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Not really, look at some of the BCH advocates all alpha chad looking (Roger ver, craig s wright, some others too) ....if you look at the corecucks they're all ugly, overweight neckbeards.
>Ain't no such thing as an ugly billionaire, I'm cute
Vitalik looks like a slav model, just needs to fix his virgin hair.
>why all the people in crypto ugly
>the most important people in crypto are programmers and coding autists
>coding autists mostly spend their time literally punching in their keyboards all day, away from exercise, sunlight and social interaction
That's your answer OP
Notice how the cancer in crypto are usually the socially adjusted normalfags like Ver, Justin Sun, etc
What the fuck did you just fucking say about my looks, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my philosophy class, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret blockchain projects, and I have over 300 confirmed smart contract transactions cleared. I am trained in Javascript and I’m the top speaker in the entire cryptosphere. You are nothing to me but just another pajeet. I will wipe your wallet out with the precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of hackers around the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your portfolio. You’re fucking finished, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can destroy your networth in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in hacking, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable wallet off the face of the blockchain, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking broke, kiddo.
everyone in scam coins tries to look presentable, because it's the only thing they have
you wouldnt say this to his face, bitchboy
He needs to eat more, do some exercise and do something with his skin
He has good genes
? he was a gucci runway model before getting into programming
such a waste though:
>Aesthetic face
>Naturally lean
>Rich AF
...would literally be a god amongst men if he lifted and took care of himself.
can you imagine the amount of pussy he must get...girls would drop there panties for this guy.
This is actually a good point never buy a coin from good looking people. You want all your devs to look like this guy.
daily reminder vitalik is most likely more attractive than 80% of this board.
>Incredibly defined and properly developed jaw
>good full cheekbones
>eyes well supported by bone mass
bad points:
>temples too large, need to have the bone shaved down to get rid of the light-bulb head appearance
>grow hair out/lower hairline
he looks absolutely normal, just shitty skin, but i believe that can be fixed with a few billion dollars
he's on a starvation diet because it's proven to increase lifespan by a fuckload.
this is me. i was lifting for awhile, but then i fucked up my routine because I quit my job and trade shitcoins all day (and night)
thats why you are supposed to hodl. hodlers have time for lifting unlike traders
Sounds legit
Ahahahahahahahahahaha. I love you man
it's so marginal and you have better odds by donating to SENS.org and hoping they develop their therapies. It's no co-incidence that Vitalik donated to them.
jew celebrating his escape from concentration camp. - colorized ca 1944
Don't be confused by his intelligence, Buterin is a looker
has to wear a name tag else they think its some rusky kid straight outta crimea or something ... funny
putting that asside, i'd much rather see those people succeed than us-american trash you see on pleb television
also funny Nicolas Pimpleface Merton ... almost feel sorry but what for? guys doing well for himself ... sad he can't afford some clearsil though
chances are he got attacked by gutter rats if thats where he lives ...
buterin's brain is attempting to escape it's meat prison, why would it strength its captors?
Do you hate yourself? Is that why you hate others on internet? That's really sad man, maybe you should go to therapy or something with that kind of problems
I think he’s cute.
Because it's not Chads who should get he wealth but neet and nerds. Can't have it all.
what??? they're not :)
self-criticism is at the core of self-improvement - pointing out superficial shit on the interwebs is shitposting ...
seriously though, you should consider a career becoming a psychic or something - i'm sure that'll work out for ya buddy
I'd never trust ugly people with my money, they've been bullied their whole life and are probably misanthropic as fuck.
> people in scams look presentable and charismatic
> people in legit tech look like legit nerds
wow its almost as if...
lol are you implying that billionaires and top management in corporations, hedge funds, government, etc are not also misanthropic
you should listen to biz and take psychedelics, would probably do you a world of good.