Is a currency free society possible?
Is a currency free society possible?
Only with nanofabricators like in the book Diamond Age, but even then custom hand made objects become the things with any value and things that can't be made. For example in TNG latinum, antimatter and many other things couldn't be made in a replicator. These things have value!
I believe it is, user. But we need the boomers to die, and the greedy faggots who utilize money to gain power to be locked up or murdered.
We have the technology, and it will be even easier soon when we have advanced AI. If the entire world shifted focus to create a wage & currency free society right now we'd be there within a year.
The problem is the powerfags who need to feel power to be happy, and money is a great tool to implement a system of power.
no. how else are you gonna pay hookers, the world's oldest profession?
Women don't really want money.
They want status and things that get them that status such as fancy cloths and makeovers.
No just a lazy millenial who doesn't want to work. Why should I have to? This is bullshit.
it's. agreed user
You cannot escape your destiny.
You must work fast food again.
sure, the indigenous tribes of brazil are probably currency free. they seem to be doing well
I have a comfy 6 figure salary at a desk job. That doesn't mean work doesn't suck a dick. McDonald's, SpaceX, Amazon.. it doesn't matter. I'd say less than 1% of the population are waking up and actually doing what they WANT to be doing Monday through Friday, and we literally have the means for everyone in the world to do whatever the fuck they want. It's ridiculous this is the society we've created.
>Utopia only exists when there is literally infinite resources for everyone to share via replicators
I mean it's not impossible, but tech would have to increase exponentially for us to even get close to that new Golden Age
You are absolutely delusional if you think a currency free society is better than one with currency. We already had that - it's called bartering. And it's inefficient as fuck.
No, money if for no other reason will be necessary because of thermodynamics. In a spacefaring civilization energy scarcity is required to prevent people from just dissipating massive amounts of heat for no cost, such as for running a very computationally intensive "brain" algorthim.
>we literally have the means for everyone in the world to do whatever the fuck they want
No sir we do not. Scarcity very much exists.
You are looking for a post scarcity society, not a currency free one. Don't worry though, this has confused many people that are far smarter than both of us. Marx got it wrong. He shouldn't have fought the business owners of capitalism, but he should have fought unnecessary spending and automated everything that is required!
A society where women stay at home to raise children is inefficient as fuck but many people miss those days.
I'm not talking about medieval times you fucking dimwit.
I'm talking about a fully autonomous, robotically powered world, where machines do all of the things we need and we simply need to wake up in the morning. Machines that farm, pump your gas, fuck your wife when you don't feel like it, and then of course machines that fix machines when they break.
We legitimately could create a world where nobody needs to exchange ANYTHING. Only people who want to live in absolute luxury will need to work, and that'll be their choice.
There's no scarcity problems currently. If we overpopulated, then yes. But if we instituted population control mechanisms then we are fine.
Yes, however it is more so a result of a socitety who has become so advanced that food, shelter and living essentials are non issues. While most tasks are handed by robots and AI to make life overall easier.
On a long enough timeframe anything is achievable. Politics, niggers and jews hold the whiteman from travling the stars, their minds are not ment for greatness
Currency is a requirement for precise transfers of value. You are acting like we can completely remove the need for value transfer and just give everyone what they want for free. Who is going to maintain these magical machines that do everything? Programming them, fixing them, purchasing new machines, etc takes an enormous amount of effort and a wide variety of talent. Someone will need to be compensated for the work involved, they're not going to do it for free.
yes, yes, annihilate the boomers, take their fiat, exchange it for crypto and create a new world order
doesn't understand what money is
You have no clue what you are talking about. Everything around you is scarce.
>one fibeoptic can give 100 people 1mib/sec internet download speeds
>richer people pay for two or more lines to increase the speed, but the majority have one line
>poor people get their lines subsidized by the government
In the above case scarcity exists. Only so many lines can be put in due to space, labor, cost, materials, etc. The result is the average speed is 1 megabit/second.
>one fibeoptic can give 100 people 2mib/sec internet download speeds
>richer people pay for two or more lines to increase the speed, but the majority have one line
>poor people get their lines subsidized by the government
In the above case scarcity exists. Only so many lines can be put in due to space, labor, cost, materials, etc. The result is the average speed is 2 megabit/second.
I already told you, machines will. You think all of a sudden every machine breaks at the same time?
No, fucknut. We program robots to fix robots. If there are enough of them, the odds of actual failure are going to be unbelievably low. You can literally program an infinite loop of failsafes in the network to reduce operational failure due to software issues by an insane amount.
Honestly, once we've developed sufficient AI, programming won't even be a job anymore.
Why should I work. My dad and mom worked. Look where it got them.
If we had replicators like they do in Star Trek it could be possible. But not in our life time.
I wake up and trade crypto, it's a good life
Never happen. Goes directly against human nature. You'd need humans to evolve in ways that just aren't going to happen. The only way this could happen is through alien intervention, and even then, it wouldn't last.
>machines will
WILL (period)
No, fuckhead.
You're using scarcity as a misnomer. That's an infrastructure problem. Build more fiberoptic cables, problem solved. Scarcity means a resource is actually low in supply, not that we don't have the infrastructure to deliver it to people. That's the same dumbfuck way people talk about water "scarcity". The problem isn't that there's not enough water, it's that we don't have the infrastructure to deliver it to people.
These are perfectly solvable problems.
toilet paper is scarce, ask any pajeet
>whites only
>none of (((them)))
>system designed to encourage collectivism instead of making the hardest contributors resent the least
>women not allowed to vote
>non earth planet with near unlimited resources
Dhort and lomg answer is that it's not possible .
t.molested in day care
In my utopia, buddy. The point is we CAN build machines which do this, but also that for some inane reason we WON'T. Why? Because you have a bunch of greedy fuckers in power who absolutely can't fathom not having power over turds like you, and will do anything they can to make sure that continues. That's literally the only fucking reason.
Imagine being this retarded
The fact that you're insulting my intelligence while you clearly have no understanding of economics or software development is honestly pretty funny. You are a truly retarded, delusional communist with an overactive imagination.
>Trying to do away with currency
While making exact copies of things would be potentially impossible, when our computing power is high enough we will probably be able to clone almost anything. You MIGHT see it in your lifetime depending on how old you are. It is absolutely physically possible and we're not actually that far in terms of timeline.
Possible? Yes. Will it happen? No. Humans are too greedy. I'm not saying this is a bad thing though, if we weren't so greedy we probably wouldn't be accelerating technologically so fast.
uses scarcity to describe why liberals can't meme
Ok buddy, great refutations. If you knew anything about SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, you'd know we already have programs which actively monitor and fix other programs and robots.
You guys are honestly so fucking low IQ I can't be in this thread anymore. Goodbye, retarded children.
He's talking about a post scarcity society you dumb faggot.
We had a currency-free society and it was awful. It's not even about greed, it's about a need for precise value transfer. The alternative is doing literally everything for free with no regard to the value of anything, which makes it unnecessarily difficult to do things efficiently.
peobles are dumb
I'm a software developer, I know perfectly well that we have programs to fix other programs. This is not even close to "programming won't be a job anymore".
You are a subhuman if you think a post-scarcity society is possible outside of science fiction books.
Why does it go against human nature? You can still compete in achievements, eg. science, sports, debates, whatever. You just don't have to think about money any more. Only a dumb boomer would think it goes against human nature.
if scarcity ever gets solved it only means we have no need for a large chink of the population, and they will be separated or outright killed, they have no purpose
so how do you ensure you arent one of those people? by having money or assets, just like today
>Scarcity means a resource is actually low in supply
No this is what you are getting wrong. Scarcity doesn't mean low in supply. Scarcity means resources are expended in creating an object. We only have so many man hours, so many hours of sunlight. So much oil. Don't confuse scarce with non-renewable. Sunlight is not scarce because it is in low supply.
>In my utopia, buddy. The point is we CAN build machines which do this
Yes you can build machines but the problem is the same. Say you can build 3 robots.
>robot one builds more robots
>robot two builds things for humans
>robot three makes more power
You still have to decide what robots to make because things are scarce, not because they are going to run out.
This what? How do you build more fiber optic cables? Labor, materials, factories. These are resources and I addressed them. Two cables costs double the cost of one cable. Average joe has one cable. Rich people have two or more.
>someone brings up what is possible
>retard argues about what currently is happening
>retard is still stuck in the capitalist/ communist dichotomy
He isn't a communist you simple minded retard.
Why should anyone else work to provide you food, shelter, medical care, etc?
You don't actually have to work if you don't want to, you just won't like what happens as a result.
Lots of things are possible in the future.
If you want to get rid of capitalism then it is going to take a lot of technology to do so.
So what if we need programmers? Are you really this stupid? Did you think there were no people in star trek responsible for fixing tech? There were and they did it because it's what they enjoyed doing not because they were paid to do a job you wagecuck.
>It's ridiculous this is the society we've created.
First of all, what most people want to do is not productive or useful at all to society, and things would quickly collapse if everyone did that.
Secondly, this is the best time in history to be a human on the planet Earth. You work less and in better conditions for more wealth than any other people in history.
>There were and they did it because it's what they enjoyed doing not because they were paid to do a job you wagecuck.
Yeah, honestly I never understood this part. Though I did enjoy the line about man power shortages during the Dominion war. Like fuck Starfleet, I'm just going to jack it in my personal holodeck.
How? By deciding to do them. We're not doing them because money(paper that has been magically decreed as value) is the limiter. How did those pajeets plant those millions of trees in a short time? Because they simply decided to do it.
good thread. to answer your question, it depends on the size of the society in consideration. A decently small village? definitely can exist without currency, bartering would most likely be more than enough.
For a giant nation or state? No way jose, currency is a necessity. To understand currency you have to understand the problem it solved; let's say achmed wants some grapes, so he goes to the farmer and offers him 3 pots for a bushel of grapes. The farmer replies "I don't want grapes you fag", and even though pots are in demand across the market, in this case, they cannot be used to barter. So basically, currency was invented to represent the "value" of something, so that way even if the farmer doesn't want pots, he can still receive something from achmed of value and the transaction can occur. Basically, currency allows for different people to specialize and always receive compensation for their specific role in society, this is very important since specialization is what allows for technological development, if you are worried about getting food and shelter all the time, you won't be able to focus on science. but if you can pay the builder and the farmer for food, you can focus on science and advance the world.
tldr; currency makes trade much easier, and guarantees that a seller won't say "no" since currency is always desired, whereas barter items are not always desired in every deal.
* the farmer replies I don't want pots
eventually even blue haired, brain dead feminists will miss those days when western society collapses.
Many people would do things for free if they did not have to worry about making a living. I personally would be interested in efficiency planning and aesthetics. Someone like my dad would write for free. Most people have some sort of talent that they would want to apply
not as long as there's niggers or jews around
so the robot designers and manufacturers will do it
Every civilization has at one point made it's own currency, including white ones, you dumb faggot. now back to pol brainlet
>back to pol
the siren call of the reddit newfag
Sure, it would exist already if not for laws that force people to use it and calculate taxes in it.
What you're missing is that currency is a technically obsolete way to do barter. With internet direct barter is enough and way more efficient.
yea i mean whats wrong with currencies?
if greed is the problem, currency just acts as a placeholder for anything greedy people would otherwise be greedy over.
>money(paper that has been magically decreed as value) is the limiter.
Money isn't a limiter.
Another example (for the video game generations).
Labor, Materials, Factory use:
Plumbed water:
L1 M1 F1
Bottled water:
L2 M3 F2
Solar Cells:
L9 M9 F9
L9 M1 F4
These numbers make up the cost of every item in existence.
Everything here is scarce because you only have so many points of labor, materials, and factories to use. You can breed more humans to increase labor, but then they in turn require more LMF to live.
>Scarcity doesn't mean low in supply.
What in the holy fuck are they teaching at the University these days.
star trak finale..watching now...
Low in supply is a demand issue and may be related to a number of things like economic shortages. Scarcity is very specific. Everything is scarce, not everything is low supply.
>Someone like my dad would write for free.
really, who is charging your father to create something. Is your father a whore that he only does it for money
thinks a video game is reality
>he doesn't know about niggers
read much. It's called a dictionary.
man, if you think the world is full of nutcases now, imagine a world where nobody works full time and people spend all their time getting bored and trying to rip down the system that supports them.
the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.
the state of millennials these days
I have an accounting degree.
I tried to make it simple for you.
Compare the cost of bottled water vs tap water and get back to me.
Oh, those are my fathers words,
I tried to make it simple for you. Words have meaning. Get me another coffee bitch
how else would you handle resource allocation? quotas? those dont work well
neither is scarce you moron
I haf a degree that my daddy paid 100k for. I know what words mean. I shouldnt haf to wurk couse ibe smar
the absolute state of higher education these days
The 101 definition is "Infinite wants and finite needs" but I have issue with the infinite wants aspect. We dont have infinite wants and there is a whole industry dedicated to manufacturing wants. ie advertising.
Keep in mind they are generally referring to society not an individual. People have infinite wants because people aren't going extinct. A person has finite wants based on their lifespan, but how many humans will there be? How many wants? Close enough to infinite for our calculations.
Looks like you guys broke a bot
If it gets so centralized to a point where only a few thousand or so people need to do it then I could see some people doing it for free as like a community service type good feeling
So do I, accounting is shit btw.
Of course you don't think money is a limiter because you don't understand how things actually work beyond your conditioning. In scarce conditions actual money is incredibly useful. In our current conditions it's a hard limiter.
t. guy that was too dumb to get into college and is now bitter that he is poor and low iq
You're a fag.
In order for me to get nice stuff, idiots need to lose money and work hard. I don't give a fucking shit about them, and they don't give a fuck about me. See, there's no moral to this story.
You and everyone else is missing the point of what conditions have to be met for a society to abandon currency.
Bartering is not an example of being currency-less, and is not the alternative to a money economy.
A society can only abandon currency once all the needs and wants are readily available to everyone. A society where you dont need to trade a pot for a bushel of grapes because you can presumable render either with some kind of 3D printer at any time, and the resources to produce the goods are greater than the society's ability to burn through them.
Presumably, it would require a mental foresight to not abuse the system by taking more than you need, since resources will never be infinite. So the people have to evolve a level of self control that is currently unrealistic. Furthermore, people would have to value their productivity for the intrinsic value of their work, and not just wagecucking for their carrot.
We will not reach this state until we have internalized value. We impose an artificial value on things in money as a motivating tool, but perhaps one day we will be able to 'feel' value as a kind of 6th sense, and it will be hardwired into our DNA.
Veeky Forums without ladies is like reddit
currency free probably not possible for humans at this time
Even if we had infinite resources and everything was free, the AIs that control the economy will be using a medium of exchange.
Depends on what you mean by currency. There will likely always be some form of currency. If you mean a society that can fulfill the basic living needs of every human beings, yes. I think there's always going to be some kind of currency though. I like the theory about homo ludens, and I think at some point social/game points will be the currency of choice for people to earn and trade.
Fuck off commy boy.