Why is the cost of living in America so fucking high? A fucking rented apartment costs more than a thousand goddamn dollars a month in my state.
Why is the cost of living in America so fucking high...
Just depends on where you are.
There's nothing near me that's 1k a month - but I have a friend in a town around midland texas who has a mini mansion with that cost like 180k - with a mortgage around 1100 a month.
Just stop being poor user
OP I live in DC near a university. I pay 1.6k a month for a 2 room apartment.
Feels great man.
because the system is designed for people to be slaves no matter where they flee to
It costs 1,000-,1,200 pound a month for a flat on the outskirts of London...
350€/month here
t. yuropoor
I agree its fucking bullshit. Its legit 1.2k+ for a shitty studio apartment where i live
>mini mansion
>1100 a month
As a Sydneyfag, I'm fucking jealous. We get some poofta house here that costs us $700,000-$800,000, not even shitting you.
I think it's called Andrews texas.
He moved there for the Oil and gas boom around there and I was shocked when I saw how much house he got for the price.
I visited once and I wouldn't ever want to live there...but based purely on cost of living - I can see the appeal.
If you don't mind this being your view.
I rent a 1100 sqft basement floor of a single family house for $1000. Something like pic related. All utilities paid for.
An apartment around here just as big would cost nearly double that.
Northern VA
>tfw trying to find an apartment in Silicon Valley
It’s so fucking expensive though can make over 100k a year and still live pay check to pay check AAAAAAAAAAA why the fuck does a studio cost $1600 a month plus utilities AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I DONT WANT A ROOMMATE, ESPECIALLY IF I HAVE TO SHARE A 1 BED ROOM FOR $1800 A FUCKING MONTH RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Is it your parent's?
Remember that your dollarydoos are not worth as much as a US dollar ausfag
im debating on whetehre to move out of my parents house or to pay 250 a montrh to live in a house under construction thats full of smokers and cats
Ameriblubber McMansions are hideous
Daily reminder our housing market is in a bubble, especially in Sydney.
Try moving to a border town with mexico. Meals that would cost you $50 in New York are $8 here.
Stay @ hotel mama you fuck.
Save up that shitty 250 so you can buy something later for your own.
Drive till you qualify user
Literally sitting comfy in crypto waiting for ausprop bubble to pop. If we can get to flyover state US prices that would be great
Move to the Midwest or the South.
complaining about 1000 dollars a month for an apartment? go fuck yourself
you can easily pay that per week for a SHARED apartment in london
The cost of living in the USA is laughably low compared to many other first world countries outside of major cities.
>He thinks living in the US is expensive
I rent my seminary dorm for $220 a month
Wow did you see that anonymous Veeky Forums user's friend's Midland, TX home and identify it as a mcmansion??
If you're making 100k, paying 1,600 per month, and still living paycheck to paycheck, then the problem is you.
apartments in the shittiest parts of columbus, ohio are about 1k a month
it's cheaper to move down to southeast ohio, northern panhandle wv
Seriously, what the fuck? I'd kill to be making 100 grand a year. The only people bad with money seem to have a shitload of it.
Then move to the countryside. If you're on welfare even better, move out of the country and into 3rd world ones like the Philippines. You can actually live there for $500 a month in the provinces. Just have someone you know and can trust so they can help you out. Locals there overcharge at ridiculous prices once they see you are white. They think you're rich immediately because of the color of your skin.
Problem is CA jews you on taxes. 100k after state and fed is done with it is more like 50-60k. Suddenly 1.6k rent is a third of your take-home. I mean that's still plenty and he's a faggot if he can't do it, but it's not exactly Mr Moneybags either.
this right here. CA is a communist state. 100k/yr there is not amazing.