Daily reminder

Daily reminder

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Fuck. He or she or xe is right, guess I will sell all my holdings and kill myself. ugh

>Enviromental disaster

How much energy is wasted by printing paper money?
How much energy is wasted to move all the new printed money around the country?
How much energy and resources are wasted by fighting counterfeiting?

The environmental issues around bitcoin are very weak arguments

-t. Huffington Post


i dont care about enviromental stuff, but surely less than btc

Nah they are solid. There are many coins that work better, faster and more efficient then grandpa.

I wonder if normies are onto BTC...I mean you have to be retarded to not see just how big that pile of shit is.

Do you have any clue about what you posted vs Bitcoin?

I have no clue if I had to bet I would say bitcoin is way more environmental destructive then creating paper fiat, most fiat is digital anyways, small percentage of fiat is actually circulating in cash form.

Credit cards transactions are orders of magnitude more efficient then Bit coin but I doubt those calculations take in all factors like, buildings electricity to power buildings, etc etc.

how much power do your banks use, faggot

proof of stake is a meme

I am an electrical engineer. Look in google how much water is required to produce a single sheet of paper.

So is running gazillion asics from warehouses in Sichuan just to confirm that you sent 0.003BTC to your boyfriends.

>he or she or xe


POW is the whole point of crypto. POS aren't real cryptocurrencies and no one will ever use them.

t. bought 40 1080ti's

And these haven't?

POW is the most secure and transparent way to decentralize consensus. POS is useless, riddled with flaws and is only used in memecoins.

And for low value transactions there is LN

user wash the sand out of your vagina.
Tl:dr don't give a fuck anyways and normies will not bother to read papers like you posted.

Straw man argument anyways there are coins that are much more efficient then btc.

Really question your emotional attachment to Bit coin.

watch your fucking tone Goy, we're doing a lot of good

nice just bought 100k, add it anti negroes and will buy 200k.

>mentioning LN
Jesus fucking christ this shit is infested with redditors

>open channel
>put BTC allowance in there
>pay for coffee
>try to buy croissante
>not enough allowance
>close channel
>pay 10$
>open channel
>pay 10$
>buy croissant
>close channel


POW is meme. Literal meme. To even think chink cartel running your wordwide payment network is best way to do it just says how retarded you are.

I wish someone would do the following math....

1. Calculate the total electricity needed to verify one transaction.

2. Divide that into the world energy production per year.

This would = the maximum number of transactions per year that could be verified if the entire world's energy supply was used to verify shitcoin transactions.

leave my bitcorn alone!!!!

Straw man squared argument.
First we are talking about energy not water.

Second and I have no clue but I would make a heavy wager that less then .5 % of all the paper produced annual goes into the creation of cash.

And ffs physical cash is a good thing the only truly anonymous currency out there.

>most fiat is digital anyways, small percentage of fiat is actually circulating in cash form.
Most retarded post I've ever come across. How can you misunderstand the economy this much.

One Bitcoin Uses as Much Energy as Your House in a Week

Its really efficient in paying chink cartels for sending 200$ via this shit while waiting for 5hr for confirmation.


leftists are delusional

jesus fuck what kinda of sjw pc hell are we in

Less than 5% of the worlds fiat exists.

We are talking about environmental impact. And to use massive amounts of water, you need massive amounts of energy.

>Second and I have no clue
Stop reading after I have no clue

Do the opposite if what the jews tell you.

back to rebbit

daily reminder cryto is composed of a majority white males and NEEDS more diversity

First talking about USD
What am I misunderstanding?
Been a while since I cared about this but it was my understanding that the percentage of actually physical cash in circulation was relatively small (say 10 %) compared to total amount of dollars on the books.

I am pretty retarded and fell like I arguing with retard any other Goys want to chime in?

go fuck xuself

Please tell me someone is archiving all of these. The me from 2025 will want to have a laugh.

gender is fluid. get with the program, trumptard.

>thinking BTC will be relevant in 2025

Are you retards reading what you write? Is NOKIA or Blackberry fucking relevant?

I'm taking screenshots of threads like this.

>Redditor falls for obvious joke and calls others Redditors

Lol faggot, of fucking course there is an "environmental impact" in the creation of a dollar bill. There is an environmental impact in the creation of anything.

You are using strawmen arguments.

And please do tell me Mr engineering fago what percentage of America's annual paper output goes into the creation of new USD bills?

Lmao, banks offer a lot more services than crypto. Crypto requires services of banks and exchanges in order to have a functioning market.


You're just a fucking retard.

>bitcoin is only used in america

What a bullshit debunking that article is.
If you can't see the holes, you're hopeless.

Nice argument brainlet

so that means it will be even more successful then. Thanks for the tip. Environmental flags=$$$.

shut up gooooooyboi

Jfc dude.
Jfc again. This user was simple pointing out how the heh guys I'm a engineering fagot, was using the logical fallacy appeal to authority.

I dont know why I am wasting time debating with manchilds who has not a clue about anything.

Printing money + moving money around the world requires more energy than the entire bitcoin network by far


you retards might deny it but its 100% true. BTC has no team, no future, no company behind it, too wasteful, too many fees, almost no one uses at a currency. Just buy altcoins not this shitty meme

You are making straw men arguments over and over.
Bitcoin and crypto currencies are one thing, which should looked at and judged amongst themselves, this has nothing to due with physical cash. Any you are being faggot for making this about paper use. And you still haven't answered question about what percentage of annual paper production goes into creating new cash. Not going to watch a you tube.

There are crypto currencies more energy efficient then Bit coin. This is what should be discussed not physical cash.

Look dude I am a art fag come from ic I know a lot about paper, have made my own papers as well. Dated a girl who's father was a mechanical engineer that developed specialised paper products mainly high end filters.
I know that the process of creating new cash is cutting edge high tech, using very specialized papers and high end printing techniques, as well as inks. I am glad they do it, it adds value to the fiat, and unfortunately due to the corrupt nature of man they will always need to improve aka spend more resources to create cash. I like cash, don't like the banks and Fed behind it but cash itself is a good idea.

sure bro:)))))

I'll be buying the dip ready to watch all the normies fomo in during the next bull run.

Newfags falling for easy bait