Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums

For 3 hours, starting sometime between 7AM and 11AM GMT, we're going to be ~33% ADV USDBTC on bitfinex

It's a buy.

If ur around, see if you can spot us :)




set ur alarm clock neets its free money

look for 500BTC splashes

I dont get it. What does this mean?

Thats dealer speak.
I suspect maybe a hedge fund, or boutique investment shop of somekind. Doubt it's an investment bank.
It means you can make some money if you see 500 btc get wiped from the order book. Just place a buy order and wait for the next 500 btc and then sell. If it's just one exchange then arb it if you are fast, but I think bots do that.

Oh, and it means big investors are buying crypto, which Jamie Dimon won't like. Maybe they're moving out of stocks?

so the price will rise every where?


33% ADV is massive for one order in crypto.
They will probably layer the first few million usd. Then those 500s will (intentionally) smack it up. The other exchanges will follow I would expect, I don't know how much arbitrage trading goes on or what API fees are.


Very rare Sminem


Why the fuck did you guys use margin

i-is it over

They don't, they just execute under instruction. I'm sure they trade with margin on the side though.

how many exactly. 33,000 bitcorn?

ill be on the lookout... amigo

Somebody redpill me onthisthread. What’s happening. Will BTC be going up or down according to OP?


Stop bullying this autistic kid

Basically they will move the price up. That's not such a surprise though since it can move down later when their trading stops. It's just interesting large investors are probably moving from stocks into crypto. Perhaps even pension funds? It is probably being done now due to regulations that are due to come in soon.

Should I start a sminem folder?

idk about the rest of biz but sminem is pretty cool I don't think most of the people here want to bully him. He's just the face of biz you know.


Wana let me hold some weed money?

no way i don't think pension funds and banks will move in till the first crypto laws are passed. probably still late to the party hedge funds on wall street

OP is high on something telling stories again

Do the opposite of trips, that's going to be the new rule.