The year is 2025, and 90% of Veeky Forums posters from 2018 are multi-millionaires

The year is 2025, and 90% of Veeky Forums posters from 2018 are multi-millionaires.....

post pictures of your wife....

that is a disgusting roastie with a 2/10 face and weird bear feet

I hope to have two wives. I am going to travel between cities with active Angel Investing Networks to invest my gains and I will have a wife in each city.





You'd probably be lucky to like the urine off of her vulva

Of all the women in the world you decided to choose some used-goods roastie butterface?



someone should make an app called dreamwife
and all you do is rate pictures of women
sell advertising for ashley madison
guaranteed gains

one day...

You should own concubines for breeding and for pleasure, not that outdated shit.

Hey.....I dont tell you who to fuck, you stupid nigger

Ok, so depending on your wife pic you got poor out of crypto. Lel.

her feet are perfect dude what is wrong with you? the girls you like probably look like aliens

>not having a haram


>in 7 years all of these roasties will be old and ugly

Best answer






stay back or else


She's magnificent user

no way.
when i make it i wont marry. when i find my soulmate maybe with a (smart)contract.
when your rich af the best thing is fucking random 10/10 supermodels all the time without the duty of spending too much time with them.


yeah and then you can die with a mind full of regret. sounds great user, but at least you fucked 10/10 infested supermodels

You mean when we all lose our money because the bubble burst?

Blocks your path

i have been in 3 longterm relationships for 3-5 years each so far.
hoes get weird and boring after some time.
not to speak of the cruel fact that nature and time ruin their bodies no matter what.
when you search for other humans that you can be close with and life a great life, just get a bunch of good friends.
also i stated that if i would find my soulmate (female) id marry her.

Gonna make some octoroons.

Preferably a girl that's between 16-18, anything else is old-hag territory

that dude must be packing some serious wood REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Krysten Ritter or Bill Gates daughter Jen.

At least post the original.

user, this roastie is a gem. not to mention her amazing sexy powers

Who is this?



you want to marry a dyke?

you would think a girl like that would be a demon in bed. but actually these girls love flower sex.

>holy shit shes fuggin hot
>who is she
>reverse image search
>all new pics of her pop up and she’s filled with plastic surgery and implants

You think 10/10 supermodels want anything to do with some fat loser internet millionaire. They want billionaires or rich celebrities/athletes. You could probably impress some strippers or something with your couple millions

How did he do it?! Is he a billionaire?



>Having a dumb bitch on a leash.
Damn that's perfect.



you crazy guys and your irl hags.

the absolute state of Veeky Forums


>Veeky Forums with real women is likely



I want to have two wives but under one roof. They'd both be little and bisexual and have a relationship with eachother, but also with me.

Imagine how the average brainlet normie will subconsciously react when he finds out you have the resources and girth to satisfy two women.

I win

>disgusting feet



>brown eyes

What is wrong with her feet? The are pretty sexy and well-formed as far as feet go.

white women are the lowest of the low

(trans) girl here

it's not like us girls would settle for a loser just because he happened to be a millionaire, we like rich guys because of their self confidence and cultural capital, not their money



This is a larp

You'd be surprised at the women you can get if you're not a coward. I'm a 4/10 and I've dated 7/10s and up exclusively.

yeah.....because a delusional mentally instable guy knows what girls want......


U are not part of that group and cannot speak on behalf of them


I can tell from your post that you are some stupid 3rd word pajeet




Bruh... I don't care if she cucks me

As long as I've got a hot girlfriend to show off to friends and acquaintances, she can cheat on me all she wants

pathetic excuse for a man.



Posting a used up roastie


Never knew KRS was into crossdressing.