neither do i
i just want the next bull market to commence so i can move to a seaside town for a year and chill

should have bought 10000 btc at $5 like everyone else on this board


you can make more money to put into crypto

>for a year and chill
umm..the aim here is to make it. you're wasting time otherwise.

neither do i user. we will survive and prosper

family day day off in BC canada fuck yes

Every Sunday I get closer to finally putting the bullet in my head.

Knowing I have to wagecuck tomorrow is a fate worse than death.

Taking off for a year would be my dream.

fuk off betch


who are you kidding? We know lefties dont work

im already close to “making it”
the next bull will give me my retirment money
it’s too risky to quit a high paying job right now though
im not leaving my family behind to become a faggot living in paris or to buy a lamborghini, i just need a year long vacation

I have two fucking quizzes tomorrow and 3 homeworks due, half of which I'm not ready for. I fucking hate engineering so much can't wait to finish this shit. Gonna have to be up at 8 am fuck this shit and fuck my faggot smug professor. I will never work a 9 to 5, after this hell that is engineering college I cannot jump into a corporate rat race for the rest of my life or I will off myself

>tfw court holiday tomorrow
>tfw court holiday next week also
Based Abe and George

>tfw ill probably only have to work maybe 6 months this year.

Same here fucking hate EE. So much god damn work. Fucking 8 am communications lab tomorrow.

>mfw left my fourth year of Comp E + Maths because I got a job offer and I was broke as a joke
>mfw I've never needed to get a degree since then because I'm not unemployed for more than a week
>mfw I make much more than the mean for my job and with no degree
Start building up a work portfolio and just gtfo school, user. Unless you're one of those *other* types of engineers.

can't wait to go to work tomorrow. Working on new application that would help a lot of users, something that they don't know yet that they need it.

do what I do
treat my bitcoin wallet like a savings account and squirrel away every month. Long with a 5 year horizon.

we're gonna make it

didn't they already built all the electricity? you gonna move to Africa or something?

Mfw I fell for the engineering meme. Best case I'll end up in software writing code next to guys that did 6 month bootcamps.


So no alts?