Got 12.000 USD from parents to invest in crypto. Can I make a million this year?

Got 12.000 USD from parents to invest in crypto. Can I make a million this year?

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Not with 12 dollars.

>12 dollars
Never gonna make it

All on Tron my nigga

>$12... Enjoy staying poor forever!

Unironically this
Coin burn in the next few weeks
Will hit $1 eoy at least that’s a 20-25x profit

Invest in nano I here it's the real sleeper OP Ignore the FUD

This is obvious larp by some european faggot.

They use periods over there instead of commas, so 12.000 = 12,000

bunch of slack jawed faggots, go kill yourself eurotrash

hearing a lot of good things about bitgrail and nano

put it in tether

He said 12k USD you fucking moron he could be in Europe and have gotten 9k Euros he probably figured most people understand USD here. Fuck how old are you

>9 Euros
definitely not going to make it

Incest in LINK


Master race european

Yes I got 10k €

Unironically all in on XLM. Easily top 3 EOY.

since when there are 1000 cents in a dollar

> 12$
dude, if you try hard you can make it 5$

Audiocoin definitely

Burger too retarded to understand EUR-> usd lmao

ezpz you just need to double your money 8 times.

If you go 50/50 split on two high potential players
Sell when we fee euphoric again but back at 40% dip,
Do that for two dips,
You'll be close to 7 figs

buy these
thank me eoy

>since when there are 1000 cents in a dollar

>> 12$
>dude, if you try hard you can make it 5$
You are a special kind of stupid

no thanks, ill take some risks and invest in:


What about IOTA?

so do you ever say this stuff in your head before writing it?

No, they don't. Because using a period instead of a comma is clearly shitfuckretard level 13.


Sign up for BitMEX since you're European. Open up a 50X long, have your 1 million in less than a week. Truly simple as that user. Use my reference for 10% off in fees.

I actually didn't do a good job explaining this so here goes. With 12K USD of BTC you can buy as much as 1.2 MILLION dollars worth of BTC on margin. I would recommend 25X margin though, which would give you ~37.5 BTC. For every dollar that BTC goes up, you make $37.50. If BTC were to go to 9K you would make about 37 thousand dollars after fees.

It's called thousands seperator. Most of Europe uses a dot for this instead of a comma.

Sounds very risky lol

Sounds very risky... I don't want to gamble the 10k away like that.

hey you giant fagotty collection of grease, gtfo out with your clinton ideology of trying to press your shitty half assed ideas onto other people.

The same guys who use commas instead of periods, still use the retarded imperial system


Only if you invest in JNT


Burgers are so fucking stupid. Oh wait, they just pretending they are retarted.

i made 101.9 dollars in 2 days, come at me bro

digits upcoming confirm congo-tier lifestyle

European her.

Most of my friends (also biz nerds since years) are seeing IOTA very positive and have 10-20% in it. Me just a 1%, but I am very diversified.
My point for IOTA is, first autonomous cars have to be on streets, before IOTA gets interesting. I think this will not happen the next years. But anyway IOTA maybe can be used for upcoming autonomous trucks. But also trucks (Tesla, Mercedes, ...) need a few more years.

TL;DR: Iota maybe too hyped in europe, cause european country and Germany 30% automotive GDP.

Learn TA and use test net for a while until you get good at it. It's the only way in crypto that you can get massive gains even in a bear market

All in JNT. Not kidding.

Nothing more needs to be said


go all in tether OP


Most of the World*

any tips please?

discard eth
discard ltc
buy bto
buy hpb

Use low leverage starting out, less than 5X. Yes you can make a fuck ton of money using 100X but you can also lose a lot of money that way. I recommend just throwing like .10-.05 in to start out with that way if you completely screw yourself, you don't lose much sleep over it

if you are a noob dont use all 12k at once start with a hundred. you will make many mistakes and lose alot of money at first before you start making any imo

yes but only if you go all in on chainlink