Why is there so much hate on /biz?

Seriously, why do so many people respond to posts calling bros faggots, niggers, pajeets, etc? It's always so unnecessary
>hey guys I think this coin is a solid coin, here's why
>fucking kill yourself nigger faggot, jesus you idiots will never make it fucking pajeet scam shitheads

Why can't all the toxic fuckers chill the fuck out and stop shitting on people for no reason? Are they just miserable and want to bring others down? Is this what you're reduced to when you read charts all day, stuff your face with junk food, never see the light of day, and shit post on Veeky Forums all day?

Seriously guys, I'm sick of all the hate. We're all on the same team, we're all trying to make it. Why can't we help each other out without all the infighting?

it's called breaking people's balls don't be so sensitive

why do women constantly feel the need to come into groupings of mostly males and tell them they are doing things wrong?

>reddit spacing
Go back

It's to dull your emotions so that you become less of an emotional trader.

Shut up fag

There's a difference between busting someones balls and being an absolute asshole

expected this

you're a fucking NIGGER OP I hope your dad suffers a heart attack and that your dog dies from cancer.

You know what happens when people are not like that?

>SHITCOIN is the future of crypto and the financial system, it has literally no flaws, how can you not see this?
>hello sir please donate to address x912ue019d09d0du09 i need money for my baby

Also it's not about being sensitive, it's about not wanting to be surrounded by fucking toxic personalities. It wears on you, all of the hate.

>implying that Veeky Forums bros dont have over 50% with reddit

And at least they don't violently berate each other, though I suppose if reddit were anonymous you'd probably see the same garbage

>complains about "Reddit spacing"
>tells others to go back


You can be critical without being vicious


**50% overlap with reddit

What are you gonna do, "downvote" people like that?


Stop falling for the divide and conquer tactics. there are actual cia/airforce pajeets on biz making psyop threads and posts all the time now the past few months

fuck off you normie faggot, also hang yourself you pathetic waste of space

You have to go back

that is the fun part of the internet OP

If you think that levelheaded, nonassholes will destryoy the space I feel sorry for you as you likely lead a miserable, angry life

We are absolutely not all on the same team.

If you want a hugbox where everybody pats eachother's back instead of telling them the truth, even if it means they'll lose money you know where to go

Are you serious?

proving my point

Again, this shit doesn't offend me. It doesn't hurt my feelings. It just gets old, and the negativity is fucking worthless

Also try varying your vocab. faggot, nigger, normie, etc. Is everyone on this board a 12 year old on Xbox Live?

Its to pump your self esteem in the crual world out there. After a few months biz you are new born. And in economic this logic critic thinking without fucking emotions is needed to become successfull.

Hello newfriend you must be new here
>fuck off now


And what's the point of having another Red***?

For those of you legitimately arguing that the anger and hate is good for the space, what value do you think it adds. Legitimately curious

Keeps out pussies like you

everybody is losing mommies money right now
they scared they wont get allowance

Very much this. It's like a normie shield.

close the door on your way out


exactly this

It's not another Reddit.

Jesus, it's hilarious how much Veeky Forums hates reddit even though the overlap is likely massive. It's like the beta male nerd in the class hating on the new kid in school that he originally befriended but who became popular in time--now the beta male is salty because he refuses to make the same lifestyle changes that propelled the other friend into popularity but still believes he's superior even though he's miserable

BECAUSE IT'S HONEST. I can't stand this fucking Millennial empathy-pathology; it reeks of narcissism. The fact that you'd come to Veeky Forums and feel the need to start soapboxing ethics on an anonymous imageboard proves that point.


Faggot detected

>t. nigger

Get your glowing buttplugs and go the fuck back to faggotland AKA reddit

Lol Iit doesn't deter me just makes feel bad for anyone actually trying to have constructive discussions.

If you're a dick and still post something valuable, cool. But if you're only contribution to a post is "kys faggot" then fuck out and let people who actually care about discussing the topic talk

kill yourself, OP


Lol honest? What part of calling someone a nigger or a faggot is honest when it has nothing to do with the original post?

Maybe it's honest in as much as the person posting it is a miserable beta-male asshole who thinks that getting rich will finally get women to like him.

You guys are fucking pathetic. Maybe if you learned how to interact in the real word you wouldn't have to berate internet strangers to validate your worthless existences

>then fuck out and let people who actually care about discussing the topic talk

And how are you any different than other Anons?
Realize it, admit it and be free. Also stop being a little bitch.

Maybe you should stop coming here if it offends you m'lady.

looks like youre an emotional slave to language, symbols on a screen. start gaining control of your reaction to words. make words and sentences mean whatever you want them to mean. this is the first step to becoming a mage. you create what sentences mean, you dont passively react to them. nigger faggot nigger retard nigger faggot idiot. what does that mean to you?

>so much strawmanning
>so much implying
you are a literal meme of the generic redditor. if you can't see honesty in having fun and calling people out for questionable decisions, then you are truly autistic. funny that you would call us out as """beta-male assholes""" when you seem like you'd be insufferable in person. positive the average douchey Veeky Forumsraeli has gotten more pussy and has more friends than you.

you fucking nigger dolt.

This is now a Gore and nigger thread

considering the average Veeky Forumsraeli spends his day posting pictures of models, fapping to said pictures, and chasing pump n dumps I highly doubt it

oh look even more implying. god you're pathetic. for being so against generalized shittalking you seem to like doing it yourself

This you fucking nigger cunt

>hey guys I think this coin is a solid coin, here's why
1 in 50000 posts are the way you described. They only shill details about market cap and other useless information.
>guys the mcap is 50m
>stay poor
>buy now
Wow, this is going to make me buy it.

Also, no strawmaning, just pointing out the very obvious fact that 50%+ of posts on this board are just sad boys hurling insults with no substance


Why are you here if you don't like it nigger?

normies with a low IQ like yourself are constantly looking for validation, likely because they never experienced any from their parents. it's the same reason you continually double space your sentences to make it seem like you are "educated" because you are using your middle school essay writing skills. i'm willing to bet if someone asks you how you are doing, you always say "well" and think you are more intelligent than someone who normally says "good." get the fuck out and never come back, we can spot the normie weak handed fucks from your first sentence.

Bagholders are lashing out in desperation.

you're being an absolute asshole by making this thread and destroying the memescape

op is like that one "friend" that you keep around just because they're so much of a douchebag that it's almost entertaining to be around occasionally.

>"I'm not from Reddit, I just think it's funny how much Veeky Forums hates rebbit :("

>"For those of you legitimately arguing that the anger and hate is good for the space, what value do you think it adds."
First off, nobody unironically calls a board a "space," so that's a dead giveaway that you are from somewhere else, and that you desperately need to go back there. Critiquing a culture you don't know about and have no interest in is a dead giveaway of authoritarianism.

Second, "what value do you think it adds?" What kind of fucking prissy moral concern bullshit is that? Like people's unfiltered opinions and freedom of speech aren't valuable on their own, no, they need to pass the judgement of some moral arbiter, which it is painfully obvious that you see yourself and your buddies as being.
Upboats aren't necessarily indicative of value. And vice versa. Go back to Rebbit.

fucking kill yourself nigger faggot, jesus you idiots will never make it fucking pajeet scam shitheads

How do I react with the world user?

I've learned as much that the only way to respond to dickheads like yourself is to be a dickhead in return.

My post asked why there's so much negativity on this board, and I was met with the (expected) backlash from fuckers like you. So I respond with the same level of vitriol. What I can't stand is needless anger that is literally un-bated. If the anger has been brought out, go for it, but if you're being an asshole without being prompted, that's pathetic.

Kinda like this thread. If you're not a fuckstick, then this thread should rile you up. But seeing you and so many other Veeky Forumsheads have your tops blown off by another user asking why there's anger in the first place shows me that you're the exact cancer that's ruining this board.

inb4 I've been here when people used to give actual advice and help each other.

Call me pathetic all you want, but I'm quite content with my life. Unlike you, I don't lash out as a first resort

>Why calling niggers niggers

From now on they're snowballs

You are so self-absorbed and unaware of what you are doing. This is going to be bread at some point. Literally a redditor coming to biz complaining about our board culture, throwing insults around himself and then claiming he's taking the moral high ground. Jesus Christ man.

>no one calls a board a space, doesn't understand what a synonym is

It doesn't add anything, nothing in the realm of helping people enhance their knowledge on a subject.
And you're really gonna call this authoritarian? Jesus. This has nothing to do with morality, everything to do with actually being a decent human

Wait, you came here, not Anons to reddit, right? So, you're a whining niggerfaggot. Or am I missing something?


No there isn’t, reality is how you perceive it. If you perceive people as being assholes toward you on a Mongolian basketweaving forum, you are a fag sensitive bitch and need to leave

>"Seriously guys, I'm sick of all the hate. We're all on the same team, we're all trying to make it. Why can't we help each other out without all the infighting?"

>"Not fucking likely, Redditor."

>"Wow okay you guys are fucking pathetic. Maybe if you learned how to interact in the real word you wouldn't have to berate internet strangers to validate your worthless existences"

Could you be any more of a fucking stereotypical moral authoritarian? Pretending you're just here to help clean up the community and then you throw a big shitfit with all the venom you claimed you despise. If you could, you would try to call for your buddies to come harass us out of the space. It's like when you're trying to say hi to a girl and ask her for a relationship, but she says no, so you just call her a slut and a worthless whore because you have a massive sense of entitlement. I bet you would be horrified at that, but yet you stoop so readily to it because you have the same "why won't people just be forced to do what I say" entitlement.

We will always be able to see you for who you really are.

Veeky Forums is the least toxic board on Veeky Forums.

Try going to boards like /g/. It's super petty.

It's an eternal baptism that cleanses the soul

>well I'm from reddit so 50% of Veeky Forums is
we have to be offensive as possible to keep nigger loving faggots like you out

>mommy I can't get any validation from Veeky Forums and plebbit keeps downvoting me. look at me mommy!

>Maybe if you learned how to interact in the real word you wouldn't have to berate internet strangers to validate your worthless existences
kek, a bit of projection there don't you think?

I'm with you on this. I've tried to help biz a lot in the past, and I've pretty much given up for the most part.


I think this is the first chimpout I've ever seen on Veeky Forums and of course it's a fucking Plebbitor. This is gold gents

Not coming from reddit, jesus the reddit scapegoat is fucking tired. What are guys afraid of? Seriously, if your culture is so ingrained and perfect, what do redditors do to threaten the utopic, icon of internet freedom that you've constructed here?

Been here for awhile, man. Not self-absorbed--literally just asked a question about why there needs to be hate, was met with the exact hate I'm talking about. You guys proved my point out the gate. This board has effectively insulated itself from criticism because it refuses to listen to any. You're all just a hivemind, an echo chamber feeding on each others negativity. You say I'm the one self-absorbed? LMAO get real, dude. That's this entire board, this entire thread--self-absorbed and circlejerking about its exclusive club that no one else understands and that, ironically, is taking the anti-moral high ground to the moral high ground it claims to hate.

You're guilty of the same crimes I'm guilty of. And if this thread taught me anything, with the right pressure applied, I'm guilty of the same anger I think is cancerous.

So on that note, I'm out

Fuck off then you dumb retarded cunt.

>muh echo-chamber
Surest sign of being a redditor is complaining about echo-chambers on a board that doesn't censor wrongthink.

yeah,get the fuck out

>You're guilty of the same crimes I'm guilty of
And yet you're the only one calling them crimes. Get the fuck out. Nobody wants you here.

LONG LIVE Veeky Forums


Seriously though, you sound like a pretentious prick. Kindly kill yourself on webcam so I can laugh at your misery.

Although a lot of spergs are claiming muh image board culture if you've been here a long time you can sense the seething rage underneath. Bagholders everywhere.

Ha ha fag u won’t be missed

Only honest replies in this entire thread.

I have no problem with this. Kindly fuck off, OP

Very well done troll OP. You've mastered the cadence and tone of a faggot liberal redditor. I browse reddit every day because I have a wife and kids and don't want them seeing pictures of mamma's milkies or brappppp threads, but your reddit ultimately fails because no one is willing to criticize shit ideas or be mean to faggots like you.

top kek

if thats what you want go back to plebeddit you fucking loser. we are here to make money not to make friends. if someone calling you a nigger hurts your fee fees then get the fuck out and dont come back.

I know what a synonym is. Nobody uses that particular synonym.

If it doesn't even cross your mind that there is value in letting people say what they want, then you are hopelessly authoritarian.

>Not coming from Reddit.
You certainly don't come from here.

Your criticism is "there should be less freedom of speech." Your proposed mechanism was for implementing tone-policing. Predictably, nobody liked it.

Thanks for reminding me that people like you exist, though. It's easy to take what I have here at Veeky Forums for granted. Instead, I could be neurotic from walking on eggshells all the time.

And then at the end there you flagellate yourself for wrongthink. That's the scariest part.

aye bby scrolling down is too much work

too real for you op? cut too deep?

Nice just bought 100k

>Seriously guys, I'm sick of all the hate.
That is the point. Now go away.
> We're all on the same team
Ohohoho. Ye, especially the discord pnd groups. They are just giving you a chance at becomingfilthy rich.
> Why can't we help each other out without all the infighting?
For every penny earned there's a penny lost. If you help smb out of pure heart, you are risking paying for it with your own money.
Ain't it retarded: you help ppl become wealthier but get poorer?

the mood of the board changed after the insane altcoin boom in early Jan ended
Bulls got a lot more desperate after we touched 6k

Since Veeky Forums opened its borders and began to accept /pol/ refugees.