Which one of you is this sick fuck? He's going around /r/nanocurrency and other subs and laughing at people and tell them to kill themselves. If you're a good person, please tell him to fuck off.
Which one of you is this sick fuck...
Other urls found in this thread:
We are all bots.
Redditors and normies deserve it, they won't see the Link coming
No they do not.
Kek this guy really hates reddit. Biz personified. Glad these reddit kunts lost money.
>telling anybody to post on leddit
>on Veeky Forums
get the fuck off my board turbofag, next thing I know you'll be posting 9Gag memes
yes they do
>every field
This guy is fucking brutal kek
I don't get why you would make fun of someone losing money?
I've lost money to scam exchanges. Shit happens.
>Do you have money bro?
>Na... No....
If anything i would donate to him for pulling the bantz on the fucking echochamber soyboy central
>Ultra SHREKT!!!!!
The fuck am i reading here
He posted that to a suicidal nano investor btw i followed the link in his profile it seems he commented it to this guy who might have killed himself.
Many of us here are on the verge of suicide daily. I'd only give a fuck about a Veeky Forumsbro not some leddit sheepcuck.
i have been on Veeky Forums a long time
i dont know if other oldfags act like this still or if these are all just kids
but i do take a certain pleasure seeing redditors on suicide watch and these are my reasons
they are spineless soyboy faggots
reddit is a gaint echo chamber, one programer even tried to warn them the code was shit and they deleted his posts for being FUD
that gay little robot irks me
you have a literal cuck subreddit, i met a cuck IRL and his existence disgusted me
you flock over here and dont lurk or observe the culture before you post reddit tier faggotry
so yes they can get fucked and them losing money amuses me
>tell him to fuck off.
haha no, ledditors deserve everything they get
If you unironically hate redditors enough to want to see them die, I have absolutely no doubt that you are an autistic neet.
You do realise that the reddit hate is nothing more than a meme?
Of course the autistic neets took it seriously, Veeky Forums is the only thing they hold dear in their lives so it makes sense.
>telling people on reddit to kill themselves
based /ourlad/
Lmao if you arent autistic why are you even here reddit? Go be stupid somewhere else
Stfu redditor, choke on a used tampon and die, niggerfaggot. Go tell your wife's son hello for me, cuck.
Fuck off back to Redddit you PUSSY.
That guy is a huge faggot who will probably kill him self soon After he realizes he is completely worthless but at least he's making redditors cry
>s-stop saying mean things on the Internet!
same. retards on Veeky Forums know theyre retards and dont try to hide it. leddit retards actually think theyre logical and reasonable. until theyre wrong.
Veeky Forums and leddit are alike, its just that leddit is pretentious as fuck its unbearable.
Its pretty sad but whatever. Welcome to the internet.
We've ruined peoples lives over putting memes on t shirts before this is fucking tame you useless newfaggot.
Kel he wont fucking stop. But it seems his rationale for wanting people dead and laughing at people losing money is pretty logical.
Its the first time i heard someone present this viewpoint, i think he really is an autist like us.
with more people dead, doesnt that remove more coins from circulation and increase the price?
Which is why i thought he was autistic and only hates reddit for the sake of being reddit until he posted that. He seems pretty logical to me now.
yeah.. i guess it was the same reason i was hoping for a SK vs NK war
Hmm.. I never thought about it like that. I too now want the Koreas to duke it out. We'd get a sweet dip then the price of bitcoin would go through the roof. I think this is what it feels like to die a little bit inside.
And if you think about it, before a lot of early nano adopters were rich ever since the nano got stolen a lot of these rich people became no longer rich.
Their wealth concentrated on bomber so this time only one person is rich off nano. So there is less competition to being rich because many redditors > 1 bomber.
All of us basically got richer with reddit losing their money despite our net worth not changing.
wtf i love bomber now