How nervous are bears and shorters right now

How nervous are bears and shorters right now

not at all, bitcoin has collapsed from 20k to 8k and all volume has dried up and there is no more normie money coming in.

Ive already made a fortune shorting, btc is going to atleast 4k and i'll be able to retire

oh no it's back to the price it was at 7 hours ago, which was the same price it was at 11 hours ago

>Goes up $400
God I hate bulls so fucking much. I'll see all in hell aka 3k

>no more normie money coming in

Literally everyone at work today was talking about putting money into crypto because the stock market went belly up.

I opened my x10 short at 16k
probably should've closed it at 6k but whatever, I'm still comfy, I'll just have to wait a little longer

>he sold the bottom

Whales playing with the abysmal volume right now. This will probably kickstart the remainder of the bear.

> t. just took out 10x shorts.

Going to make a fuck ton in like 30m.

Next dip might not hit 5k but it'll happen anyway. The mean isn't at upper 8k, no way, not yet. Once we're done past this cathartic experience, it's finally over.

That volume is like opposite of optimism.

if they aren't, they better be. our meme magic is more powerful than theirs. BTC to $50K. KEK WILLS IT

ive had so many people ask me about buying bitcoin in the last week , and they know the normie alts like ripple and even doge - sveral guys i knnow are waiting to be verified on certain exchanges and they are normie as fuck

Guess not.

>someone is still holding bitcoin after what happened

learn to buy low, friend.

We never reached the "despair" phase of the downturn. People were still humming from their ATHs, even if they're down 70%.

But they'll learn, and soon.

bitcoin's up, down, you better buy the pound

>volume has dried up

?????????????????? what did he mean by this

I’ll actually show no mercy to TA faggots who get fucking liquidated due to memeline greed.

You’re all so smart, aren’t you?

Think you’re the only genius memeliners to be motherfucking liquidated?

You greedy retarded faggots will kill yourselves. Go back to binary options. You should have bought low years ago and held but you didn’t. Now you create taxable events out the ass and will be liquidated to zero by the bull.

You will receive no compassion you elitist faggots. We will watch you die.

Hodl gang runs you.

I hope you bears are prepared to get slaughtered, kys and get OUT of my market.

Can you elaborate on this pls

the thought of missing the top is going to keep me up all night
anyone with shorts out now has a deathwish

>close at 6k
>reopen at 9k 100x with all profits
>Lambos for all of biz

you fucking idiot


FUCK YOU Veeky Forums


somebody give me rundown on what exactly shorting is???? its like taking a loan out of coins and pay back with interest or no???

1. You think the price of X is going to go down.
2. You go to people who have X.
3. You borrow X from them and promise them a fee after a specified time along with the return of X.
4. You sell the X.
5. Once the price goes down (you hope), you buy back the X cheaper than you sold it for.
6. Return the X plus the fee.
7. Pocket the difference.

I know what shorting is at a high level, but goddamn this is beautiful and was the best explained short definition out there, and I've read all kinds of posts from Ameritrade, Etrade, etc...

Bears also have a massive advantage over bulls because they have more influence over the market. Bears tend to have sold before it fell below 10k (bonus if you rode altcoins when they were going parabolic in early Jan and sold at 13-14k like me) and have more available funds than bulls, which tend to have committed a lot of their funds at 9-13k since they would have believed in the "bull triangle" meme (strange how bulls ignore TA when it isn't beneficial to them) or are holders, which have no buying power. Therefore, bears can simply hibernate and starve bulls out, eventually forcing them to liquidate their coins to pay for taxes and expenses. That is also why bulls are trying to get the price up before April, because they'll be forced to sell their coins at a massive loss if this downtrend continues.