Mfw one of this month's ICOs is going to be a 100x


Other urls found in this thread:

starts with an N

remme, binance listing, 0.04$





Bridge Protocol




Everyone's wrong so far.

I really don't care if I'm wrong. Nucleus vision is going x80. 95000 people in their telegram. Don't care to play your shitty game. Buy or stay poor

>big telegram = instant money
thekey says hello fag

btw the big ico starts with NA

just tell Veeky Forums already

LiveEdu, yw

>Dropped from ycomb.
>Shitty everything

Yeah, LiveEdu it is. Take your shitcoin and kys.

does it start with a C and end with an O?

globitex? fusion?


these attention whoring threads are pathetic as fuck

I like that one, but no.

I won't tell until the end of the month, but I'll give you a hint: you're still in time to pass KYC.



It's KYC the ICO

sharder protocol faggots

It's going to be huge


I didn't know about that one and just signed up. Thanks, user.

Winding Tree

health nexus

Good one.

Neuromation easy

Most ICOs you guys are mentioning are OK but will never go 100X because they won't get listed on Binance. That's the reality of the market in 2018.

either way i can't legally invest in an ICO, muh SEC

although the chad state of arizona might be working around a framework that will allow state residents to get some ICO action

missed the presale and ICO, how fucked up am i?

Rightmesh isn't going to 100x you delusional retard

Savedroid mah nigger
so good I diden't even shill my ref link

Give us the first letter OP

Neon Exchange dipshits.


remme or atonomi

Tomocoin and Remme. Buy those.

This month or the very first day of next month? ;)


NEX or Atonomi. Only two ICOs I'm interested in.

lmao this one will crash and burn. the token won't even be used. I researched it and it's one of the worst icos Ive ever seen.

They will offer fiat-payments to their app-users, the token won't be used (at least at listing), so it will serve no purpose. I hope the best for you boy obviously

You a big enough fish to get in on the aton pre sale? Lemme piggyback

You got it.

It's LiveEdu


really? thanks OP. you da real MVP
nothing i can do about it though
gotta wait for it to be listed first so i can fill my bags


It's Thrive, yes. I love it long-term but might just flip it because the market's so choppy.

Disclaimer: I am a random Internet user you know NOTHING about. Pay attention to me at your own risk.

origami network

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