Friendly reminder

With 1$ / token, this project has still only 40 million market cap.
currently sitting around ~270 Sat / 0.018$

+ after the moon you will have literally free premium coffee directly from the source

(it is COF, not CFC which is some dead shitcoin)

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Where to buy

Waves Token
Tradeable on the WavesDex with Waves / BTC / ETH

Love it! First time i actually bought something with crypto

And people even question if we are in a bubble? Coffee coin, hooker coin and 8 years later you still cant buy anything with BTC. I know we are desperate and this bubble proves it. Wake up though people. Buy silver and gold its all coming down this year.

Woa niiiiice.
Like someone said:
"probably the most expensive coffee I ever had in the near future"

By the way faggots, currently there are 16 order left in stock.

I will pay for 2 orders.
The only thing I need is an address to send the coffee.
Tomorrow I will create a throwaway email address where you can send me an adress to send the coffee too.

Just giving something back friend0s.

You can actually buy coffee with this token.
Directly from the farmer/roaster.
My last order got roasted and shipped the next day.
The orderpage is currently a beta version just to handle the orders. The main thing will go live soon with all the input that the dude behind that is getting now.

When tomorrow?

20-26 hours from now.

Waiiiit, world wide shipping, do I have to pay customs?

I buy coffee with cash. I can choose from a variety of brands from a number of retailers and wholesalers who accept CASH. Furthermore I can buy a plane ticket with my cash and buy some of that exotic coffee in Indonesia straight from that animals that shits coffee bean's ass. Getting the idea yet? You are putting in extra steps. You are selling me a giftcard. You are delusional like the entire industry and this is a signal to buy hard assets because shit is going to crash this year. Its 2008 all over again and people are acting out of pure desperation. How many of us have useless educations? Crypto is the final bubble because its the stupidest concept of them all. So how is this better than cash? Its not. You are in crypto because you want cash and are desperate.

sounds promising, coffee is a hipster haven

Everything is here:
>Worldwide shipping via tracked email is included in the price.

No one in the slack channel had to pay customs.
Only the people in the US are semi fucked because they have to wait the longest, dunno why.

Just have an address to where the coffee should be send.

German customs actually opened one of my bags. Didnt have to pay anything but took lile a week more

t. the supermarkt that will miss some profit, the shipping industry that will miss some profit, 2-3 other companies inbetween the customer and the farmer that wont get a share of the profit.

Get fucked.
If that shit goes live we have a variety of coffee (also green beans so you can roast your own) without any dude inbetween taking some share.

Also, this is aimed for the premium coffee people, not those who buy 3$ coffee bags at malmart.

lol obvious shill.
Why wouldn't I just buy coffee with a real crypto?
What makes coffee special enough for its own chain?

The fuck really, are you in slack?
Hearing that for the first time.

I hold real assets only people getting fucked will be you cryptofags. IF that shit goes live? big IF their baby poopy diapers. Men hold gold no ifs and or buts. Muh premium coffee. Are you fucking retarded. So the greatest coffee in the world doesnt accept cash? You are delusional. No other word for it. You guys are dripping with irony. Talking like you are in the know meanwhile rich fags are taking advantage trading futures and controlling the piddly little market. Microsoft alone blows you fucks out of the water. Wake up to the real world. Coffee coin, fuck off.

or hows about cash you slightly less delusional fuck.

Nah just waves slack

Ok faggots,

Since the price is kinda low, I will give out more coffee.

Send me an address to where I should send the coffee to (just use an package station)
[email protected]

I will post confirmation email afterwards and the tracking ID to your email.
So better not use a throwaway mail.


Send me an email to where the coffee should be delivered and you can have 2 bags of coffee, 1lbs worth.
Or do you keep shilling that blockchain tech will never find a usecase?

Biiiiiitch count me in.

I have 12 bags of coffee straight from some vietnamese village. Top notch shit. It gets delivered to me. I dont need you to tell me how good my coffee is, I buy it. But seriously man you inspired me to start my own thread. Hooker coin I can see a sales pitch for, but coffee coin is just the staw that broke the camels back. Its just such a trivial product, bottled water coin is the only idea stupider than this.

Wow, you sure have some issues mate.

Veeky Forums made me some nice money.
Just giving something back now.

I dont feel like I have any issues, I just think your coin is really stupid. Day trading is fun. I know its all meme money. I just like seeing the numbers go up like a game. This is entertainment for me. I pity people who take it seriously. Your kinda a scumbag if you are affiliated with this coin. Stop stealing generation vapors money. They have suffered enough.

what a shitcoin