What is the point of XRP when there is XLM
As far as I can tell, XLM does everything XRP does except more
What is the point of XRP when there is XLM
As far as I can tell, XLM does everything XRP does except more
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XRP is like XLM with jews
What's the point of you when I do everything you do except more?
I have both so who cares
OP is retarded.
He doesn't know the dev can dump billions of xlm.
He doesnt know they give xlm away for free.
He doesnt know they can print more coins.
He doesnt know that stellar network doesnt need xlm.
He doesnt know that its not decentralized.
Thanks for answering my question.
I like bait
I think you're talking about XRP.
>He doesnt know they can print more coins.
>He doesn't know the dev can dump billions of xlm.
this is wrong with xlm and xrp
>He doesnt know they give xlm away for free.
partially wrong
>stellar doesn't give away XLM to institutions
>institutions just git clone stellar and setup their own network, crashing the price of lumens
>stellar gives away XLM to institutions
>institutions use it and it becomes a worldwide payment network replacing many antiquated systems, thus making the price rise
Whats the point of any crypto? Whats the point to blockchain? Its just a bubble of ponzi schemes. People who already have actual money have no interest in new forms of money. This is just the retard train which will crash soon.
If people think that institutions are going to spend hundreds of millions or billions just to use a crypto when they can fork the code they're deluded
Fork the code then it becomes centralized?
Institutions like centralization.
>what's the point of your shitcoin?
>my shitcoin can do all that things too
>fuck you, my shitcoin's better, drop your shitcoin
Nobody cares, the market is going to verify all of them at some point.
Wtf that chart makes no sense
What part of it doesn't make sense to you? X axis is time of average transaction, Y axis is fee of average transaction.
I hold xlm.
I just argue for the free market's sake.
VeChain is decentralized and plenty of institutions are using it.
Why would institutions prefer centralization, it provides a greater security risk. You make no sense you’re an idiot.
xlm is a clone of xrp... but "for the people"
Except it's faster, cheaper, and offers icos and has a decentralized exchange built on its platform and working on a fiat exchange with a company that plays a part in 95% of all ATMS in the US.
Literal JEWS
Their SJW children
Both of these coins represent everything that is wrong in this world.
Don’t try to fight the Jews user... you should know this.
Be a good goyim
piss of kike
>not making money off of the Jews and sjws
anyone got the leaked IBM documents ?
You’re welcome
I literally don’t see any reason not to grip this SJW coin with hard knuckles. This price right now seems to be the ground floor
>anyone got the leaked IBM documents ?
Please don't mess with my emotions user. Explain yourself.
>no whitepaper
>closed source
yeah real 'decentralized'
thanks man
Decentralized as in needing node holders to secure the network...
VEN doesn’t need to prove itself with a white paper.
Seriously doing everyone on this forum a massive favor by shilling VEN & XLM
They will be top performers 2018
Proof those are legit leaked documents?
Any cunt can make that shit. Fuck off shills. Really glad i bought XLM before fairx release that was end of January.
Anyone know what the leaked IBM documents are? Fags on Reddit are saying they will ban anyone posting.
They seem legitimate, I work for a multi billion company and accidentally stumbled into exec ppt’s. The layout is pretty similar.
I’d be surprised if a pajeet had the time and energy to put them together. It probably was someone like me in IBM who stumbled onto the document and leaked it, not hard
If it's not open source by definition it is not decentralized
can anyone rehost on a site that doesn't suck?
It will be revealed soon I believe
XRP is like a US company
XLM is like a global non profit
both will impact greatly
Click on one of the links then opt to be a free member
These slides look very authentic, tired corporate execs made them not pajeet moon children
Someone tl;dr these slides for me? I am a literal retard and need it dumbed down.
explain this
If someone believes this shit he deserves to get scammed for everything they got.
At this point in Crypto we have reputable companies posting announcements that turn out to be false, but you are going to believe some supposed "leaked" IBM document that nobody knows where it came from? How pajeeted can you get?
Reddit cucks don’t want you to post these leaked documents reddit.com
IBM wants banks to all use its hyperledger settlement later (that is hosted on Stellar network)
XLM can be used as a bridge currency from fiat to fiat transfer. IBM also suggesting banks can create their own digital fiat currencies using Stellar network.
holy shit, their own "digital fiat" like global-institutionalized ICOs?
Oh neat. Thanks user.
Riiight.. Some shill spends hours to create a leaked document that look authentic as fuck that even cites journals for what exactly? A couple of cent increase in XLM price?
Ultimately seems nothing but more formalization of what we already know. Also the dates on these are pretty old - July 2017?
IBM its connections with banks + central banks worldwide to connect them with Stellar network. Central Banks, in an ideal world, will tokenize their fiat, and put them on SDEX, which will make inter-currency transfers far simpler/faster/cheaper. XLM can be used as a bridge to convert fiat to fiat for any currency, or particularly those countries which dont have a use for the one in trade.
Pair these files with:
McCalebs interview: blockzero.show
IBM Lund Blog: linkedin.com
Thx. Just bought 100k
So glad I bought in in September
Also, check IBM hiring more Stellar Devs
reminder the xlm devs literally said they would airdrop millions of xlm to dirt farming africans to "spread the wealth"
just lol if you are holding this shit while they can dump an absurd amount of supply on you at any time
>sharing confidential info is inherently wrong
yeah, they can make their own ETFs, oil contracts, mortgages, you fucking name it bud
I see where Dowling got his FairX logo idea from
>redd*tors are insufferable faggots, more news at 11
Check it out goys
central banks
The Stellar network is gonna be the standard public network to support money transfer and any other data. Those slides are good indication of that. And it's not just speculation at this point. Eventually XLM may become the globally recognized standard currency. And I'm saying this as I'm holding barely any of the XLM I previously owned. The market is unstable right now but if cryptos ever go anywhere XLM will be the one leading the pack
This is good indication of the brilliance they have with their thinking. This is a serious effort of actually making something that is worthwhile
I know this might be a stupid and repeated question but with stellar going global, IBM coming in, 18b coins,1% inflation, what's the max price it can reach and what's the price it should be at, because currently it's way undervalued.
Millions of $ are being pumped into Africa as development aid. $ is still a valid currency.
Weww lad.
OP here
Just got banned trying out posting on this account
Guys this coin is the safest bet you can make in crypto: the XRP run up will seem paltry what this coin will do in 2018. This little rocket has potential to be the true international currency.
I suggest a rebrand from the rocket but time will tell
Wet dream stab at a price from redd*t
For the sake of argument, let’s assume the entire supply of 100 billion Lumens has already been distributed. As mentioned earlier, Lumens are used to pay for transactions on the Stellar network (currently 0.00001 Lumen per transaction), and Lumens act as a bridge currency. For the purposes of transaction fees, the supply of Lumens is probably more than enough to meet that need. For the purposes of bride currency, it’s a different story. One source estimated that the worldwide total number of non-cash transactions (checks, credit cards, etc.) in 2011 was over 400 trillion US dollars, or roughly 1.1 trillion US dollars per day. Even if Stellar were to handle only 25% of all those transactions, Stellar would need at minimum 275 billion US dollars of bridge currency available each day, which would set the price of a Lumen at $2.75 each. However, for things to run smoothly, there must be adequate reserves of bridge currency, especially in times of crisis. It has been suggested that banks have a 30 day supply of reserves, so we could expect the same of the bridge currency. Since the Lumen supply is fixed at 100 billion (not including 1% inflation), the Lumen price should be 30 times $2.75, or $82.50 for each Lumen. Throw in other factors that further restrict the circulating supply of Lumens, like people holding onto Lumens as investments instead of spending Lumens, and the price of each Lumen will increase further. And since Lumens are purchased on exchanges, market forces may drive up the price even more. You get the idea.
This is just a hypothetical case to explain why I believe the value (price) of the Lumen will be much higher than it is today, even with the large supply. Whether you agree with that explanation or not, it is reasonable to expect that the inherent value of Lumens will increase as adoption and use of the Stellar network increases.
great explanation and with more adoption the only thing we need is decoupling from BTC ,no more BTC goes down XLM goes down as well, plenty of shitcoins have gone from cents to $$ and don't see any reason why XLM wont be above a dollar before EOM.
When CNBC and Mad Money start shilling this to American public
When everyone wakes up to this if IBM turns this into a reality. Things will become very interesting
That's a good explanation, but there is a big if.
>if Stellar were to handle only 25% of all those transactions
That's a fucking big IF
anyone got source on the leaks? I just fucking found out GIVE ME SOURCEEEEEEEEEEEE
I hope this guy makes it. I'm not in XLM but we all believe in our own coins.
That’s only taking into account XLM as a currency bridge. Then there’s the potential adoption of XLM as an accepted international currency, XLM/alt pairings, ICO’s being launched off it etc
The rabbit hole goes deep
Buy some, user.
XLM/ALT is coming with FairX and not speaking as an ALT holder, but XLM is the best currency for trading, cheap,almost no fee, better than ETH and BTC
I ironically I have a 6 figure portfolio. I always say "i don't have enough" to invest in others. I might sell some of my alts for this
What other cryptos are you holding? To me it seems like there's an extremely limited number of projects with a future.
I'm only where I'm at because of Tron. Bought at ico and put in $4k. I still hold a little bit of it. I hold btc, eth, trx, qtum, icx, and just added gto (going up currently)
I'm quite sure you shouldn't be holding TRX at this point.
>implying im not a dirt farming african
you can say that about any crypto. there is no point to doing it unless you can get a significant amount of people to switch to your network , and why would they when you just stole the code and offered no added value?
I believe in it. No reason for me not to hold it. Once main net happens in March it's a waiting game before it goes up again
What is the point of it, in short? What real world use is confirmed
No institution is gonna use a Free system that isnt backed by a company. Reason linux and open office are shit.
XRP is centralized and the majority is owned by the system.
XLM and XPR are both trying to enter banking.
Ask yourself user.
Do banks like decentralization?
These are the only 2 coins I hold.
66% XLM 33% VEN
Banks aren't using xrp. They are making their own tokens. Ibm documents and Jed's interview confirm this.
he's emotionally tied to the gains, not the coin. there's literally nothing TRX has to offer
I recommend you looking into it yourself. But bbiggeeestt user case as of now would be oBike. Rumor is Grab will hop on the train later on. If oBike partnership is seen as successful.....I see no reason why more partnerships wouldn't come. TRX will also be integrated into a couple apps as Well. So overall no doubt Tron will be actually used. I see many coins out there that have no use cases, no adoption, nothing. At least Tron will be successful this year for sure. And i think its impressive that its been top 15 for quite some time now. If you're wondering I hold 2 million trx.
Linux runs the entire Internet, dude. Who cares about desktops, every Top 500 computer runs Linux, every critical system where uptime has to be maximized runs Linux.
Linux won and no one realized it.
I can only hope that what I hold is massed adopted.
Give the nogs 10 XLM to spend on shit. I have 100K so I'm good.
Are you fucking retarded? Coming from someone majoring in computer science....this is all we use. Every institution uses Linux.
Wow, where the fuck do you tards come from?
You proablly want BTC to die
you know nothing about the world
can you please fuck off and never come back
>literally all the internet runs on Linux
every bank and network uses loonix retard
user, glad you made money. Seriously. But look at their Roadmap - it lists the year 2023. That's 5 years from now.