>$80k USD after taxes
>working 40 hours a week
>no student loans or debt
What would your lifestyle look like with the above circumstances?
How would you live on 80k a year?
I make 75k/year in my mid 20's, and you have to remember that this is way more than the average person makes. If you're young and making 80k a year, you need to live a little. buy shit that interests you, travel places, go out and pop bottles.
of course asking this here with the crypto nerds, you'll get answers telling you to invest in crypto and save your money.
sat at a desk for half my woken hours, crying because i'm a wagecuck.
40 hrs of ur time... every week... fuck that.
would u give your boss ur kidney too? coz that's what ur doing, reducing ur life expectency (40 hrs per week)
that's more than the vast majority of people make. try to keep your living expenses low, live live you're making 35k/year or less and use the rest to make investments so you do't have to wagecuck forever.
people who are fine with working, have settled.
no dreams, no desires, no accomplishments.
wake up doing what you want. and if you don't know what that is, then you might as well have never have lived.
My life would probably be the same. But I would retire at 40.
sunny days
every time you think do yourself
>"why am i doing this"
>"this is a hassle"
>"i hate chores"
you have failed once more.
only the mighty few do exactly what they want, all the time. it's your life. stop doing things you don't want too.
you could accomplish so much with 40 more hours per week.
you will get old and regret not achieving what you deserve too achieve. you will never think about that report or meeting you had 37 yrs ago.
it pains me, to see people put themself through this. naive to see the problem. sad, miserable and stuck. convincing themselves they dont need those 40 hrs every single week.
I am sexually aroused. Woman shows also with sunglasses too much face. Not halal.
if u are reading this and have to go to work tomorrow:
>in a building you didn't choose,
>with people you didn't choose
>with a commute you cant control
just take a step back and look at the organism that is the office take place, and just go "why is this happening" if everyone just stopped and went home, did their own shit with their own plan and made mends. everyone would be happy.
80k is about double of the average income in Germany. I'd probably live like I do right now and save the rest. I'm not using more than ~$17k/year and have absolutely everything I need. Just don't spend your money on useless shit.
thank you for this, seriously
Why do you assume I'm not enjoying what I have?
Last year I went to Europe for 2 weeks, went to at least a dozen concerts, 4 EDM festivals, made a lot of money with the 15k cash I put into crypto, etc.
So you're saying you'd stop working. Then where the hell would you get money from?
I don't work in an office or with people I hate btw
>tfw 60k before taxes
>tfw student loans
How do I get to 80k after taxes? I got memed into an EE degree. I feel like such a fucking poorfag Veeky Forums
>you need to live a little. buy shit that interests you, travel places, go out and pop bottles.
you're probably a guy but you sound like a disgusting roastie describing what she thinks is cool.
You're way ahead of the NEETs (the majority) on this board.
I make about $150k and 40% goes to taxes and 401k.
Similar situation as you guys. 26 years old with a really healthy salary. On this salary, and with no kids, it's pretty comfortable living. I've just been going on a bunch of overseas trips, having a beer whenever I can, generally enjoying life and hoping that crypto pays off. If not, I'll just wagecuck and save for a nice house.
What's the minimum you feel you'd have to make from crypto to stop wagecucking?
Work as an EE Starting pay if you're in the right area is at least 80k+
after tax i made 70 as an EE in Power just feb will be 1st year since and i'm looking at a Bonus+ Raise
That is what I am at right now after taxes. I make $120k salary before taxes...
I have fixed monthly expenses of:
Rent: $1,450
Car payment (2015 VW GTI) : $477
Investment Property Mortgage: $877
I really don't spend money outside of food and going on dates. I try to save everything and buy crypto dips... In the last dip to $5,800, my checking account has been reduced to $67.
I just live simply, and try to invest.
>40 hours a week
fuck off
I rather work 5 and live on 10K a year. And even that is annoying me if it means working for someone else.
How much are you making from the investment property?
I wish I had your aversion to work ethic and social interacton.
Making 50k
That's like 200k in murica
Anons I want your advice. I'm early 20s and make about 80k/yr and live pretty much expense free maybe 10-15k a year. I've been putting entire paychecks into crypto but I feel like I want something more tangible to put money into.
Was recently thinking about buying an apartment to rent out in an area I see growing. Should I just stick with the high risk high reward crypto and try to truly make it? What say you
I'd live off
>I wish I had your aversion to work ethic and social interacton.
>social interaction
Hey come on I didn't say that, I'm kind of a shut-in but social interaction is important to stay a mentally healthy individual, regardless of how much of an introvert you are. Working for someone is utter cuckery though.
First I would max out pretax retirement accounts. With 80k post tax, I would probably be able to rent a really nice apartment while still having plenty left over to save, invest, travel, and eat whatever I want. It wouldn't be a luxury lifestyle by any means, but definitely a financially independent and comfortable one since I have no wife or kids to worry about.
I feel like $1M would be enough to invest and live off.
I've seen more people in that age/salary/whatever thread making 130k+ then anywhere else, what the fuck is up?
Is everyone on this board making 150k? makes me feel like shit
ok this is me here goes
>have 2014 toyota tundra
>have 2006 yfz450 and 2017 raptor quads
>lots of guns
> several vacations a year
>crypto holdings and mining rig
>money in the bank
life is good
Median income in my area of Burger land is 40k per year and land is very cheap here. I'd live quite comfortably and want for nothing.
Don't feel down. People doing well financially are the most willing to post in those kind of threads. Half of them are probably larping or inflating what they actually make.
I'd probably bump down to working 20 hours a week if I had $1 mil
That isn't excessive but sounds like a lot of fun. Nice job.
I would quit after 1 year and move to a third world shithole. 80k USD would be enough for an entire life.
live off 15k, stash the rest into investments and retire in a few years
Made ~$110k last year, which came out to ~$75k after tax. Lifestyle isn't too crazy. Usually a domestic weekend trip every other month, going to Germany and spend for 3 weeks in April. Aside from that, my lifestyle seems pretty average. I only go out about once a week and don't spend much on random shit. Biggest expense is $2k/mo apartment. $80k isn't as much as you'd think especially if you live in a high COL area
*Germany and Spain
Hey look, op is making another retarded thread with a Muslim woman in the picture trying to normalize Muslims on this board as though the they are not backwards savages but enlightened fashionistsa wearing the latest trends. See guise, they're just like us!
I make around $60k now after taxes so my life wouldn't change too much. I'd probably take an additional out-of-country vacation each year, and probably live in a nicer/newer condo, and maybe eat out at nicer restaurants sometimes.
big if true
Rental income is about $1,500
Independently wealthy is possible with this amount of money
>10k on a small piece of land in europe.
>Drop a lil tiny house+garage on that shit.
>Buy a car+store it there
I figure that will take about a year and half income.
After that, fuck it take risks, start businesses, live whilst young.
At least you will never be homeless
that's poor af lol
> can't own property
> can't live in a city
> driving a used toyota
> groceries at walmart
> roastie gf studying to be a highschool teacher spending half of your disposable income
It means you go out every weekend, buy every electronic toy you want, have a nice luxury sedan on lease, and live in the nice part of town in a 1BR
Kill yourself faggot
where the hell are you going to go where you can retire off $80k and not get murdered?
>3 week vacation to germany
>travels out of state 6 times a year
>goes out every weekend
"Yea guys im poor i swear"
It would look similar to now except I'd have a bit less money to burn
Never said I was poor. Pretty comfy actually. But definitely not rich. Not even close to being able to afford a house in SoCal. Also don't need to pay hotels or anything in Germany. Visiting family and friends
Have you tried not being an assbackwards goat fucker? You should definitely try it sometime.
Stinky muzzie. Shoo shoo.
Actually I really like my team. I did choose the building, I work from home. My commute is from my bed to my desk.
>pretax retirement accounts
Nah, I make $130k/year and choose to max out my roth 401k.
Im 24 work as service technician and earn 80k a year.
Also live with parents.
Im mostly home trying to pretend i got a neet life. I really do want to be a neet again guys.
Buying myself a nice car soon though
>$2k/month on rent
You're a moron, you shouldn't spend more than 25% of gross income on rent so your max rent spending should be ~$1600. You going out too much too.
I'm 25 and my wife and I both make 100k each.
I actually enjoy my job (software developer). Real chill and I work 35 hours a week, can work from home if I want, free snacks/beer etc.
I just bought a house and other than that invest and save.
I made around that so I can enlighten you.
>shitpost on Veeky Forums from 6:00pm to 9:00pm
>make good food and bread daily
>play board games with nerd friends
>save $20,000 / year for retirement, invest as I see fit
>watch anime on occasion
>that feel when no gf
Spend about 20k to live comfortably. Put rest into investments. Retire in 5 years or less.
How can you live if you work 40 hours a week? You get 5 week holidays max in Europe and less in USA per year. Yeah, maybe you are right. That's literally living a little because you spend most of the year wagecucking
Some of us enjoy our jobs because it's mentally stimulating. You're only a wage cuck if you flipping burgers or doing some other mind numbing job.
>you shouldn't spend more than 25% of gross income on rent
arbitrary number, also 25% of 110k (gross salary) is 2.3k a month
I like my job. I also have unlimited paid time off as long as my work gets done.
>If you're young and making 80k a year, you need to live a little. buy shit that interests you, travel places, go out and pop bottles.
No thanks, I'd rather save, invest, and retire at 30. Eat shit and die you capitalist slave.
>You get 5 week holidays max in Europe
Not true. 5 weeks is the legal minimum in several countries around Europe. That's not even taking public holidays into account.
When I want to take a holiday I just browse Veeky Forums and shitpost in the office all day. Its what I'd be doing if I took a vacation anyways.
Have fun being a serf
How much you have in crypto desu?
I'm calling bs, you make at most $40,000
I literally homecook every single meal other than one a week. Going out once a week is nothing. Also I'd rather not share an apartment or be neighbors with meth heads
This is basically how I live. Did 80k pretax, will be close to 110k pretax next year. No wife no kids. Going to max out 401k, pay off car 3 years early. Save up for a condo or townhome to move hopefully next year much closer to work. And still adding a couple hundred to the saving account weekly
Please explain your meme arrow
retards on Veeky Forums think tax advantaged accounts are memes