A redditor tried to warn RaiBlocks / NANO users about the potential scam.
When shared on XRB Discord and Telegram, the user was banned. Gee I wonder why?
A redditor tried to warn RaiBlocks / NANO users about the potential scam.
When shared on XRB Discord and Telegram, the user was banned. Gee I wonder why?
Other urls found in this thread:
You're a dumbass both for using Bitgrail and then keeping your coin on Bitgrail instead of withdrawing. FUDing won't get you your money back just move on.
I luckily didn't lose much on BitGrail.
But I'm sick of Redditors trying to say BitGrail is 100% at fault, and turning a blind eye to the corrupt project Devs who are getting away without any blame, when they shouldn't be IMO.
Annnnnnd rekt:
Some group is seriously out to FUD nano huh?
i had sympathy for you bitgrail losers, but now i dont
fuck all of you for fudding, you're getting 0 charity from me
Yep this makes double/triple spending/withdraw possible. Which is what happened on Merc and BG
The devs were the ones who shilled bg to the raicucks lmao
The Raiblocks/Nano devteam made the biggest mistake in their life by gangraping a dog in the ass for good luck and high profit.
>They are now getting fuck over and over and over in the ass by ''The Dogecoin Community''
Operation RAPEDOG is now a gigantic clusterfuck for Raiblocks/Nano community, thank your devteam boys!
Don't forget kucoin
The devs didnt steal 200Mil, bitgrail did u fucking retard
I'm honestly curious man. Are you getting paid to do this? Or are you retarded? Or just a troll? Or are you legit mad at some random crypto that has no other affect on your life? It's gotta be one of those.
yeah I'm paid. I finally got health insurance in my contract too which is nice.
...moron. Go ahead and continue being willfully ignorant about the NANO truth.
I feel bad because I tried to warn NANO holders but was downvoted to oblivion. This was easy to spot early on. The good thing is you can still get some money for your NANO before it drops to $0
every nano holder is such an emotionally invested cuck
Yes. There were a few people in your position. I remember seeing people getting banned on the Telegram for this.
It's super annoying that redditors want to cover this up.
withdrawls were closed for weeks not to mention the low limits
>Sorting comments by controversial to spread FUD.
Nice try Pajeet.
They did when it was one of the only two exchanges where you could buy xrb. Till recently they had no real proof/idea the exchange was unsolvent. As an entrepreneur if someone selling my perfectly fine product screw up big time, (ie selling food which went bad because of their inability to properly conserve it and poisoning people) that is 100% in them.
You're an idiot. How exactly did I sort comments by controversial with that link?
The devs have gone to ground and haven’t said or done anything for 48 hours. Because they’re getting sued it’s unlikely they’ll be able to comment on anything from now on.
Without dev interaction, this centralised coin is dead.
Also, the community is one of the most cancerous I’ve ever seen. This coin deserves to die and take every single one of those cancerous fucks with it.
I'm fucking disgusted with the nano community. Why the fuck didn't I sell this
The community is essentially all Redditors
To be fair, every non-hodler seems just as emotionally invested in spreading FUD... And I'm not saying Nano works (it probably doesn't), just people in crypto seem to get very attached to whatever they hold and speak strongly against anything else that might compete with it.
this. fudsters, get over it. buy back in now or later at a higher price. either way stop whining, no one cares
>the community is one of the most cancerous I’ve ever seen
cry more faggot
lol see what vitalik says about nano
seem like good time to buy even if its a shitcoin
Why would anyone buy nano when there are so many not shit coins out there to invest in?
What do you guys recommend I trade my 1000 nano for? OMG is my top pick. Got my Nano at 1$ btw. Sucks wish I would have sold it $30 or even 15
Honestly? Because people saw it pump from cents to dollars and all they could see was FOMO.
They didn't care that the exchanges were shit or that the offline wallet was shit or that the code is shit or that the fundamentals only work in theory.
They saw "me too" fiat gains and now they're left holding bags and circlejerking (mostly on Reddit)
>I'm not interested in finding an actual failure, it's not a good use of my time.
Red it on suicide watch.
Can confirm. I FOMO'd in at $5. Wondering if I should cut my losses and sell now.
Why is it only XRB holders getting fucked by Bitgrail? Why can't the repayments (if they even fuckin happen) be taken out of Bitgrails ETH, BTC, etc reserves?
And why cant bomber put up his own private stash as well, that dude has literally made tens of millions
Its all so shady god damn. I cant stop refreshing nano twitters and subreddits.
t. literal retard for holding on an exchange