Hi /biz

Post your age, IQ and biggest HODL








> 31
> 136





I only hold LINK. If you guys were at least above average (like at least 105) you'd be carrying LINK instead of this shit. TF is an ADST anyway? Or QASH? lol it sounds like cash for retards... nope sorry that's bcrash.

Anyway, buy LINK.



>never took an IQ test

Thanks stinky

>all these 130+ IQs

Gee, it’s almost like you’re all delusional

>16 years old
>82 iq

> 18
> 155
> vechain


>mfw I see that right ear
>mfw I see those toes



~140 (i forgot the test used but it was 2.5 SD)
iShares Core S&P 500 ETF

Ah damn it you got to that joke before I did


This is a first world board my friend. I’m sure that’s a global average, ie Pajeet and Tyrone are included



not everyone is a moron like you, my IQ is 144. This isn't reddit.


I didn't know we had so many geniuses on Veeky Forums


25 y/o




Pick one, brainlet.


>projecting that hard


y'll not even knowing what ECC is fucking criminal.



Takes a geniuses to figure it how to buy high and sell low :)

age 32
never tested my IQ
bitcoin cash


What's even the point of this thread? Nobody is discussing anything or replying to posts. It's just a bunch of anons eager to post their IQs. Is this a data mining thread?

>all this underage kids posting IQ over 120....
>thinking a 5 question facebook test is accurate of your IQ

A real IQ test literally takes 6 hour and is usually done in 2 to 3 days with some breaks between.

>tfw to inteligent for IQ tests

Like a 22 hour break?

that picture would be
so much better if she was naked

Blue board = blue balls I’m afraid

No I took it as child its usually a 30 minute break between subjects and , takes like 2 hour and went 3 times in 3 days.

I didnt even score that high think it was 119 or something like that.

yeah they're annoying. I had to take one for some bullshit program in high school. At 16 it was 146, took another one for a study in college, that was 152. IQ tests are bullshit. Almost as bad as Meyers-Briggs. All of that shit is culturally biased, poorly constructed dog shit. If you're proud of your high IQ and have done nothing interesting or significant in your life, you're the worst of the worst.



Is this you?


>not sure, above yet not far above average though

>2 millions $
>CPC (apart from ETH)

>2BTC and 2BTC worth of Nano



>Taking Internet IQ tests
>VTSAX ($40k)



Only thing this thread proves is that even with high iq people can still be complete morons. This is the shittiest board on Veeky Forums after all.
But we know you're just saying you're 130+ as a way to cope.


IQ is a terrible system that isn't set up to property read the intelligence of children, so it's not surprising that the scores of 15 year olds are so inflated.

hope you have children to enjoy them. don't let the private keys die with you!

Where is a good place to test IQ?

I think I did one and got 120 but I'm not too sure.


I’m also an INTJ personality type if that helps. The only reason I’m in crypto is so I can become financially independent and play vidya all day.


24, 124, XMR




Most people on Veeky Forums are INTJ and INTP types. It’s not surprising that their IQs are high.

Never really tested

>Cares about MBTI


unknown, i would hope high (given im polish)
a mix of blue chip stocks, and A and B rate bonds and municipals (worth in the $600k)





I'm just moving my bitcoin to Ethereum and into ICOs since coins aren't making me sufficent gains


22.5k COSS @0.08 and 1.8k VEN @0.2

Also holding REQ, HST, NEO, LRC, SALT, HPB, ICX

>82 but honestly
>LINK because im too stupid for anything else




Probably low

>Amazon stock

lmao, so many facebook geniuses here.

fyi, real IQ tests are mostly used to diagnose disorders so if you ever took an IQ test when you were a minor, your parents probably thought you were retarded.

So many fucking morons out there actually think they have IQs above 130.



Must be on the high side user