Why is bitcoin even a thing? Literally nobody uses it as a currency other than drug users who try to stay anonymous

Why is bitcoin even a thing? Literally nobody uses it as a currency other than drug users who try to stay anonymous.

Why is there so much hype? And why so many offshoots?

99% of people who buy this shit just want a get rich scheme and don't care about it as fiat.

Wow that left girl is beautiful


Wow its like you took every normie news article in existence and assumed they were 100% accurate and then didnt bother to look further into the accuracy of what you were saying.

Look at all that jungle fever.

>mfw in school
>bully negros daily
>dekeg (think its called "pants them" in yankland) some black kid
>smallest dick i've ever seen
LMAO the myth is propaganda no joke

Dios mio.. el fin de los tiempos...

When you spend your whole life on the internet are you surprised when someone that actually goes out and socializes regularly gets a gf?

You don't even know if they're with them or not
You cucks see a picture and think it means they've had sex and got pregnant by now


el abomidad

>those crosses
Oy vey good christians, (((Pastor Anderson))) would be proud


>You don't even know if they're with them or not

Body language says they are.

You aren't insinuating that this isn't a highly probable pre-date photo?

The power to send unlimited amounts of money anywhere on the globe without a 3rd party involved.

Fuck is wrong with you brainlet op ?

No asians so I'm not mad.

its likely from a prom or some event similar you fucking dork
>body language
nigger i have hundreds of pics taken of me similar with women i havent fucked

you're a faggot
leave your house sometime

dude, you literally cannot compete with black dick or the stereotype. Even if I'm looking for a porn where a girl is enjoying herself its always blacked. They look good in that pic and you need to accept that after each of those girls got the black dick they crave.

The price is propped up by speculators, BTC is garbage, tokens are garbage, 99% of the market is pure garbage no one will ever use.
I hope the bubble pops so all the over marketed hyped up trash and dumb speculators get wiped out.

Look how their body is turned towards them so they can present their vagina to be fucked. The only one that might not be doing it is green dress.

How could anyone take this picture without laughing?

Your insecurity is showing, might wanna patch that up

>You cucks see a picture and think it means they've had sex and got pregnant by now

you and I both know that is the most likely outcome

almost every women i've ever met hates niggers lol

jesus christ leave your house bro
its truly sad at this point
imagine what your parents think lol
lmao the delusion
i dont have any faggot
its just the truth isn't it? u mad?

t. cuckold fantasist
nah mate, i dont think it is
as i just said, i have plenty of pictures similar with chicks not fucked

you just need to leave your house more, don't you?

>as i just said, i have plenty of pictures similar with chicks not fucked

go on...

Worse than bestiality.

Imagine being this insecure that you have to larp as some alpha chad negro slayer. I know its gonna be tough having to deal with Jamal and his friends tomorrow in school, but dont let it get to you alright?

I have taken many pictures in my life very similar in very similar situations and not fucked them
Just because you're stood next to someone in a photo, doesn't mean you're fucking

It does if you're a cuck virgin though

I'm not larping, I'm alpha and do fuck a lot of chicks
How mad are you about that bitch?
Also, i've long left school, but when i did go, nigs got bullied because i'm not a cucked yank faggot lmao

lol this nig nog

yep. so you are a delusional fuck. most girls in porn wont even have sex with black guys and if they do they have to get paid a lot extra. I dont even watch porn and I know that. It is a commonly known thing. Black guys are a fetish for a small amount of girls. Thats it. White people are objectively the most attractive... that is something everyone has agreed on.

>all these bitter pasty virgins

I actually feel sad for you dude. You're so in denial about the fact that a lot of women are attracted to black people. I'm just wondering, when you take a picture with all your friends, do you guys order yourselves in male-female couples too?

fucking disgusting race mixing whores. Their children are going to be self hating negroids who hate their white genetics

>I have taken many pictures in my life very similar in very similar situations and not fucked them

I don't get what you're trying to say. That you didn't fuck your prom date? Congrats?

i dont know man...maybe...do you look better than those guys? Or the ones from blacked...

Their fathers deserve to be shot. Not even kidding.

don't be mad, son. Im sure at some point even some of your family members have enjoyed a spot of black cock

Lmao the state of this fagot
I'm not saying there aren't mate but its not common (unfortunately foryou, a cuck)

No i did but she was my girlfriend however people i went with (some black people as well) took pictures during the night like this and didint fuck

you've let Veeky Forums get to your head because you're a faggot

read up above

Black slaves just have better genetics. And looks are the only thing that matter. Proofs in the pudding my dude (see OPs pick, they probably got creampied no condoms)

daily reminder that bitcoin is toolip maniac 2.0

I for sure do, and I'm pretty ugly by white people standards. Only problem is I'm awkward and a manlet

If you think im larping, britfag here who used to goto house raves....those black dudes are hench as fuck and trust me, they were fucking those house girls......bareback. and there i was, just dreaming.

Niggers are the only ones dumb enough to still be messing with 3D pigs

Nah my friend women of all races prefer white men
to the point its even a thing within black social justice movements
they hate "western beauty" aka how white people and they try to change it

you didn't go no where you fucking faggot
you stayed in doors playing computer games like a the fanny that you are

their lives are literally ruiend from the start because theyre black, so its no surprise theyre trying to find anyone but a black girl

Hi /pol/

ministry of sound bla bla bla...and other ones in the UK too. 'house honeys' were so fit....and it was black guys double teaming them. I remember at rave me and this girl who is in our group go out...I do nothing, on our way back in these two black dudes start chatting her up...she was blonde and fit. She took there numbers.....just sayin' bro. And they asked 'whose he' (reffing me) ...she said 'oh nobody' ....just sayin.....girls cant resist that black dick man

>and there i was, just dreaming.

you were the condom

LMAO now i know you're larping hard
house honeys hhahahahaha

leave your house bro im serious cancel your net connection and fix your life
will be the best thing you ever done

2/ most hookers wont fuck black guys though...why? Usually tell me they're 'too big'

lmao thats not the reason mate
its because theyre niggers, dead serious

brainlet, I'm not larping. Look up 'house music' and then the term 'house honeys' will make sense...

la mounstrocidad

Remember in 500 years time if this is allowed to continue when everyone has the same mongrel looks, the same mongrel thoughts, everyone will be controlled the same and we'll never be able to go back from it.

90% of my ex-gfs confessed that they had fantasized about getting gangbanged by bbcs at least once.

i know what house music is you fucking buffoon
you're an american or canadian larping hard because you're ugly/didnt get laid

fix your life mate

He's larping that he went to a club in England? What is wrong with you?

Kek. Do you see where I'm headed with this? I got rich off crypto, so now I can just buy whatever the fuck I want. No, I'll never be aesthetic...at this point I dont care. But white girls do enjoy that black cock.

I asked a co-worker if she had hooked up with any other races...she said 'yeah, black' .....i said 'any reason why' ...she said 'yeah I was curious' ...i said 'what did you think' ...she said 'too big'.

La luz extinguido

trust me, I used to goto squat parties / raves / festivals....any space dominated by black dick had white pussy all over it.

people like you should kill themselves, no joke
its beyond pathetic


yeah hes larping

GF's are overrated If I wanted sex I'd buy a hooker.

BASED sminem

>Hick trying to justify his insatiable lust for cow dick

How many niggers and kikes are therre on this board we need like racial detectors or something. Goddamn I wish we never taught you inbreds english.

Dude, I had a gf who hooked up with more than 1 black guy (i wont number how many) ....she said 'oh they smelled funny'. Lets just say she took a whole lot of black dick. Christ. You dont take that much black dick if you dont enjoy it.

are you a paid shill or just mentally damaged?

Shareblue has branched out from poll. Stick to telegram/dischord private chat like most of us till they stop stinking up this place with the dumbasses.

hello faggoter

Theres one thing you need to know my dude. Im rushing on blow, i dont have to ever work again and even then Im on job seekers.

imagine being so insecure that a picture of a couple of women hanging out with bbc men makes you sperg out

lmao whut
mentally ill

>mfw this thread is still up

Kek. 3/4 niggers. Christians see no problem with this as long as the nigs love Jebus.

should start posting these pics with each post ...scare off the /pol/ tards

Cause pedos need their fix.
>first transaction was for "pizza"
yep, sure it was..

If you need to sell people on your shit it aint gonna sell.

fucking sad how jewish media has made these dumbass girls think this is cool.

Ok, so you go to degenerate places where degenerate women who are the type that date blacks hang out. Cool


and somehow he sounds less mentally ill than you

no you're just a cucked gay boy

Keep dreaming bro. Biggest dick in the world belongs to a white man.

Whites have the biggest dicks, biggest brains, most beautiful, most creative race on the planet. Stay jelly.

Just cause a few white whores were brainwashed to fuck niggers doesn't change any of those facts

people want diversification and why not

>this thread

Holy shit you fucking faggots are so insecure. How do you get so butthurt over a couple of white girls you’ve never met dating black guys?

Yeah you're certifiable.

how many fucking memes can you fit in one image. wew. i applaud this

Seeing black people adopt Christianity is such a pathetic sight. Literally slave morality forced on you when you were a literal slave.

Welcome to 4chin, newfig.

kek baiting people like this is quite funny.
youre literally proving my point. 2.5 black guys on the british team....makes you think huh?

Right-most guy hoverhanding

makes me think niggers are too stupid to do anything other than run fast.

for real. i grew up in bk like half my friends black. they fucking wish they could score white girls.