

PnD scam

$5 eom

price singularity is upon us.

When is the dump?

I shorted half my stack and I'm getting worried

That's what you get for being a weak handed faggot

>33% ATH

Pick 1

Poorfags like me have to do what we can to increase our stack

Sold my link at $1.09 like the weak handed faggot I am. Stay strong hodl bro

kek this
Holders are so fucking retarded

Are they still doing influencer give aways? Ill do some more shilling and make memes for another 2000 LINK

Lets talk again in a week

nice 300 link you got there, fag

hainLink.... ch... link.....


fuck, biz is compromised by not only the pajeets now

pump coincided with tonight's assblaster thread and previously 0 fucking volume. really makes you think.

is THAT why people here shill this shitcoin so much

it's going back down
I don't know why it even went up in the first place
unless a bunch of autists from this board saw AB's thread and all rushed to buy for a little pump

When we dumping?

right now

About to happen? Almost no volume right now

LINK hodlers have so much more pain to go through.


Back to 30 cents we go