The best pick of 2018 hands down. Anyone who says otherwise is a brainlet that can't read or to emotionally invested into their shitcoin to take in the facts
Omise is about to pull an Amazon in the crypto world
Read the comments. The magic of omisego is that people will be using it without even knowing.
that's just a grain of sand compared to everything on its way
>Tfw bought right after ico and still holding and could be making 250k a year staking in under 2 years time
Going to pull up to work in my lambo and quit with the most glorious burn out and crash into a tree
>tfw started accumulating at $3 and haven't stopped
Omg so overhyped
Need an audio book since you can't read?
i have 600 OMG but i hope any of you holding this will make it.
Now please reduce shilling, this project is great.
EOY predictions?
There's been a lot of shilling with this exact image the last few days. really makes you think. How long have you had your $10 bags? Since August, right?
>chainlink is better
I have 2.2k OMG. Will I really make it guys??
6.1k here. I'm gonna make it I'm so happy
>The best pick of 2018 hands down
sorry OP that belongs to ChainLink
omise is a good 2nd tho. would be a lot better of a buy if it wasn't already high on CMC
>chainlink and omisego are the same thing
Lol I remember posting this. Before anyone gets mad about it, actually read the article, these numbers come from simulations.
That said if it does get to that price I would be a billionaire lmao
>We can be 95% certain that OmiseGO prices will fall between $33, and $1,030,718 with a mean of $480,414. Holy volatility!!
lol wat
Do opposite of biz
$400 plus and that's being conservative with everything they have going on
No fucking way dude. OMG actually has a roadmap that will mostly be fulfilled this year. We have no idea what LINK will do, I would give it 2-3 years at least.
>We have no idea what LINK will do
uh yeah we do, Q1 this year is simplified GO mainnet release and Q2 is full mainnet release
after that the product is pretty much finished, that's LINK's roadmap
some parts of biz make you rich tho
2018 OmiseGo
2019 Chainlink.
Good buy @12?
It's either this or HPB
still HODL and losing on
>been trading to increase my omg stack for months
>start seeing omg shilled on reddit and Veeky Forums heavily again for the first time in months
>always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums shills
oh fuck guys, I'm breaking a rule I set for myself. I thought I was gonna make it??
*Q4-2019 Chainlink
why has it tanked over the last 6 months? is it just terrible marketing or what?
Their announcements amounted to "we are releasing everything starting in 6 months from now, you have no reason to actually hold right now" so everyone dumped OMG to flip other coins and then buy back in at a later date.
Hey biz, I am 50/50 XLM & OMG. Should I be more like 25/75?
Accumulate quietly while you still can. The coin will do all the talking soon enough. No more shilling.
i want to buy this
i would say stay in xlm because it has more hype around it for the next month. sell off the 25% when you think its approaching the top into omg
Poor user here. I have 5 LTC and $1k fiat. Should I put half of my bankroll in OMG? Also does anyone see it going under $10, I've noticed it's stayed pretty steady during this bear period of the last few days.
>We can be 95% certain that OmiseGO prices will fall between $33, and $1,030,718 with a mean of $480,414. Holy volatility!!
If we get another market dip (looking likely but not guaranteed) then OMG will almost certainly go below $10 again
it was doing fine .53 to 26 in under 6 months then btc dragged everything down
lol'd, i like your style user.. also 1500 reporting in
omg has been sliding against the eth ratio very slowly for the dips/crash of the last month. if btc/eth goes down it will probably go below $10, but the ratio will be about the same. your call
>we are releasing everything starting in 6 months from now
there a jpeg of the roadmap?
quad bags with quads you're gonna make it
If i liquidated everything I have I would be able to get around 5.5k OMG. should i do it?
its on the subreddit in the sticky
linkedchains currently has a better entry price so you'll get a higher roi buying linkedchains now than omg, probably. they're also similar in that information regarding staking returns is intentionally suppressed.
It depends.
Does being a multimillionaire appeal to you?
People were whining that VEN was over shilled when it was at $2. People were whining that NEO was over shilled when it was around $30 late last year. Good projects are inevitably going to be shilled here
praise kek
ofc user but what is the likelihood? arent i better off just going all in eth since that is the base platform for which all these erc20 tokens run?
shill is a bad filter. Both great and pajeet projects are being shilled here. Learn to difference them. That said, few good projects are being shilled honestly. It only shows momentum
bra grow a pair.. i went all in on OMG with all of my ETH weeks ago..
>$400 plus
oh god i need to fap
>Do I want bags in the safest coin possible and very possibly be making 500k a year in staking fees after 2-3 years
omg is the token that is going to scale eth. omg is plasma and eth will be using it directly
I guess this will fool some people who know fucking nothing about statistics
>1 OMG will be netting $100/year in staking fees in a few years
Come the fuck on, do you really believe that? That would be $100 billion COLLECTED in fees throughout the network, meaning tens of trillions in payments processed.
Excuse me, I fucked up an order of magnitude because I thought there were 1 bill tokens. That's still single digits of trillions of payments, utterly absurd for such a short time scale.
>We can be 95% certain that OmiseGO prices will fall between $33, and $1,030,718 with a mean of $480,414. Holy volatility!!
Guess he forgot to add SPONSORED on his article somewhere
I unironically believe this is not only possible, but probable.
How many transactions do you imagine a revolutionary generalized DEX would process?
That's exactly what were looking at.
This. Lotta omg shilling
how much money do people need to send through the network to collect that much in fees? is that likely?
All shit, sell all
Will likely be done on a per transaction basis, so amount of money is not the question.
1 trillion transactions @ $0.10 per transaction (a good ballpark) = $100 billion staking revenue = $1,000 per coin.
If it hits 100 billion transactions with a $.10 fee it's still $100 per coin
Yeah, like 0,01%.
Incredible how many crypto-minded people still don't understand omg yet.
HPB over everything. they have the prototype of the accelerator chip already. this is the only company with product you can hold in your hand, and it will be substantially valuable to the other blockchain networks. any other "coin" is a shit coin compared to a mass produced product
>We can be 95% certain that Ripple prices will fall between $0.01, and $0.63 with a mean of $0.18.
Enjoy your stupidity brainlet
you cant lump all shilling in with pajeet pnd shilling. its easy to tell the difference. organic shilling contains research, numbers, dates, links etc. pajeet shilling is all pictures of ass and 'get the fuck in here faggots this shit is going 10x by tuesday' not the same thing
Its funnier you really think its not possible with omise already processing billions and bring multiple banks and financial institutions to omg
I never said it wasn't possible, I said it was absurd for it to happen within a year or two. We are talking orders of magnitude above what they have right now.
>pic related (You)