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can't wait for btc to stay sub 8k for months just to shut delusional retards like this guy and his followers up

His data is very promising.


50k by end of April!


Where can I see his predictions?

you can buy them like the rest of the whales do, filthy beggar

In the stars

Who is he once saw his TA

If you actually took the time to buy his reports you would know he had predicted this for months


eh whats another 100$ compared to the 5k i wasted

he's a big guy

i know his three latest predictions. i bought some of each and will test the results.

I love his reports. They're extremely coherent, sensible, logical, and well-written. He's an extremely grounded and balanced man.

His most relevant prediction to us is 100k BTC by end of the year and 50k by the end of april. He has been right about crypto about 75% of the time. LTC 25k by EOY. I have 94.

one down. two more sexy predictions to go.


so post them

Clif High? He believes Hilary has a robot body double.

for you


the LTC prediction is the funniest of them all

Didn't say 25k eoy
He said 0.25 of BTC value but no date was given

TFW in third week of Feb Bitcoin hits 13,888 $ like he said

Thats my prediction based off of his BTC statement. There should be some massive movement at the end of Feb.

Do you guys realize how he predicts things? He's using a webcrawler. Of course he will predict 100k since that has been thrown around since last year. Unless you believe magic is real and this market operates PURELY on self-fulfilling prophecies, don't buy into his shit.

That being said, I bought EOS because of his last predictions.

he could use a asscrawler for all i care.
i checked his reports and they had a very decent accuracy (70+).


are u crazy?
>be me
>wake up do some yoga
>smoke joint
>browse reddit
>smoke more joints
>browse more reddit
>take incoherent notes about reddit blabla
>give notes to my lsd-damaged hippy gf
>smoke more joints
>sell this shit for 99$ to retards over the internet
>buy some weed
ur the dumbest fuckers on earth

how about some handreading for 99$?




That's from his last report, not the feb '18 one.

Enjoy ur map making. Lol. What a retard

If word of aliens gets out I'll do everything he says.

Spoken like a true pleb. Be poor somewhere else.

no shit, the feb report hasnt dropped yet

That is literally how hype-based markets like this work though. Throw around 100k often enough and people will buy in because they're convinced it'll go to 100k. Then it goes to 100k because everyone bought it.

From December. Yawn.

same shit about sub 8k

everyone and their mother preached btc was going below 8k. the support was there at 11, 10 and 9. yet it went below 8k and then nobody actually knew where the fuck it was going to go.

that's the most recent jan '18 report stupid fuck

Tezos mystery coin.

Once our current financial system starts to collapse, we will see a huge influx of wealth into crypto. Wall street will need a place to protect the cheese.

>true pleb
listen to the guy who thinks hillary clinton has an robot double and the cia works with aliens
oh wait, you also believe that
u stupid fuckers are too retarded to think for urselves, so u are always in desperate need of some prophet
i blame atheism for that desu
at least in the churches u maniacs were in a kind of containment

Wait a minute, forget the Hillary thing but you don’t believe in aliens?
Boomer detected

I'm an engineer, so data is my life. If someone comes up with a way to mine data from the collective conscious accurately I will consider it. I'm invested in crypto regardless.

believers are in the church faggot
or in tinfoilhat forums
also, learn to read

Check out Bix Weir too. He has some interesting theories.

con artist jew


>USG released documents of UFO's for almost a decade now
It's a historical fact. If you think we're alone here, DYOR.
Oh wait, you must be an atheist as well. Dostoevsky wrote about them back in 19th century. So did Nietzsche. Both predicted that 20th century is gonna be pure suffering because of atheists.

His gold in the grand canyon stuff is on point desu.

I agree. The US has far more resources than it leads on.

he predicted gold at $4000 exactly now in time


pretty sure hes been predicting economic collapse/hyper inflation every year for like 10 years


he predicted bitcoin going up when anyone who ever looked at bitcoin chart would know its pretty much always only gone up

he picked coins that mooned in a bull market where 99% of coins did?

What does Cliff say about OMG?

Don't follow him then.

lol im heavily invested in his shilled coins so i did some research into past predictions and found these

he has about 1 month max for btc to hit his 13.888 marker or hes just gotten be written off as a fraud

do people really pay this guy

coco the monkey can make crypto picks

They have great entertainment value on their own. Reading through the most recent one was like listening to the Alex Jones episode of Joe Rogans podcast.

30000% gains in 2018

I am secretly hoping that his predictions about Silver will be accurate.

A lot of it sounds like quack shit but between all the stuff happening with crypto, government, and the success of the space x rocket in the first couple months of the year maybe he's onto something.

he predicted gold to be 4800 right now(feb 2018)
and gold to be $600 before that time, and close to parity with gold right now

i wouldnt hold my breathe on unloading those silver bags user

*should read "and silver to be $600..."

it already hit it, that prediction is old

Same. I'm hoping his PPT, PLR, OMG and BTC predictions come true as well.
Anyone a subscriber to that pajeet guy Teeka Tiwari? Is he useful?

no, the prediction was not for btc to hit 13.888 at some point in time, it was for btc to be at 13.888 within a few weeks of the end of Feb 2018. he makes this very clear

I just bought Silver after reading his article. I honestly don't care about the price and I don't think he gave a price prediction in his latest article. I am more interested in his predictions about it being a "strategic asset" and the stuff about space travel.

I guess we will know what’s up in a few weeks.

All I know is Bix and Clif have made me a grip of cheese, and I plan on holding for at least two years. The US gov has fully endorsed crypto so it’s not going anywhere but the moon.

He did give a price in one of his interviews, $600.
Held silver since 2015. Would lie if I said zero regrets, but future will prove if it was worth it.


bought in '15 on his advice? you been following him long?

wondering how many more price predictions he's made on gold/silver in the last 10 years, i'm assuming if he's made more they have also failed

Clif posting will never match Terry posting.
He doesn't know if it is 30000% or 30000x

No, not on his advice.
I think I fell for Mike Maloney's silver shilling or, god forbid, Peter Schiff.
I wish I knew of clif before, though. If his prediction about BTC being at 13.8k this month comes true.. I'll keep buying his reports.

They are also saying silver manipulation could end this year because of cryptos effect. Even if it doesn’t happen this year it will happen eventually and my stacks will be valuable.

>not the feb '18 one
The last report covered February, dipshit.

listen his theories are insane, thats totally true but his calls are weirdly accurate
I mean of course we won't go into intergalactic war in spring, thats fucking ridiculous

>he predicted bitcoin going up when anyone would know it pretty much always only gone up
>btc only gone up

ask me how i know you're retarded, user

You guys don't actually believe this fucking scam artist do you?

Ever wonder why he's not allowed anyone to see this magical software of his?

Ever wonder why you're trusting a guy who believes in chemtrails? Whose "software" "predicted" that the world would end in 2012?

Ever stopped for like two seconds to think about taking financial advice from a man who believes that humans are psychic and accidentally leak information about future natural disasters?

The absolute state of the four chan dot org business and finance imageboard BAKA

Should we be taking advice from Wall Street or our crooked gov instead?

t. just bought 100k

You should be DYOR. But yes, I'd take advice from Wall Street over this guy any day.

Good luck with that bra. Double your 401k contribution. I’ll be retired in two years.

>you're trusting a guy who believes in chemtrails?
Stopped reading there.

His site is halfpasthuman.com

Guess what clif says in all of his reports.
He just reports the data and then, you DYOR.

Actually I was so shit at it and if ONLY had I listened to him, I would have avoided this crash. He said the markets are going to dip on the 15th of Jan or around that time.

Non-disclosure is the best proposed answer

Yes and he said that his predictions are not always on time and are +- 30-45 days usually....so its old

>still believing chemtrails are fake

this is 2018 faggot, not 2008

Lier, his bot been saying that bitcoin will be around 13888 mid / late feb. It does not matter that it hitted earlier, because it's not below 13k again. All he said was : mid / late feb, 13888

Get the report here satoshibox.com/xbau48tgqntrupxxowmmxae5

Here satoshibox.com/xbau48tgqntrupxxowmmxae5

said 30,000% from 18 months out

I bought the copy myself. Found it here on biz a week later. Read it, brothers.


what do you guys think about his LTC forecast?

Time to load up?

I'd say any of the posted ones are good long term hold. LTC is a no brainer. Follow the dates that are given and see for yourself. That's the only way to know for sure.
I risked and took his advice with PLR, PPT and OMG. Will only blame myself if it won't work.

Don't believe the frauds

Stop it with this shit, you cunts. Either buy it from clif or