The pyramid is growing exponentially, but there's still time...
We have Korean and Chinese translations and they are getting marketed to right now. Korean journalists are getting paid to cover our transparent Ethereum ponzi
The pyramid is growing exponentially, but there's still time
Recently, Norsefire (one of the project's developers) went through the project's math.
Check it out here:
Tl;DR: Nobody holds more than 2% of the tokens. The 'developers are ready to dump' is a myth. Essentially, the curve is FAR LESS HARSH than previously thought by some.
mmm transparent korean journalists. Just bought 100k
Maths look good, Devs are engaged, community is great, contract running for 10 days seems bulletproof. Sweet divs. Me likey!
how much do you guys have in this thing?
I currently have 11.2 ETH worth of tokens in it. I believe in this thing
put in .35 ETH at the top of the first wave, been reinvesting all my dividends back into the contract. I'm currently at a net loss because i was reinvesting my ETH back into it as it was dropping in price, but it looks like it's starting to head back up which is cool. It's really an awesome contract, so im not worried about hodling for a long time.
dont waste ur eth playing a gen 2 pyramid
>gen 1: crypto celebs
>gen 2: powh
gen 3: ???
get the ground floor once I unveil the revolutionary pyramid at end of feb on Veeky Forums with 6 months+ pre-planned (& guaranteed) longevitity
idk this contract guarantees me free neetbux for life, it's Veeky Forums's wet dream
sure, but by hodling it up in a stagneting pyramid is costing you more ETH from other gains, so to speak.
just my opinion, it's a good pyramid no doubt.
Check the contract - we've gone up by over 50 ETH in maybe 3 days from the low. If anything, the pyramid is growing exceedingly fast.
we're betting on it not stagnating in the future
some potential investors are out due to losing their money in some powhcoin iteration
others are looking on from the sidelines, still being very cautious.
If the contract is proves itself as secure as it adversitses to be... Big money will FOMO in very soon... and TRUST ME they will want to shill to fucking chinese and nigerian peasants.
We're gonna be fucking rich bros
Kek confirms
One of the developers has announced that over 2000 ETH has gone into and out of the contract with no issues. Not bad for a pyramid.
These are member stats from popular global ponzi The Billion Coin
We need to crank out more translations, imagine the possibilities!
Please help out if you know Vietnamese, Hindi, Tagalog.. any other language!
The pyramid won't build itself!
lmao stealing the logo of the legit pyramid
nice try pajeet, hahahahhaah
I'm just trying to show you idiots the potential market for Ethpyramid, look at their damn userbase
If we could shill those people ETHpyramid, imagine the growth
wow I totally misunderstood your post, my bad. Sure let's shill to them as well
not gonna work until its more normie friendly.
gen 3 pyramids gonna crop up and sweep up all the normies by luring them in
wtf is a gen 3 pyramid, this thing is less than 2 weeks old. sounds like a lot could go wrong with even a tiny amount of extension. I'd rather just treat this as my decentralized Ethereum bank and leave it at that.
Tell that to the 10+ eth thats come in in the last 9 hours.
Heres a youtube video if you cant figure it out.
Try to be less obvious powh fag no one trust you.
https: //
i don't get what you're saying - this is a smart contract, no bitconnect exit scam is possible
Nobody is saying that pajeet - it's just a pyramid related reaction image
ethpyramid needs more mainstream buzz.
they can't keep ignoring it forever
this will be up massively in a month