Okay so my girlfriend and I are thinking about getting into importing/exporting, we're specifically talking about getting cranberries and lobsters and other sea food from parts of the US and shipping them to places in China because she's Chinese and it would be easier for us to work with Chinese people on this, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any indices or interactive maps of any kind that can show the prices for different goods plotted on a world map that would make finding a good commodity to work with easier to find or any methods of going about this?

But also just general work from home thread cause we need some more of those.

Other urls found in this thread:



I own a fish farm and I'm looking to export.

>Exporting costly shit to china
>instead of importing cheap shit from china to sell it at a premium


Why would you try to make a serious thread using a pic that'll just turn this into a sniff thread?

Oops, I mean sniiiiiffff sniifff BRAP.


Ha, I import/export and drop ship apparel with my Korean girlfriend. Why in the world would you want to deal with a perishable product that exposes you to a fuck load of liability? Have you thought about this at all..?

I'm relatively new to biz, what is with all the braaap posting on this board?

braaap is like an old /tv/ mem or some shit, yet it's still going strong here?

It only became prevalent in the past week or so, I think it's the autists on this board's way of counteracting the lewd pictures posted on thread images. It's fucking annoying but they simply can't help themselves but try and connatate anything good and attractive to something vile and disgusting. Effectively we can't have nice things

Figured we could get cheap lobsters from Maine and sell over in China cause we figured they don't have many, there's a lot of people so food would be a good commodity, and that it isn't as perishable as some other products. There's definitely something better out there though I'm sure.

that's also an option. What's weird though is that she makes money currently sending name brand products from here in America over to China for a markup (even though they're made there)

I was gonna post pic related but I figured a butt pic is tradition with these generals and that it would attract attention regardless

How is that working for you? I felt like clothing is a hard market to penetrate so I shied away from it. Our logic is that we can get continual business if we can get a good buyer seeing how there's a billion and a half people and they all need to eat, so something perishable but not too perishable would be nice but again suggestions are welcome.

Too many roastie posts by pajeets shilling their shit bags. It’s actually a good way of drowning the threads. Also encourages real posters to not use slut pics to start a thread. Enjoy your braaaaaps

Should I just repost thread with different thumbnail? I don't normally use these. I literally just googled "nice looking butt"

Nah non crypto threads are hard to get rolling. May as well stick with this.

You should use this one


This looks really excellent, thank you very much kind sir.


>he thinks he can import anything into china as a foreigner without connections to party officials he can bribe

My gf is from China and her mom is a low level police officer, if anything we could do something peer to peer through we-chat but I'm iffy on that.

Bump, any home business ideas guys? Anything that can make money really.