
Who's buying this shit?

Same people who bough Davor and Bitconnect.

Price predictions for end of month?

10k comfy
holding til 2020 or whatever, only small $ lost if it goes to 0.

upside potential though is beyond mars

Hodling 13k here, if you don't see the value here you're honestly retarded

>beyond mars
>can only reach 1 dollar max

Strongly considering it. Seems legitimate enough and it's close enough to the ICO price that I can't be losing that much cash if it does go tits up.

what's with the FUD about the conference being a sham?

In every fucking thread we see this shitposting

your brain can only reach 1 IQ

That's just trolling.

can't believe how stupid you fags are falling for this pump and dump scam

if you value your money stay out of this

Close... holy shit

Does the Koran permit crypto coin

What do you think?

do yourself a favour and google al maktoum

It depends on the announcement. According to the team, they're going to announce with the sheik himself.

Remember how the marketcap is suppose to relfect tokenized assets plus speculation?

Suppose they announce that SEED has exchange 10bn in assets for JNT.... this will be a be between cardano and BCH.... next week.

IF you're not holding in anticipation you're a fucking fool.

yes, 100% halal. pic related.

Better question is who the fuck hasn’t bought this yet. This is a 10x by next week.

when is the conference?

Depends on the Sheikhs availability, but sometime in the next 2 weeks

22k will I make it?


TFW only 8k

Yeah, it's the classic PnD chart. You can clearly see where the fuckers behind this dumped on the noobs. This is not an accumulation pattern at all.

you're not scamming me again, I know this shit is hardcoded to be max 1$

Good fucking luck trying to turn a profit on this scamcoin.

Are you guys even trying?

whats your problem habibi? scam didnt work out very well did it?

not really no


noone is accumulating this
there is nothing to see here

Its not made to be $1 are you retarded read the whitepaper fucking indian pajeets here

Dude, are you dumb? I was sarcastically contradicting the guy calling it a PnD.