Link price singularity

Do linkies in the private groups believe in AssBlaster? Too poor to get in :(

Unironically dreamt of the link price singularity last night.

Private groups? can someone give a newfag a rundown?

6,5k linkies here wants to get in private linkiegroup!

Who is this semen sergeant?

>Too poor to get in :(
Just throw in $100 and you'll be fine, man. There's a chance that you'll have a nice sum in 5 years. Probably you'll 'make it' in 10 years. You can do this with any other solid shitcoin.

From what I understand there's hope a product will be delivered 1-2 years.
At the moment LINK is proof of concept.
Banks will create their own oracles/blockchain. Sergey and the team will provide advice.

assblaster is a confirmed larper and was meant for a time when everyone had lost hope last year. He was fun it's time to move on.

That's where the tripfags share private research and track wallets now. You need 100k Link to get in.


Chinese cop. Her glasses tell her when she's looking at a wanted criminal. Wish it were science fiction.

dreamt that link went 1million next month, time to buy

So there's still time left to accumulate, nice.

Privs believe.

goddamnit, only 65k stinky here

But what get's shared there that doesn't appear here?

This kind of shit is happening to me with LINK, REQ, and JNT. I'm checking my blockfolio less which is good, but it's weird because I don't like that I *expect* to be fucking loaded in a year.

>tfw 99,999 linkies and was denied entry
>$100k in debt to the mafia so can't afford even one linkie more
why is life so cruel

That's what I want to know. Link whales paid money for someone to research the AssBlaster/Armbruster thing, but they won't share the report.

Load of time, but it is purely speculative.
If Sergey takes a back office type role there is not much more room for growth for the next year or so.
One to hold and forget about for 18 months, assuming the company doesn't go bust.

I feel you user. I deleted my blockfolio, didnt see the point of checking it while everything was crashing, but that feeling of the inevitability of lambo land is there for me too. The delusion has gripped me so hard I've already started to plan how I'm going to cash out my first mil over a 20 day period

How much link are you guys holding, if it hits 20€ I'm moving to Portugal to cash out there, after that the World is at my feet. Hope it just happens this year, tired of waiting

I had a false awakening some time ago where I checked my portfolio and link had mooned and I had a few million

Why would anyone move there? It's the country version of a poor Italian's home in the 80s.

he's proably american.

I read the tech crunch article, and I know chink technology, I think it just identifies brown people.
Which 99% correlates with wanted criminals so nobody will ever care.

We all know if it had been good new it would have ''leaked''

$1.5k EOY

Smart contracts are very interesting but only viable for blockchain assets. Their most interesting use-case is trustless casino games and prediction markets. They're never going to be used for real-life agreements. Most of real-life is centralized. A decentralized system is only as decentralized as its weakest (most centralized) link. Sure, you might be able to use oracles to relay the winner of the super bowl or the winner of a national election but you're not going to be able to accurately measure whether business A is holding up its end of the deal to business B or person X is holding up his rental agreement to person Y.

The oracle problem is overblown. If you want data from the outside world just query some APIs and take the average response. It will be good enough for 99% of use cases. Code vulnerabilities will be almost nonexistent once the formal verification tools for Ethereum get improved.

No cryptotaxes you suckers, move there for 1 year, chill, cash out and move on

And Nope no amerifag here

Shill me jibrel user. So close to buying in. Shit seems great, just worried that the extent of this Shiekh backing won't be as much as speculated.

can you tell me what so great about REQ? it looks like all the other trash out there

Smart contracts are very interesting but only viable for blockchain assets. Their most interesting use-case is trustless casino games and prediction markets. They're never going to be used for real-life agreements. Most of real-life is centralized. A decentralized system is only as decentralized as its weakest (most centralized) link. Sure, you might be able to use oracles to relay the winner of the super bowl or the winner of a national election but you're not going to be able to accurately measure whether business A is holding up its end of the deal to business B or person X is holding up his rental agreement to person Y.

The oracle problem is overblown. If you want data from the outside world just query some APIs and take the average response. It will be good enough for 99% of use cases. Code vulnerabilities will be almost nonexistent once the formal verification tools for Ethereum get improved.

You can send and recieve requests in any currency (fiat or crypto) and the REQ tokens act as fuel for the network in that they get burned as transaction fees.

fuck me now i have to go down a rabbit hole with this shit. can you give me a quick rundown on this shit?

just read the whitepaper and buy some tokens
every normie will be using request in a few years

>request in a few years
nice trips. i dont have a few years im not like you young bucks around here. Im an old NEET who needs something to pan out

I also dream about this

Testnet is live, initial mainnet this quarter, what products do you speak of?

Nice trips. Sounds interesting so far, the price is low, too. Maybe I'm going throw 100 bucks at it.

How is that different than OMG? I've read the REQ whitepaper and skimmed OMG's but they sound so similar

thats the problem all these shit coins use the same buzzwords

This is exactly how you get things that will pan out. Old or not, this is how to make the most money is by getting in on coins early not when they reach top 10.

If you're not willing to take risk then just go all in on Ethereum and be happy with your 20x you'll make this year.

.20 is not early though. Thats kinda late

They're completely different. OMG makes you your own bank. REQ you can think of it as a payment processor that accepts every currency and Crypto out there.

"Buzzwords". No retard, you just don't understand what those "buzzwords" mean and how they're used so you just label them "buzzwords" to feel better about yourself for not trying to learn something new.

when both white papers read the same then thats a problem retard

Right. They read the same. Ok. No problem. They're literally copies of each other. Even the code. All of it is just a copy-past find-replace-all "OMG" -> REQ. Boom. New coin. Thanks.


im not going to waste my time with you good luck

You need to put that pasta in the microwave, its gone stale

the mainnet is getting released next month so the price will increase then regardless grandad

>6,5k linkies here wants to get in private linkiegroup
no comma fags allowed. Decimal points only.

Are you in?