The real reason Cryptocurrency will die

Meme internet tokens will never take off because normies don't want to pay 0.00005 for something or any of that garbage. They don't want to measure their money using a retarded amount of decimal precision, let alone do arithmetic like addition/subtraction/multiplication with that many decimals, it's just way too unwieldy for day-to-day use.

This retarded shit is why internet meme coins will never take off and never get widespread adoption. Face it.

>being this retarded

Get that nigger off this board now

>hurrdurr u are le retarded because you can't multiply 8 digit numbers in your head
This is why shitcoins will die. No normie wants to use that shit.


praise kek im not a retard like op

fuck you op

Sorry but your shitcoins will die without normie money pouring in, and normies don't want to pay 0.00005 for anything, it's a retarded system for autists.

Request Network will fix that.

Taking your bait

Measure in sats you fuck

If the aim here is $1 Million per BTC then 1 sat = 1 dollar

wow you're right.

just sold everything thanks for saving me

> the absolute state of poor no coiners

>1 million btc

too bad we aren't anywhere close to that and anything worth actually buying is priced at some retardedly long 7-8 digit number, yeah, normies love doing math.

>crypto can only be used for currency
bbb uuuh dduuhhhh bbrulrlrrrrdd

If it's not being used as a currency then your admitting that it's literally a ponzi scheme based on greater fool theory.

You can make up units as small as you want retard, when you go to the store, they could just say it costs 5 microcoin which would translate to 0.0005 XLM.


Use mBTC for now

good luck explaining that shit to normies retard

Why? Was it difficult for you to understand what a cent is?

Retard good luck convincing normies that they have to accept a wage starting in "0.0000... "

this is a well studied psychological phenomenon, you are just too much of a faggot retarded sperglord who sits on Veeky Forums all day so you don't understand how normies actually think

then i will state the wage in satoshis to exploit this normie weakness

And then they ask what a satoshi is and then when you tell them the normies say "fuck you" and your meme currency.

you're wrong, normies are going to love satoshis, but there will obviously be a long transition period where i am stating prices in both valuable government backed currency and worthless Bit Coins

USD pairing sucka

This is why turtlecoin has a large supply but only 2 decimal places

Why do you assume people are this dumb? People are adaptable, I think they will view the decimal issue as a fair trade-off to have sound money.

it's like the metric system, its actually easier to count in decimals than in forced fractions (ie quarter, nickle, pennies)