>this triggers the redditor.
This triggers the redditor
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought it was bcash?
I love that Redditors and corecucks are intimidated by Roger Ver
Unironically this.
why is he so handsome bros?
Roger Ver is literally redddit incarnate. He is the kind of faggot who bitches about wars existing because he has no testosterone and doesn't understand how important taking other tribes minerals is.
Cucks and redditors unequivocally BTFO
why do these fags keep spamming the same threads? sage
I'm a corecuck and I would unironically suck Mr Ver's cock dry.
He is a TRUE man with high-test and a thick, muscular horce-cock.
He is one of these men which you know you need to suck off because of his manliness, power and prestige.
he's mentally unstable with a huge ego, but I'd still like to have a dinner and talk
He's a self-made billionaire there bucko.
it triggers me too..
A mentally unstable, slimy, smarmy, whiny, narcissistic cunt with a huge ego. I could go on.
Bcash is the real Bitcoin kek.
>BCH holders genuinely think pretending to be gay core supporters will somehow help their cause
I bet you would, girls loves a dangerous man..
BCH holders aren't actually aware of his homosexual leanings. It's as obvious as looking at Freddie Mercury wearing a leotard to me. Shame he doesn't have a big bushy mustache and a leather police cap.
FIxed your homo pic
you think killing 6 gorrilian kids for oil is okay?
I think you proved OP's point.
>>this triggers the redditor.
Especially considering we didn't get any oil. We just killed them for shits and giggles.
> I'm a self-made millionaire
> Thug livin', out of prison, pistols in the air
> Tone, remember when I used to let you sleep on the couch
> And beg a bitch to let you sleep in the house?
This looks ready to pop in all seriousness
BEFORE Bitcoin!
sounds like you're projecting bruh