How easy is it for rich guys to get hot chicks?

Are the stereotypes true? How easy is it for rich guys to get hot chicks? And how rich is rich?

Easy assuming you spend a lot of it on them or have a really nice house that they get to live in at the beach or something.

What about for NEETs?

It depends on how well you can play the socializing game. You can be rich and still act like an autistic fag. Even worse if you withdraw from meeting new people. So yeah, money is a big plus, but you need a bit more than that.

Have you ever tried talking to a girl in real life? How did it go?
Do you stutter or make weird gestures? Have trouble saying certain words?

No, I don't stutter or make gestures. I just don't care whatsoever or have any interest and find most conversations boring and useless. But I'm also not rich. That's why I'm wondering what it would be like.

I'm so god damn sick of seeing this same fucking thread every day. FUCK OFF. WORK OUT. FIX YOUR GOD AWFUL PERSONALITY

No. Working out is pathetic.


I second this.

Pretty much this tbqph

Maybe it would be a waste of time for some people to work out but if you are naturally attractive and have non soy genetics then I’d saying working out can increase womens interest in you up to 50%. This is purely because you have the appropriate genetics for working out to manifest in significant muscle gain,.

99% of people work out because they want to look good and impress people. That is pure insecurity and is extremely pathetic. If you are in the 1% who actually does it for yourself, enjoys it, or is seriously in a competitive sport, then fine, but trust me, you are the exception.

Why do you want a hot chick then, to talk about philosophy or to have sex with?

Most hot girls are superficial, and I guess that is okay. If you find a hot one with brains there is a high chance that she'll will manipulate the fuck out of you.

But I know I know. You want to find a hot one, which is really smart and also very kind, and will love you forever.

>people working out to improve yourself is pathetic
>asking NEETs on Veeky Forums how to pay for pussy is dignified

Who cares about smarts? I'm talking about hot.

Regardless of the persons intention, working out and getting in top tier shape will improve your life. Men will show you more respect and women will give you more attention.

I want to work out so people are less willing to mess with me, since I'm a manlet and look weak.

Life if all about impressing people. It’s what motivatives us to get up every morning. It’s just a question of whether you choose to do it with your intellect or your physique. I choose both.

but you just said ,____,

>I just don't care whatsoever or have any interest and find most conversations boring and useless

There's a difference in being rich and paying. I'm absolutely not talking about paying. And I said if you are truly working out solely to improve yourself and not to impress others than that's fine. But that applies to about 1% of people who work out. The 99% are doing it from vanity and to try to impress others. That is incredibly insecure and pointless.

I don't care. Like I already said, it's pathetic to worry about what other people think and change your life over it.

>don't work out because so secure with couch potato body
>don't go to school because so secure with armchair philosopher intellect
>don't ever leave comfort zone because so secure with meager life experiences

sounds like you're really pursuing an enriching life. lots of personal growth ahead of you OP.

how me get woman?> how me make moneey

The last two are reasonable. The working out one, once again, is stupid. If you are an aspiring athlete or actually enjoy working out, then that's fine. But I'm telling you, that is not the case for 99% of people who work out. They do it out of vanity, insecurity, and wanting to impress other people. You could not possibly think of something less enriching than that.

t. fatty

>You could not possibly think of something less enriching than that.

Alcohol works wonders for this.

Buy a good fucking car. I had a friend in college who's ugly af but becomes a 10 with his sports car.

>lifting for thots
Zyzz is frowning from above brah

Does this actually work?

>soy genetics
funny because its always the low tier low-t manlets that get scared about suy, no real man who isnt borderline female gives a shit about soy because it cant do shit to them

Yes dude throw your money away on an expensive car and stand beside it in a public parking lot. Women will get so wet.

Look for that youtube vid about some guy faking he has a sportscar baiting women. Shits hilarious

I don't understand your logic at all. You're clearly interested in getting women. There are a select amount of reasonable things you can do to increase your dating life. Making yourself more physically attractive is near the top of the list.

Why do you insist living life in hardmode by not improving yourself in certain areas? You are obviously interested in personal finance, but putting work into anything unless you enjoy the process is retarded in your opinion. Why? To not conform to the general consensus, out of disdain for normies? You're doing nothing but hurting yourself.

>playing the rpg of life
>refusing to grind str
>restricted to low level roasties

He's lazy. That's all there is to it.


t. lardass

t. Veeky Forums guys make me insecure and pointless.

>fucking loser making excuses to be weak
never fails

Just fuck hot escorts

yeah the soy meme is pretty retarded. Alcohol affects your estreogen way more than soy, unless you eat 150g of spy peotein a day.
>this is now a Veeky Forums thread.

t. soyboy

I used to never get laid until I started making 100k then I was hitting multiple girls. All attractive women care about is money.

There’s no hope for you

That won't do anything. You either genetically look good or you dont

Wrong. If you don't look good working out won't make a difference.

Only losers and autists don't want to impress other people

All of life is about impressing people you absolute fucking brainlet.

You aren't superior becuae you don't want to play the game, you're a loser.

This. I used to be the most pathetic person imaginable. I would intentionally never comb my hair and let my clothes get all dirty to show " i didn't care what others think" even though i was clearly sending a message to other people. It was so autistically cringy. You are very right in what you say.

Being in shape shows that you are capable of maintaining your body and health. Most people feel more confident and positive when they see that they are able to take control of the appearance of their body. That is what is attractive. A confident ugly guy with a decent body is going to get laid over a fat repulsive slob with a nice face.

There's a big difference between having no respect for yourself and doing things purely to impress people, you fucking brainlet. Go have a shower.

I am genetically inferior so i know that's not the case.

I said USED TO idiot.

He was agreeing with you retard

Zyzz was a faggot that took steroids and walked around in public shirtless and you're gonna tell me he wasn't in it for women? Lmfao. He was on some bitter vendetta against women and it ended up killing him. Lmfao.

>He was on some bitter vendetta against women
nice quads, but 99% of Veeky Forums is as well

This is my first post in this thread you absolute mongoloid.


thats not true

This thread is hilarious. No, life is not about impressing people. That is an atrocious mindset. I agree that most people live their lives that way, either consciously or subconsciously. But it is unfulfilling and inevitably leads to a sad and hollow existence. Life is about forming meaningful relationships and doing things you enjoy for yourself, not for others.

except it is, faggot. sorry to burst your bubble

>I find most conversations boring and useless.
You are going to have to pay for sex

>doing things you enjoy for yourself
But you can't enjoy yourself if you're not at least somewhat popular. Otherwise you'll be constantly feeling like shit and use things you "enjoy" as a distraction.

You attributed your lack of respect for yourself (walking around smelling of shit and piss) to simply not caring about impressing people.

I don't necessarily care that much about impressing people, doesn't mean that I don't respect myself enough to maintain the most basic of hygiene.

If the need to impress people is the only thing stopping you retards from doing nothing but sitting in a pool of your own filth then you really are a pathetic lot.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble but it's not. I do have a lot of money and people say im a weird loser. My parents are like "maybe you should stop being so fucking weird" and im like "how" and they showed me pictures on facebook of things my brother was doing he was hanging out with people and his girlfriend and my moms like "this is what normal people do" and looked at me with a disgusted face.

My brother has no money he's spending it all travelling but i have quite a bit and my moms still saying how superior my brother is. Also having lots of money doesn't help because people still know im autistic and basically laugh when i talk

While I don't quite agree with this, it's definitely more accurate than the delusional ideas in this thread about working out. Money is important as a means to buy and experience the things you truly enjoy, and as a form of security and independence. Getting rich to impress people and show off and feel superior is stupid, and it involves all the same drawbacks I've been outlining in this thread about working out.

yeah its super easy but my threads are doing iron man numbers and I don't care anymore

No idea, but i'm poor and only bang hot chicks, well until i made the rookie mistake of settling with a missus..

You're pathetic if you don't try to impress people. That's literally the only thing that matters. "B urself" is how you be a pathetic waste of flesh.

That's a lie

>even if you do get wealthy no woman will ever love you
thanks for crushing my last hope biz



>brother has no money


He makes money but the moment he saves up 5K he takes a trip to Europe. His net worth is probably 1000 right now. He's always doing something like travelling or skydiving as soon as enough paychecks come in.

That is just completely untrue. You do not need to be popular to enjoy yourself.

You need to find a nice third worlder

This, coming from the guy who 'used to' get around wearing dirty clothes, smelling of shit and piss, because he's a dirty, pathetic, childish fucking neet.

How can anyone take you or anything you say seriously.

Continue living the rest of your life trying to 'catch up' to everyone else socially. You aren't ever going to impress anyone nor should you be trying to.

You should be trying to improve yourself and respect yourself. This is how you develop meaningful and long-lived relationships.

explain what you mean

Yes, I agree money impresses people. But as I said, that is not why money is important. It's important for the security and freedom it provides. Impressing people is unimportant. In fact, concerning yourself with impressing people will only lead to negatives. A lot of the responses in this thread are really disappointing to read.

And that’s why your brother gets laid. Because he’s interesting. He does cool things. He’ll probably be poor and dead soon but he’s going to enjoy glorious pussy

This is an insecure man without power.

Find a third world rice eater desperate for a green card

>improve yourself
The only reason to do that is to get more respect from others which im trying to do. I am making up stories about myself in the past that sound less pathetic than how i used to be

>respect yourself
I'm subhuman why would i ever respect a subhuman?

Except I try to do cool things but how? Like i can't just ask a random person "want to do cool things?"

>But I know I know. You want to find a hot one, which is really smart and also very kind, and will love you forever.
And then cheat on her, cause op sounds like a huge fucking loser

You are a fucking lost cause, and you admit it.

Why the fuck would anyone listen to a 'subhuman' on a subject pertaining to how to live their life?

The very first step you need to take if you are serious about not being a pathetic 'subhuman' is to stop referring to, and thinking of yourself as a fucking 'subhuman'.

Come on man. You're better than that. You don't need to make up stories. It's only pathetic if you think it is. If you just tell the truth and people have problems with it or make fun of it, then that's their fault.

>Why the fuck would anyone listen to a 'subhuman' on a subject pertaining to how to live their life?
I'm not. I'm just repeating what i learned from Jordan Peterson. And I've always been skeptic of the "b urself" ideology

>The very first step you need to take if you are serious about not being a pathetic 'subhuman' is to stop referring to, and thinking of yourself as a fucking 'subhuman'.
Well why would I not? If im short, have autism, and am low IQ?

It will be my problem too if i end up friendless because of it. I mean at university if i told the other people how pathetic i used to be and they don't want to hang out with me anymore i could lose job connections in the future. Because their not really friends they just put up with me so if i give them any reason to they'd ditch in a second

Yep, you've always been a skeptic of the 'b urself' ideology, and look where that's led you, you're literally calling yourself a 'subhuman'.

You will never be a happy or healthy human being if you maintain that mindset.

If 'being yourself' constitutes even having the smallest bit of respect for yourself, then maybe you should try it.

It's led me to where i am which is a lot better than where i was 3 years ago when i was intentionally not showering.

I think there's been an improvment

Why do you feel the need to talk about your past to people you've just met?

Because what else do you talk about?. Conversations come up about what people have done in the past. A guy i go to class with was talking in a group of people about his girlfriend and i wanted to join the conversation so i made up a fake girlfriend story in highschool even though im KHV just so i wasn't silent the whole conversation. It worked i think.

You're motivated by a desire to have a social life.

This is fine, but you still think of yourself as a worthless piece of shit, and still have no respect for yourself.

When that motivating factor leaves again, you'll be back at square one, not showering and being an autistic neet, because you still hate yourself.

Well you don't need to say stuff like that if it's a situation that could affect your job prospects. That's much different than talking to friends or family. Look, I know it's cliche, but people who judge you or make fun of you are not worth spending time around.

Dude, please stop doing that (making up fake stories). I'm telling you right now, it will only lead to problems.

I guess that's true but it's hard to get anywhere in life if everyone sees you as a weirdo.

Well how do you not hate yourself?

That's what im worried about. I'm worried it will contradict itself some time in the future. I've been writing them down and hiding them so i can always look back and never miss a detail.

If you're being serious, you really need to quit that right now.

Good luck ever maintaining a relationship with anyone if you just LARP the whole time.

People will see through the bullshit very quickly.

Despite what your autistic brain says, you don't necessarily need to have gone through the exact same experiences as others to garner their respect and join in on conversations.

Well then what should i ever talk about? I can never think of something to say in a conversation and I hate being silent through an entire conversation when people are talking about normal people things because then someone starts to poke fun. One guy will say something to me I'll answer and everyone will sort of giggle because I haven't said anything the whole time

Then what do you talk about in conversations?

haha I knew a few people like that and it was obvious after a while.
Sneaky pieces of shit there are few people I hate more than those faggots making shit up on the spot and then after a few times of meeting them you realize they are FULL OF SHIT.