19 years old, finally bought the car of my dream, c63 amg :)

19 years old, finally bought the car of my dream, c63 amg :)

cost me a fourth of my crypto gains but it was hella worth it.

>stealing pictures off ebay to LARP as having bought a car.

why would you do that?

Who the fuck says a fourth over a quarter.

good luck keeping it

Congrats, sick ride

>cost me 1/4 of my crypto gains
You're not gonna make it

>not buying the coupe
>not buying the S

Terrible LARP

nice blog faggot

>The absolute state of Veeky Forums
>Can't even do a fucking simple image search to see that the OP is a LARPing faggot.

noice user

Running any businesses? Also 19 and took my gains and spent them on uni/capital to grow my SMMA and ecommerce stores

also got a car too(yes I'm that guy from Veeky Forums)


a pleb-tier depreciating asset. way to spend those gains, faggot.

I love people like you... pay cash for a luxury car and have to repair components worth thousands

>the jealousy is strong with this one


OP my turbo civic will murk that car, what happened to getting a lambo or something..

What kind of loser larps like this?

18 here, I'm getting a cute porsche cayman this month



The sedan version looks shit. I prefer the coupe.
But why the fuck is the sedan so much cheaper than the coupe? Fucking mercedes


>>cost me a fourth of my crypto gains but it was hella worth it.

Nigger detected. What a waste of your fucking money. What is the point of these super cars when the speed limit is so far below the performance?

All this car will do for you is attracted a gold digger that will kill you put it the rest of your gains.

Honestly I want to have a luxary car too. I really enjoy driving.

But I am gonna do it diffrently, gonna use my crypto gains to start a relaible buisness fuck I may become a land lord or sokething.

And with those gains I am gonna buy a luxary car.

My inner investor is gonna scream and claw my face off If I do otherwise. Fuck a lambo is like 2 apartmants where I live... enough to take me rent wise out of salary man life.

0-60 is the only thign that matters anyway

Seems legit. I'd post a generic image instead of my actual car. But let me get this right; you swapped a volatile, appreciating asset for a depreciating asset with associated liabilities at a time when your appreciating volatile asset had just crashed. Are you a fucking normie?

>appreciating asset
Get the fuck out here. Quit trying to hide from your reddit suicide pact you faggot.

Why so you can shave off 2 seconds on you hour long commute? And show every one around you how bad ass you are by stepping on a gas peddle?

If Op said he spent 2.5/5 percent of gains on car then whatever.

One thing funny about this crypto shit is every one thinks we are fighting the banking system, spending gains on conspicuous consumption like this could not make the kikes happier.

>cost me a fourth of my crypto gains
>2.5/5 percent
Oh my god. If this isn't bait please kill yourself as soon as possible.

Hey faggot learn how to read

certainly not worth it but whatever youre 19. you better be pulling top quality muff in that thing.

He's not pulling anything because he pulled the picture off of an ebay listing and doesn't own shit and you are a fucking pathetic piece of shit for being completely incapable of figuring that one out.

Just because he got a picture off the internet doesn't mean he didn't actually buy one

If this is a larp by Op or not it does not matter, there are plenty of young Goys without crypto gains spending way to much money on cars, it is the complete nigger behavior, and should be called out.

If getting a fancy car is really important to you in your life think along the lines of this user
Make sure you are really set in life, don't let your easy money leave easly, use it as a base to create a wonderful and life free of finical burden.

>I admire your reading comprehension skills, goyim. Very Impressive. Now sign here -- and here.

Fighting the banks would mean never ever cashing out for fiat.
No one does that. Crypto is here to make our fiat stack bigger and nothing else. ONly selectef few autists sperg about fighting le evil banks

>Why so you can shave off 2 seconds on you hour long commute? And show every one around you how bad ass you are by stepping on a gas peddle?

There are people that like nice cars. There are people that like to drive. There are people that enjoy and feel 1 sec faster acceleration.
So yes. Absolutely.



>Fighting the banks would mean never ever cashing out for fiat.

Don't be so dogmatic on your thinking, if you made enough gains that you can cash out and use fiat to achieve finical freedom do that first then get back into crypto. No reason not To diversify gains.

I know plenty of rich people that spend ridiculous amounts of money on cars but for them it doesn't matter cuz they are already set. Also most of these peps are old bommers that were driving around shit cars earlier in life. But really whatever floats your boat.

>19 years old
lol, children

saying 911 and E63 are disgusting, but you are getting a cayman topfuckingkek kys in your fagmobile if not larp

OP confirmed for being a faggot


a mercedes why the fuck you dont bougth something with eggs.

LIke my BMW M4

This thread raises the age old question, "Why is OP such a massive faggot?"


this just goes to show money won't fix OP's eternal faggotry and shit taste.

with eggs? what the fuck does that mean

Your car is cool and happy for your gains but I've seen you post it on multiple boards now... maybe give it a rest and spam post it in like a few months or something

its eurofags going full retard again.
with eggs means with balls in german.

When you understand limited supply, come back and try again.

>he unironically doesn't understand that people buy nice cars to have fun

I think he means balls, which is important to him because he needs something to suck.

>I have never driven a fast car

It's fun you faggot

Hope you go broke in 2 years fag. 1/4 of your net worth in a depreciating asset. Kys.

why not GLE450 coupe or S63 AMG?

Your the only one who did the nice car thing right desu. You had an established business/income stream before you went shitting away a good chunk of savings on a foreign car.

theres a limited supply of my feces
doesn't mean it's gonna appreciate

Are you kind of stupid? Invest in real estates, get free money, after 2 years buy the car with the rent you get and get every month money for the rest of your life.

Actually, having a nice car can make you money if you’re a savvy entrepreneur.

>only having 1 dream car
>not having a whole garage
>not having an awsome home with that
>being 19 with only 1 of your dream cars
have fun driving your dream car into the ground while paying out the ass just to own it

i will never understand by what kind of people those piles of shit are driven. ugliest car produced by a german OEM.
by far.

in germany only muzzies want to drive a C63

>whats is the autobahn?

T.live in lib shit city where they purposely fuck up traffic. Can move faster then cars on bike at times.

Really though this human obsession with cars will go down in history as one of the biggest smol brain fuck ups ever.
Imo wasting the most valuable gift that nature has given to us, oil. In a hundred years when there is barely any oil left and industrial civilization is in ruins future generations will be looking at how absolutely retarded we were with our hydrocarbon resources.
Taking some of the most useful chemical compounds and burning them extremely inefficiently to get one day fuck from point a to point b.

Three barrels of oil contain the energetic equivalent of a human working there whole life 8 hours a day 40 years and we are wasting it so we can go vrooom, vrooomm, look how fast I can go.

Just whining, we are a failed species and gonna get fucked soon enough when oil output fails to meet ever growing demand.