How do I fix my life?

I am a 30 old friendless virgin. All I got for me is being able to survive on day trading. How do I become successful?
I want to be a part of a community. I want friends, a wife and children.

I was a heroin addict and complete loser, into the occult and all kinds of depressing crap. Only Jesus could set me free desu. I can promise you 100% that if you take the smallest tiniest piece of faith, fall on your knees and ask Him to reveal Himself to you, He will. Your entire life will change. I'm living proof.

Start a business that works in your community?

Do something nice for others. Do some volunteer work, grow your community. Other people want to be with you when they realize you care about others


you need a job to move money into crypto so you can in time transition

This desu

Have a shower and shave daily.
Have a strong handshake and make eye contact when meeting new people.

Volunteer with a local charity. Any of them. Criticise the ladies in it jokingly. They will refer you to friends.

Ladies that volunteer have time, money and social circles.

Shilling jebus on da 4chins?
Begone pleab

Good advice?
You also begone from my biz pls

Get some nice clothes, go to church, find yourself a nice girl.

Alternatively, just see an escort ffs mate, bedore you blow your braims out.

It's not healthy to be alone like that.

You're all want and no do brah.

he is right you know

Don't you know that in order to preserve western civilization, we all have to embrace jesus christ and christianity? Atheism was just a sad phase.


this desu
god has a wonderful plan for your life

all the scamming pajeets on this board don't give a shit about preserving western civilization.

Veeky Forums is a Christian anime website

Dont really care.
Most people are very very stupid so joining a cult makes them feel good. Part of something.
I for one am hoping for a holy war. IRL I shill evangelical nonsense all the time too. Invasion of the shitskins when?

>fall on your knees and ask Him to reveal Himself to you
I’m sorry but that wasn’t Jesus. You blew a homeless guy while withdrawing from opiates.


0x949d9f0350e97b09445461343fae1ca5dcfc71ec send eth and i will be your Best friend forever ever ever

see like I said... a bunch of fucking pajeets.

Tell that to the people that got raped, tortured and murdered you delusional fag

>mfw the homeless guys name was in fact Jesus


Get Veeky Forums, browse /pol/'s /sig/ general

All of this

> Volunteer with a local charity. Any of them. Criticise the ladies in it jokingly. They will refer you to friends

No, what you want to do is

> Volunteer with a local charity
> Any of them
> Walk into the office on first day
> Find the first female in office
> Go behind her
> Get down on knees, place hands on her asscheeks, bury your nose deep in between her cheeks and SNIIIIIFFFFFFFFFF
> They will refer to you as friends

foot in the door for all dem daughters/granddaughters

just kys already op

I realize you are probably called losers by 99% of society, but you were created with a purpose and plan, and you are selling yourself so vastly short by sitting in the basement all day.

"Seek hye first the kingdom of heaven and all these things will be added into you"

Man up, take a shower, shave your neckbeard, get a job, and start saving Western Civilization and spreading the Kingdom of Heaven. Atheism is a Jewish meme.

>be me
>fuck my gf
>check Veeky Forums while gf in bathroom
>find this thread
>remember being lonely virgin
>have love now
>realize love and sex are incredibly overrated
>read how ChainLink mainnet goes live Friday
>cancel V-day/b-day week plans with gf so I can trade
>gf freaks out
>dump gf
>hodl bags
>watching market
>bags get heavy
>suddenly moon mission
>call gf
>take her to Puerto Rico months later

Christcucks are so fucking obnoxious holy shit

Don't you guys know that the Romans basically wrote the entirety of your book?

is that an european cat

But i am jewish...

Well, then you should realize that Christ is literally the fulfillment of all Torah and scripture. And that He is the messiah!