem to understand it? There are millions of people cheering for inflation even when it's responsible for most of the things that are wrong with our economy

This. Time to see if all our meme magic works - get the fiat out of your hands asap. Ride it out. You can get debit cards etc hooked up to cryptos - use that instead of banks.

You truly are the most based trip. We're all gonna make it brahs

because normies don't even understand what the federal reserve is

Fuckin checked and confirmed. Trip city here in this thread. Lotta truth.

Thanks for feeding my ego anons, were all gonna make it


>economic crash.
>not having a job that is vital to legal/public services such as police.

To think if the world goes tits up, i'll probably get a pay rise.


oops dear me

Hear me out.

What would have to happen for hyperflation to set in? I mean, QE was supplying banks with trillions of dollars, no? Wouldn't they have to flood the market somehow? How did QE not immediately cause hyperinflation?

possibly relevant to the thread, our good guy peter schiff is having a debate with some crypto head

sextuple has spoken
time to become gay

So far QE has been contained relatively well inflation-wise but if they start printing money now it's gonna get out of hand.


This is now a gaysecks thread

truly the blessings of kek are upon us


>How did QE not immediately cause hyperinflation
inflation is the expansion of the money supply, qe was hyperinflation, if you asking why there wasnt a massive increase in prices, this is why:
The price level is determined by the quantity of money and the velocity of money (how much people are spending based on their confidence) to put this in an equation it would look like this: Price Level = Q x V. Velocity had a massive decline in 2008 and has not recovered since since the real economy is still in the toilet, that way the massive increase in quantity has not been shown in the price level, when the economy fully recovers all that extra quantity will come out of hiding. The other part of the answer is that there has been massive inflation, the natural market forces demanded deflation in 2008, stock market crash, house prices, wage decreases etc. Its very important to understand that preventing deflation is still inflation

I mean honestly I’d still be the US.
For everything that’d go wrong, there’s still more positives to our economy than anywhere else, and the cascading effects would hurt everyone else more.

qe has gone beyond preventing delfation and has reinflated massive bubbles in housing and stocks

great answer, also see the charts posted in the medium article at the start of the thread. there's no denying that QE has been propping all the traditional markets you can think of, banks directly admit this

BOJ is by far the worst, they own like 70% of all Japanese ETFs iirc

you fucking faggot

I've seen that one too. There was a link to the zerohedge source in the medium article

What can I doooo?

>Velocity had a massive decline in 2008 and has not recovered since since the real economy is still in the toilet, that way the massive increase in quantity has not been shown in the price level, when the economy fully recovers all that extra quantity will come out of hiding.
Just to add to this if you look at historys most famous hyperinflation, Weimar, they started printing in 1918 but the massive consumer prices spike didn't occur until 1922/23

here we go, you just need to go full schizo and be a doomsday prepper

Meh I think that's overdoing it, but I'm also not gonna take the risk of holding most of my wealth on this house of cards and seeing how long it can keep going. Worst that can happen by taking safe hedges is that you miss out on the tiny stock market gains and your assets might go down a bit on their own, but you can't go to near zero like the system one day might.

The US, it is very large and are very divided, it also has a lot of stable institutions which protect the citizens.
Even if 90% of the country where to get slammed into rubbles, you could still be safe and comfortable if you are in the right place.

Holy shit what is the ECB doing (starting from’15)? Propping up Greece ? Deustche bank?

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