press S to spit on double spending grave
Press S to spit on double spending grave
I'm pretty sure the devs are the ones who hacked Bitgrail. Seems pretty shady that they knew about it back in October and didn't tell anyone about it. Probably ran out of money and needed to raise capital quick so they stole from their userbase.
Im glad to see this XRB crash and burn. Couldnt stand seeing 100s of XRB threads everywhere I went.
Q predicted this
XRB Money flowing to real DAG coins like PRL and IOTA
>anyone with average size IQ already moved their funds last week
Veeky Forums idiots love shitcoins like nano! have fun with your bags retards!
Vitalik must have been in on it as well. His recent statement about NANO reeks of hatred towards NANO fanbois.
Also, Vitalik knows more about ERC20 tokens than anyone else. Thus he was the perfect person to hack NANO from an exchange.
>this is the official alt right nazi coin
I missed that. What did Vitalik say
He was asked about NANO a few days ago in an interview. He admitted that it must be the buggiest ERC20 he has yet seen. NANO code allowed to double spend not only the token itself, but also ETH on Bitgrail exchange.
He probably wants to erase the NANO ICO code from the ledger. Too bad the ETH blockchain is immutable however.
Damn. Yeah that puts Vitalik way up on the top of the list on probably suspects. Favorites are likely him and the dev team.
eth blockchain is not immutable, can be forked at anytime as already proven
You're retarded. It's a joke. Nano isn't an erc20 (ROFL)
And to the guy thinking core was in on it because they were out of funds... Uh for what? You can see the dev fund wallet with a ton of NANO right there on the block explorer. "double spending" here was an exchange implementation error, which cuckoin fixed within a day.
Sure user. Keep holding those bags though!
Yeah! they totally just couldnt have created another wallet and not told anyone that they did!
lol Nano is so buggy, its not even listed
I don't get this. nano isn't erc20, I thought it was the hashgraph meme?
Lol 9/10 user. Made me actually fetch links. Here's the dev wallet for the brainlets
>nano isn't erc20
Just read the whitepaper. You can probably check it out on etherscan as well:
For Vitalik source, he has the interview linked on his twitter:
(((They))) have lied to you. You are being played Veeky Forums.
>telling obvious lies and misinformation that can be debunked in seconds
Why? What's the point?
You can't check it out on etherscan, because its not in any way related to erc20
Lol when did the worst erc20 meme turn into Eth fud?