/JPMC/ JPMorgan Chase General

>JPMorgan Chase

>Website: Coming soon
Bounty on website 60k JPMC
>Whitepaper: Coming soon
Bounty on Whitepaper 30k JPMC
>Increasing number of people buying
>ED listing - (EtherDelta is not working well atm)

Seeems like the most stupid shit to buy ever

I'm down for this OP


Send me some JPMC and i'll match it upto 10,000 (buying from ED to get some volume) half price JPMC win:win

Reported and saged faggot. I’ll keep reporting these fake scam coin threads every time


Send 10K, will support vastly.

I was gonna do the white paper but 30 is a little low, might need to talk with the creator.

The purpose of the coin is to serve as a "Fuck you" to JPMorgan.

How does that make it a scam coin? It was distributed on Veeky Forums.
Fuck yourself.

SeeI wonder who could be behind this post..

Current pricing from last sales is 10,000 for 0.06 ETH. This seems to be the going rate approx.

it screws over regular dumb people who fall for the scam while JPMorgan is unaffected; how is it not a scam?

Where do you even buy this shit?

Doesn't have to be a complicated whitepaper. Just a PDF with some rudimentary info, nothing overly technical. Just a basic explanation of the coin... which is simple

>Dumb people
No dumb person has fell for it. The point is to get it to the point of popularity wherein JPMorgan Chase are forced to deny they have any connection with it. Thus publicity.
It's not a scam, it's not a trick, there was never any intention for it to come across as the real thing. (Although shills may have gone overboard)

People might buy it to spite JPMorgan. That's fair enough.

EtherDelta or see in the Telegram if anyone is selling

Send 50K tokens to me, OP.

I just want to have it so I can show off to my friends that I have X millions of crypto in my crypto wallet.


So many shills are trying to sell this as an actual JPMorgan product; so that's not entirely honest, is it user?
JPMorgan won't care or deny anything before it gets media attention, which it won't.

where are my JPMCoins???

And? Shills do the same for every other coin too. People are buying, people are sharing the coin, word is spreading. That's all that matters. If it happens to pump in price because of this, then fair enough.

>JPMorgan Chase
Hey JPMorgan, can you stop post your stupid coin at Veeky Forums?
We will not buy it. You can post everyday. GTFO.

keep us updated please

Me too dude, everday this shit post from a JPMorgan employee.

>He missed the distribution

This is obviously Jeremy a that faggot

>give away hundreds of thousands to some unknown address
>give away thousands in first threads
>never give away tokens in other biz threads
Seems like a typical ponzi, you're not trying to fuck up with JPMorgan, you're scaming people into believing this is what you intend to do when in really you're looking for a quick buck, even out of your fellow biznessman

Only way you lowlife indian jews can gain in crypto is to create PnD's? You must feel so selfmade, good job...

The dev has 400k~ tokens. Some addresses he gave out to have more. Also, they gave away in every thread for days hence over 500+ tx's
I think they're still giving them away too just not as sparingly now

Pnd? Can you read?

Fucking shit, I posted an address in early thread and didn't get anything
Sage reeee

Post address

>Not liking money.

What the fuck is wrong with you pajeets?

can i have some


I have posted my address in all threads that I could see from the 2nd JPMC thread to today and never received anything

>provoking (((them)))
>committing securities fraud
Stop trying to fuck everything up, I hope you get raped in prison


in on new biz coin


Never got any tokens from previous threads, let me join the fun


WTF seriously? Me too.

But here again 0x681F5f136c931dD59Aac488cfcF1db5abB0fE0a4

You already have some

help bro i never win anything

wow you actually delivered, thx


Sent some gas the other day, more people need to chime in.

contract address is



Haven't got any yet. If you end up sending, thanks

now go help the coin

My friend actually works at JPMC lol, I could ask him to talk about it but I have a feeling the people there wouldn't give a fuck

I think the best way is to have it trending on twitter or something with some kind of bullshit message like "occupy blockchain" or something in that vein.

all ERC20 tokens are "fake scam coins" anyway

someone give me addres is 0x0093A6eEA483C958A4CEDa0f9105Ae723b277535 been trying to get some for the last few days

Been wanting to help w/ this but I've been banned.

Send me some of that good JPMC and I'll get to work, boss.


This is the kind of thinking thats good
Shills took over and tried pawning it off as a real "leaked" JPMorgan coin which is obviously bullshit and not gonna fly



Haven't received any

never recieved my shitcoins



put me in coach

hit me up with some big boy

I never got any from previous threads either. Same thing with smelly coin


ty op

Go on then



yes this is occupy blockchain - good thinking user


Please help a poorfag user out. I posted in the Reddit thread and didn't get any. Guys, they might make us a buyout offer. Thanks OP.



pls gib pls!

i wish that faggot on teamspeak would shut the fuck up about this chair. i actually wish he would leave all together. i cannot stand listening to this legit 100% faggot.

You are to cease and desist immediately or be served

>a major financial institution saying they have nothing to do with this coin will surely make people want to buy them more.


>Autism Delta not working right now
Lol when the fuck is it ever working?

pls send me my way some

Send some shill coin my way plz
