Post-AB Thread Thread

Why is the price going up? Are we mooning tonight? Strap in?

Other urls found in this thread:

did i miss an assblaster thread today? pls post link

Yes, and it was legendary.

Fuck, I don't know whether to pull the trigger on that exchange ICO. It seems expensive now that my portfolio has taken a beating from the crash.

I really want link to make it.


What's the ico price?




Its pegged directly to ETH, not USD

1ETH always equals the same # of coins, regardless of USD price

was p solid

Wrong ICO m9 :^)

Some faggot post the thread, I'm on my phone and not using a tiny screen to do that shit.

>there are people who don't own LINK


does it begin with N? pls answer

what is it. i will unironically get you into the ico if you catch my drift

There is no ico, it was a larp

I'm going to ruin it since I'm an american and can't participate anyway

it's safinus

Amazing how bag holders always fall for bullshit Larps

>if you catch my drift
Sorry, autism and lack of sleep don't go well together.

Unless its you thats got the wrong one desu ;^)

yes sir please buy sir

Sanfinus has no token burn

Does the exchange begin with a C?

AB specifically mentioned that no one would shill it because unsold tokens would be burned.

Alright, you might be right, I can't find whether it's pegged to ETH or fiat. What is the current token price in € when you're choosing payment method?


It's most definitely fucking not. Their team is garbage

umm i have found 2 new exchanges with names similar to phone companies. One is similar to Nokia one is close to Nextell... uhhh.. wut?

Sssh, let them think otherwise. Pajeets don't deserve this ICO.

Token burn

it’s capdax

How do we know AB isn't just a massive faggot that's fucking with us?

I highly doubt it's Tokia.

AB thread plx

That assblaster thread got me horny as fuck

Narrows it down to two then

wrong token.

Their representative replies in that thread and seems pretty professional. Or am I just a brainlet? Also, pretty suspicious timing considering their discount ends in 2 days

im just too tired. is it the nextell one or something starting with a c


I miss my daddy Sergey. :(((;He was sooo soft and tender, like a fish filet from Wendy before the lunch rush.

He and I would play sword fight and eat Big Macs in his twin sized bed for hours. He would smoke crack cocaine from a Spiderman nightlight and ride me late into the night.

And on Sunday mornings I would wake him up by performing fellatio on him under the covers in the early morning sunshine. He would have me rub ketchup all over him and we'd lick it off together.

I miss those days. He would buy me chocolates and lingerie all the time. We even sold some Linkies together. I think he had like 18,000 Linkies before he dumped me. He said he was going to dump them too, and his only true love was the girl working the flielator at the local McDonald's.

This ForChan site has so many Linkies, I didn't expect to find even more like minded people here than I do normally on Tumblr and Facebook.

I'm looking for new Linkie daddy. Preferrably one that is more hung that Sergey (4.2in for those curious ;))

#linkie #bullrun #golinkie


pretty sure i found it but that is nothing like a phone company i know. maybe im just too old. what is the benefit of this exchange before i pass out on my keyboard?

>not even close
25 guesses left

listing link or something along those lines

Fuck it, I'm not selling any of my LINK anyway, already all in.

It begins with a N and has an x in it?

it's coinlion run by ex-Merrill Lynch partners
you're welcome


but then what was with the 1/2 name share with an old phone company?

Same here. I'm just monitoring the price going up at the moment.

No, just that it'll be extremely regulation friendly and professional


Coinlion already had its ICO, though

x but no n


I went 100% in LINK, and brought 50k.

Maybe I had an effect lol


Giving away 0.1 ETH to whoever leaks the real ICO AB was referring to.


No, no mooning. Just whales and day . traders sniping shorts. The market today was low volume, bouncing around the same 5-600 dollar band, lots of sniping and short death.

There's no volume for mooning, and I don't expect any. Money that came out of Wall Street is going back in tomorrow, went to bonds, or is being held as cash. The street perception for the people you need buying in is that Bitcoin is too risky.

I'm betting that it fights between a narrow price range daily down to 6k within a week, and will drop $500 - $1k a week after that to the point where it's not worth mining. There will be rallies along the way, but the trend is down.

After that, who the fuck knows.

move along

Coinmetro ico

You faggots could not pump into a Dutch hookers bicycle tire let alone LINK.

Leave it to the circle of power newfags, the linkinatti or we'll take your mom to one of our nude except heels parties and fuck her like a turkey on thanksgiving while you sit crying and fapping in the corner

but everything points to scam with Tokia

buy or else

You niggers are fucking crazy selling your LINK just to jump on an ICO now, Sergey could be dropping the bombshells any day now.
Just hold your fucking link.

Even made a thread: 0xA3cB05b3904AEFC88Fa00fEBf924fC096247bFBc

oh shutup


Like what? The fact that they offer bounties for social media exposure?


Yeah you missed a larper telling stinklets to hold those bags for two years to see those sick gainz. You can trust him, surely.

Delete this

God fucking damnit I completely forgot about this shit, gg

You faggots could not dump into a qt 500 dollar hookers pussy even if you necked a bottle of Viagra and had a dick transplant let alone LINK.

Leave it to the circle of power prajeets, the linkinatti or we'll take your mom to one of our nude except heels parties and fuck her like a happy meal at sergeys birthday party while you sit crying and fapping in the corner and tom cruise strokes your hair and whispers all glory is fleeting in your ear while Nicole kidman sits on her face
co-founder not even listed on article of incorporation

more reading

coin lion is some midwestern 20k town meryl lynch guys

is it ecb?

>AB doesn't predict the big boom until 2019-2020
why are we caring about LINK now then?

>oh shutup

You faggots could not shutup into a 12 month old fud on double chan with Adolf as your mod and 1000 assburgers kids shitposting for you.

Leave it to the circle of power you can't triforce fags, the linkinatti or we'll take your mom to one of our anal gape parties and insert robin Williams corpse into her ass while you sit crying in the cornet fapping to Mrs Doubtfire on VHS

AB was implying Tokia. What's interesting to me is that their whitepaper could have been written by him, quite similar writing tone.

its cheap as fuck compared to the predictions pretty much and it gives autists something to autismo about

Bcz Veeky Forums has a thing for "insiders"

he predicts that it we will reach singularity within this year. ie 60$$$

yeah and then dump back to $10
his predictions could all be wrong and singularity will cause triple digit numbers
or he could just be a gigantic LARP that he's putting a lot of effort into

Jesus, they literally are promising gains by comparing Tokia to Monaco and TenX. No possible way it is what AB was alluding to.

I wouldn't buy Tokia with someone else's money.

Neon Exchange would fit the bill, they look professional, eurocentric and have a whitepaper that isn't a joke. But I can't find anywhere where they say they will burn unbought tokens.

I thought so too but don't see any coin burn on the ICO

Singularity is going to be $5 and that will only be because the rest of the market will grow this much.

Face it. SWIFT isn't happening. All you have to hang on to is the Zepplin partnership and Sergey talks where he won't mention partnerships or even chainlink by name. This is an eternal meme and all the smart money is vested in real projects whose CEO isn't a philosophy major with an eating disorder who has done nothing with 32mil besides hiring a fresh college grad to write fucking json adapters

It doesnt really rhyme with the name of an old cellphone company

It's Globitex

>Bcz Veeky Forums has a thing for "insiders"

You faggots would not be inside if you were sealed into a gimp suit and kept on a dogchain by lord rothchild 24/7 as a human memo recorder

Leave it to the circle of power you outside fags, the linkinatti or we'll take your mom to one of our jello pool parties and slide her head inside john Travolta ass while the whitehouse staff sing old glory and you sit in a corner inside a roll of old financial times sobbing

why are you in a thread about AssBlaster if you think LINK is a shitcoin?

he thinks he can shake weak hands this late in the game to accumulate cheap LINK. At this point there is literally no FUD that could make LINKmarines sell, we have seen it all. I do a similar thing in OMG threads because it's surprisingly not well known here besides the skateboard meme coin.

keep it up