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What happened with RaiBlocks today that I see all this complaining?

Anyone who bought into this worthless feeless currency in an ocean of currencies is retarded though. Why would anyone run a node for this if they aren't getting paid in fees.


>What happened with RaiBlocks

Did you just wake up from coma?

Extremely puzzling to me as well. I guess the no node incentive thing is going to destroy NANO in the long run. No network if there are no nodes. Just sit back and enjoy.


I've heard Zack Shapiro is a accomplice.

Well kinda. Not to blogpost but I had a 12 hour shift ahead of me, couldn't sleep for it the night before, so ended up staying up for almost 2 days, was up for 32 hours straight. Came home and slept for almost 24 hours. Then woke up and had to fix my computer and install the new HDD I orders since my other one broke last week.

So yeah I've been out of it for a few days. What the fuck happened to XRB/Nano?

an accomplice*
You need to at least not seem like an Indian when spreading the truth about NANO.


Here's the quick rundown

Jesus christ, I am not surprised though. XRB looked like a scam from day 1.

Also the retard dev literally called himself a scammer on his fucking twitter profile? Are people too retarded to notice that? Imagine if fucking Sergey did that, Linkies would be all over it in under a second.

why are janitors 404ing the double spend threads?

idk if youre legit dumb or just larping


Lol at the "politization" of this
go back to /pol wih this shit no one can take this seriously.

my instinct is that this bug is not specific to bitgrail but to nano
kucoin experiencing same double withdrawals
binance down for entire day for db resync after adding nano a few days prior
no lie, watching reddit: the coin fail has me in hysterics

Wtf are u talking about newfag. /pol/ died in 2014 when moot purged it during gamergate. racism is a bannable offence there. And 8pol has been owned by jews who slide serious discussions since 2016

They own nano?

bitgrail you fucking dumbass

mfw theres actually morons on here that think a single coin listing was the cause of the 24h binance downtime LMAO
did you not read what binance wrote?
their whole cluster went offline from a datacenter that is not managed by them

Your instinct sucks balls but I aint even sure you are serious but im gonna fall for it.
People got double ETH AND LTC then bought xrb with it.

and kucoin? how many nannies are you hodling?

Yes. When I was trying to raise awareness about that everyone was calling me a fudder lel, because their xrb was locked on his scam exchange so they tried sucking his dick to calm him down

500 nano why?
5% of my portfolio if you want to know that too
why would kucoin matter?
its just another useless shitexchange like bitgrail cryptopia etc
binance is working fine as of now lmao thats what matters

Go jump in front of the highway you blind motherfucker. It was bitgrail not the devs

Anyone else unironically bought into the dip?

sorry for your lots

pajeet pls go

I am waiting for a correction since it reached 10$ the first time - to buy in.

I swear I will continue to wait until approx 5$

Me. It will do a big recovery bounce soon 12 to 34% after ppl focus on some other fud tomorrow

Because you're a kind, beautiful being who enjoys doing all the work so you can be cucked by whales.