Not trying to get rich quick. I want steady long term gains.
What is the safest thing to invest in to 20x by 2025? I'm thinking about the long term. Pic related is my guess
Not trying to get rich quick. I want steady long term gains.
What is the safest thing to invest in to 20x by 2025? I'm thinking about the long term. Pic related is my guess
ETHORSE isn't really "safe" since the project isn't off the ground yet, but you can easily see well above those gains by then.
And pic is ?
>1k EOY
>#1 blockchain by 2020
Pic related certainly is the best long term hold
probably tether my man
Crypto will be dead by then
I'm deep in NEO, but what is going on? Seeing multiple neo threads. Is someone trying to make a pump happen on a $7b coin?
Literally anything in the top 100
Link $1000 end of year
NEO and OMG.
I agree with these
Thirding OMG, although I don't know much about NEO.
XLM is probably the best bet
Will have a price drop as soon as people realize it's a centralised by it's nature.
This fucking arguement is so old. Go blow a goat.
Nice arguments there
Will be 20x by eoy user
Safe with upside..I agree... XLM
Eww get that landwhale out of here. At least pajeets pick attractive woman when they shitpost.
QASH, WTC, IOTA, ETH, NEO are here to stay. REQ and NANO probably as well. From the lower cap ones I think GVT, LUX, DLT ans RLX are interesting. And for the sake of gambling I'd add XBY and ETBS.
There's just a lot of people invested in it and not much else to talk about.
This chink copycat coin is gonna be one of the big disasters of crypto
Goddamn you're a cunt. Elected representatives != king. Ethereum consensus is the equivalent of direct democracy and leads to analytical paralysis or endless forks.
For people that spend a lot of time actually researching coins and what makes them valuable, NEO is the nobrainer investment. Been trying to help my Veeky Forumsbros into the rocket since $4
Nothing is safe until 2025. By then crypto should be regulated and the value proposition of ICO gambling will be priced out. You have a few years before these things need to be ubiquitous and tested enough to be priced purely on tech.
Not QASH, and prob not Req and Nano/Rai. IOTA is dogshit and shouldn't be considered... They're not 100% decentralized, which could be fine to be a hybrid in the future but no. Walton is meh. ETH is obvious and I like Neo. You're moon mission low cap picks suck man.
II have C20 index (BTC. ETH, VEN, LINK, XLM, etc) fund. Outside of that is Ardor/Ignis(Jelurida), Grid+, TEL and GAS are solid.
DBC, LRC, QLC, and MTH are my High Risk/small investment.
Cheers M8