Please god

Good Afternoon bros
>Be me
>went 100% into Vechain
>On other hand, in debt A LOT
>University is soon so i need to save for that and pay off my debts
>Been stuck on the thought that the rebranding will make me profit and will get me out of this shithole of debt

Will I get out bros?

Other urls found in this thread:

nope sorry. you fell for a meme coin that won't be worth much. hope you get out of debt soon

pay your debts fool.

You'll be fine. Hope BTC goes up and VEN will surely follow!

You’ll get out on a ATH satoshi scale for VEN to VET rebrand.

im sorry for your lots

I think VEN is AntShares 2.0.

Im not fucking selling. This shit will make me a millionaire.

Screencap this bitch.

How many do you have?

VeChain partnerships got some red flags might wanna sell

Hodling 3k

Will I make it?

I'm all-in VEN and XLM.

i'm all in ven and you don't deserve this

>jim breyer
>yes you wan't to invest in the company China is puppeting

If you don’t have at least a strength node don’t bother. Poor fags aren’t welcome here

Jim Breyer alone makes up for these "red flags"

The "red flags" were one company hasn't updated their app in some time, the Pwc partnership was brought in by a different CEO, and DVGL wants to sell their data.

Wow, totally shady shit going on there...

>unfortunately information about some of the partners is a bit scare

Pajeet post confirmed. Not even reading the rest.

VENCHAINS very bad sir pls to be selling for soon

Keep in mind bros, i dont even care about "making it" id just rather secure my losses, i bought in at $5 or so and i just want it to reach around 10-12 so i can sell off

I want this to hit 0.001 BTC. All I want to do is sell my strength node for 10 BTC. I'm hoping it will be around there right before the rebranding.

only have 306 VEN
i dont think ill make it

im in the 300 range too.

i think this will be bigger than neo. we should make a decent amount but not enough for lambo land.

ill settle for a new postie bike.

Rebranding will bump no more than 20%.

Bright future ahead tho, so sit tight and hold firmly.

Bought in when it was under a dollar and sold my stack at 9$

Had about 2000 coins.
This coin mooned already guys and pretty much the last few news where just "sell the news"

>thinking this is going to stay below 10bil market cap

top kek

Keep in mind bros, i dont even care about "making it" id just rather secure my losses, i bought in at $5 or so and i just want it to reach around 10-12 so i can sell off

If it hits $100 it's lambo land. Unless you have less than 1000, which in that case, you won't make it with VEN only.