I need advice fellow anons

I need advice fellow anons

>be 19, finally get a gf and have first real relationship
>she's genuinely intelligent, funny, comforting, we have good banter and conversation, we enjoy one another's company, and overall everything is going great
>she starts talking about her old sex life
>was a MASSIVE slut in college (she's 23)
>had multiple boyfriends AND fwbs at the same time
>said her favorite kink is double penetration
>I can almost fit my entire hand into her pussy without warming her up
>tfw lost my virginity to and now dating a whore

Are all women like this? How can I find a qt with traditional values to marry and have kids with?

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I was in the same situation before...get the fuck out now

>Are all women like this? How can I find a qt with traditional values to marry and have kids with?

most, you probably won't

>Are all women like this
No, but most are

>How can I find a qt with traditional values
If she doesn't fuck outside of a relationship, she has more self-respect than 99.9% of the female population. Look for girls who were sheltered and have conservative parents

She sounds like a good human being, and it also sounds like you too get on well. I'd say that overrides here past sexual history.

but no, obviously not all women are like this. my current gf has had many more partners than me but I don't care. my ex before her hardly dated. and so on..

i dont see any long term potential with this
pump and dump

28yr old user here

have all the crazy sex you can have and run. i honestly doubt she's relationship material

Oh yeah, and I agree with these people. The slut in college thing is a red flag, but the kink part just sold me. Get the fuck away no matter how good you are together

This ones a renter, not a buyer user

That's the sad thing about living in a country in Europe or NA.

getting DP'd is like eating human meat. Once you've had it, nothing else will satisfy you

Unless you're ready to get outperformed after you decide to bring a chad from the bar into your bedroom at her behest, you should just dump her now.

Yeah this user. I can look past multiple partners as long as she has some semblance of intimacy in sex. The minute it strays into shit like DP then its clear that sex is a purely physical act and she has already been infected with cynicism.

There is nothing better than truly intimate sex, it's why so many millennials take drugs because they simulate intimacy (MDMA etc).

this will be hard, she makes me feel so loved
>you won't

>Literally buying the dump after the pump

>she makes me feel so loved

Yeah because you're a beta and loney

She's literally a garbage human being, no sense of morals or femininity

I fail to see the problem. You get along well, so grow up and accept that a person's entire past life cannot revolve around you.

Women are good at pretending not to be a slut.
When shes mentioning that stuff to you she is looking for a reaction, testing you.

Her admitting to slutty shit is actually her asking you to mentally and physically dominate and domesticate her. If you dont do that she will cheat on you in revenge since you outed yourself as beta.

fuck off normie. you think you can larp about having sex and still post a pepe le frogg? Get the fuck out with that shit, you arent one of us user

>he favorite kink is double penetration
this is how you get cucked friendo

OP do all of us a favor and take that grenade to the grave with you

kys cuck

>inb4 wrong board
Women are a risky investment with little to no return.

kill yourself

I think the main problem will be your ego dealing with that imbalance in sexual histories. The want to 'catch up' and so on.

To be honest, I wouldn't overthink it too much at the moment and just see what happens. You're only 19, you can always escape with the 'just wasn't ready' and 'age gap' cards if need be.

Fuck you faggot, I've been an autistic user for 6 years now
>When shes mentioning that stuff to you she is looking for a reaction, testing you.
This was exactly the case. I didn't make a face when she told me (even though I died internally) and she thanked me for not judging her
I don't want an escape, I want a genuine relationship with someone

cuck. die now

Fucking gtfo, real advice man, run the fuck away as fast as you fucking can

>a 23 year old slut dates a 19 year old beta virgin
>the problem is ego

No the problem is the girl has finished her fun on the cock carousel, and now she is dating the beta. But since she is 23, it's probably just for fun and attention before she moves on for more

if OP has any brains he will leave her ASAP

You're 100% better off leaving the whore, you'll be happier in the long run.

OP please listen to me, you are her teddy bear, not her knight

I've seen this before with another guy, she ended up being a cunt who used him

feels good because you haven't felt love before. But we're telling you this: it won't last. Get out after a few more pumps, you will find someone better user

I wish men would unionize so we could get these hussies back in line, but it'll never happen or it will happen and everyone but Tyrone "muhdick" JaBrainlet will join and ruin the strike for everyone

ok user. that's all nice and mushy that you want a "genuine relationship"

the reality is that most people, women and men, need to have a number of partners before they figure out what they actually want.


i think this post was supposed to be on /pol/ , but as a /pol/tard i can confirm that 90% of the replies will be to dump her and kill yourself so i'll save you the time , dumb the whore

Listen to everyone telling you this won't last OP. You can stay for the sex if you want but never expect anything more from this relationship.
Never be fooled.

You're gonna be that guy everyone feels embarrassed for when they see your girl on tinder looking for bbc cause she is in an open relationship

Okay anons, thank you for the insight. It is painful to do so but I will pump and then dump this whore.
>tfw first and only relationship lasts 6 days

he won't find someone better, they're all terrible
she will leave him after a couple months when her oxytocin burns out because she's taken too many short term relationships and now she can't hormonally bond with one man for any length of time. his next gf if he has one will be the same way. the 1 in 1000 woman not on the cock carousel is holding out for chad who will then dump her and then the next chad, and the next. they all end up on the chad cock carousel. chads going to break in all the women until marriage becomes physically impossible for anyone. we're basically already there. chad thundercocked our entire civilization

find an ugly girl

honestly OP, don't do it because you will always regret listening to autists on a mandarin cloth folding forum

let the relationship run its course naturally

Ride it out, never sacrifice your interests for her. You will fuck up and you will overextend your commitment and it will hurt and you will hopefully learn from it.

if youre having doubts now, i wonder what itll be like in the future...


The fact you’re asking a bunch of NEETs on biz about this means you probably already know the answer.

>6 days

ffs man

>t. virgin incel
I found my qt 3.14 virgin gf on tinder and she's obsessed with me. I thought she was lying about being a virgin but she bled like a mofo when we had sex the first time. Don't give up OP, I almost did after my last two whore gfs that I wasted a combined 3 years of my college life on. There actually are still good girls out there. She actually looks a lot like pic related believe it or not

Op you should know if she has any STDs. If she’s as big of a slut as you say she is I wouldn’t be surprised if lumps start growing on your dick

Probably a whale

Uh no honey I don't date fat chicks. I'd post a pic but I've seen to many horror stories of autists on here doxxing people

lmao thats fucking nasty.

t-there is a red lump that showed up recently

fuck up autismo there are plenty of regular people on this board

>OP do all of us a favor and take that grenade to the grave with you

underrated post

I get out of /r9k/ to avoid this shit like this. Fuck off, who cares

That's disgusting dude.

It's one thing to have had boyfriends, but fuckbuddies on the side?

Dude she's gonna cheat on you. That's the biggest red flag ever. I'd never be with someone who had multiple simultaneous partners or cheated.

You're on the straight road to cuckoldry, my friend, and it's not gonna be pretty.


Dude she's nearly hit the wall. Girls become worthless past 24, you've only got about a year before she starts sagging and getting fat. I know you're young so you're falling for the older woman meme, but once you're her age you'll be wishing you were banging 16 year olds while you still had the chance.

Get out now.

jfc I hope this is a larp

yeah dont worry, we can tell

hey man, just speaking from personal experience, abort mission ASAP.

I think you have listed off every red flag known to man.

she will hurt you emotionally (get you attached to her and then she will cheat / leave you) and physically (STDs).

i know it feels good to finally have a gf after being alone for so long but trust me, you are better off alone than with a whore like that.

try to check her phone next time you see her, i promise you will see her talking to other men.

i doubt you'll listen to us though. i'll see you in a month in the breakup thread.

implying conservative parents would want some pathetic neet for their daughter to get fucked by.

Holy shit this board is shit. A bunch of pathetic underage losers whining to each other about how they are the sulerior race/gender when in reality they are the fucking dregs of society

This is Veeky Forums not /loser/

implying she isnt banging multiple chads on the side already lmao

Red flags

whats great about Veeky Forums is that its a sample of society in general, and most of society is fucking loser fags.

>Veeky Forums is a sample of society in general

holy shit go outside man


What if i dont wanna today

t. caught the flu

Is it bad if I prefer fat chicks?

you can catch autism if you stay inside all day, which is the worse condition?

I'm in HK at a cafe

>inb4 larp

She literally wants to cuck you as he sexual fantasy lol. That cancer in her soul will creep into every aspect of your lives together

I feel bad for you OP, if you aren't LARPing. You are getting really bad advice here. Why do you care about her sexual past so much? A person's actions are not their true self.

Double penetration can be fun. Just buy a dildo — as long as your cock’s not too small and you can please her right.

I found the love of my life and she had a previous boyfriend of a few years and I was mostly a virgin. Yet, she is mad about me because I give her the best sex she’s ever had and she’s told me so.

Don’t even fuck again. Delete her number. Ghost her, you don’t owe he anything. Seriously. More often you fuck and spend time increases chances of you getting caught in some beta feelings snare and fucking your finite youthful years up

>and she’s told me so.

>t. knows from experience

this tbqh
there is zero hope that this girl cares about family and will divorce you and take your kids in 10 years

ya dude that's disgusting tell her to kill herself

Yup. Got burned once. I honestly think it might serve him a lifetime of knowledge to get burned desu. Could carry the lesson into other aspects of life

>I can almost fit my entire hand into her pussy without warming her up
my condolences op

Keep saying that faggot. You can see it in her eyes she likes it, especially when you make her cum many times over during it.

>Be 20
>girl from a church asks me out
>nobody from that church gets divorced. They never have sex before marriage (know guys that tried), and they always have lots of kids, usually get married right after highschool and be stay at home moms
>say no
>years later realize i'm conservative and don't want to be a hedonistic degenerate who doesn't care about the future of western civilization.
>there are no pure girls left unmarried at my age

>le brap XD

>this will be hard, she makes me feel so loved
You are done user, I'm so sorry. Fix your emotional state before going into a relationship

Shes a supafreak supafreak
Gotta love a girl when you can fit your whole fist in her pussy
Keep her OP

wow, she basically made an early investment into a beta atm
continue fucking her if you like it but don't get attached

Same here I've experienced the emotional fuckery after dating an older slut in my younger years. Shit was cash as a naive kid but then it got ugly real quick. Fucking spent years trying to make it work, but mostly tempted by sex. Cunning bitch even made me compromise my own integrity by convincing me to take ecstasy so that I would get all emotionally attached.

Looking back though, it was a learning experience and I grew stronger as a result. There are good women about there and it's a matter of getting involved in a relationship on your terms. I would for sure redo that part of my life if I could.

To OP, find a good woman but u better make sure that u are a capable man. No good woman will want to date a beta faggot.

>uh don't bother spreading your smart genes

Feels bad. Really bad. Like really. Why have said "no"?


>You can see it in her eyes she likes it, especially when you make her cum many times over during it.
>2nd person narrative

Uh. Is this bait or are u actually a cuck?

+always keep 2 in the loop
that way you're not too attached


Good fucking god you are a little pansy ass bitch. Holy fucking shit I can't get over how big of fucking losers people like you are. Get a fucking dildo with a halo and let jesus fuck your little bitch ass you stupid cunt

You want advice?
Don't come to Veeky Forums for life-improvement.

I'm talking to you, imaging what it would be like and if you experienced it, you would understand.

Ok I understand. Good for u, hope it works out for u and ur girl.

> Are all women like this?

99% of those who are even remotely attractive are.
What would you do if you were constantly approached by chads you all found very attractive?

Check out these comics for very accurate depictions of real-life experiences women have compared to incels here:

post them here faggot

Fuck no, no way I'm downloading 20+ images and uploading them all one at a time, who has time for that.

Here is ONE.

There are like 20 more there, go there yourself.

Who gives a shit you fucking pussy