CryptoCelebrities but with Cryptos

I just discovered that you can now own your favorite Cryptos on the Ethereum blockchain:

That's right! Can't afford the real one? Buy yourself that juicy Ethereum or bitcoin collectible and flip it for a higher price, just like CryptoCelebrities.
And stay away from that shitty bitcoin cash or Dogecoin, seriously!

I already made 4x back my initial investment.

Low floor, get in before it rises and ETH will be worth 1 ETH... yes you heard that right, coinception!

Don't miss out on the next big one. You know you want to own your favorite Crypto at least once.

Ripple > all!

Top Cryptos are going fast, made a nice return so far

Fuck me these ponzi's get dumber and dumber every time.

500 transactions in 24h and 900 in 48h, made an easy 100 bucks yesterday ez cashh

Not bad, bought one and it already flipped. nice profit

>a crypto collectible game where you pay cryptocurrency to collect crypto collectible games where you collect cryptocurrency



Better play

Flipped again this is awesome

sage all of the faggots posting are involved in this ponzi bullshit

finally a collectibles which is going crazy

>a dapp that lists dapps that list dapps

the amount of work that went into these pics is truly autistic

I don't care if it's a ponzi, I want my Ripple on top!!!!!!

mfw you're still playing gen 1 ponzi's

> gen 1: crypto celebs
> gen 2: ethpyramid
gen 3 is coming soon, are you ready for the ground floor?

>a smart contract-based implementation of a blockchain for blockchains

Yes, just made my investment back

haha wtf

Made a decent 3x last night flipping Veeky Forums memecoins. Volume looks to still be... okay, but not for anything over .3 eth. The problem I see is that there isn't any larger "hyped" cards that they can issue to temporarily bump volume. Think I'll stay out now.

but i'm already in etherhell deluxe user

Holy shit GAS will soon catch up to NEO get in this shit now!

gen 2.5 ... at a push

don't see it having more longevitity than ethpyramid so still gen 2 in my eyes.

gen 1 = pure ponzi with 0 sustain aide
gen 2 = ponzi with naive self-sustaining mechanics (fizzles out / stagnates as funds just get hodl'd)
gen 3 = next level sustaince which i cant reveal for clones yet.

i'm tempted to classify as gen 3. it has potential to stay around, however it is also limited by 1 timer which will stump and stagnate game way faster.

There's barely any transactions on the contract the last 24h, it's basically dead already

Nice fud kek

>915 transactions, barely any..

Coins like gas and cash are gonna catch up to their other halves. Literally free money

The only winning moves in a ponzi scheme are either a. own the ponzi scheme or b. don't play the game

pic related, the absolute state of Veeky Forums this past month

915 total, not last 24h you absolute mongoloid. It's almost dead. Pic related, good luck getting your investment back faggot.

I did good with this one and ethercraft as well. You can still profit off these

Never check Dappradar for activity.

Go to etherscan which shows each individual one. The latest tx is about a day ago.

These are getting out of control...


>And stay away from that shitty Dogecoin
Shut your fucking whore mouth