LTC regrets thread

Who's here bought at ATH and regretted not selling this shitcoin when it bounced back to $300 a few weeks back. FUCK THIS COIN

I think we all regret not selling high, retard.

I bought at $402 user. It crashed to mid $200 and then it "mooned" back to $300 a few weeks ago.

this board fucking blows now. fuck

Sell it all. Buy a purse you weak handed dick swallowing mega queer.

except those that did I guess

No coin has cucked me as hard as Litecoin
>bought at $10
>sold $8

>bought $15
>sold $12

>bought $25
>sold $20

>bought $50
>sold $30
I swore off this fucking dumbass coin after that

>this board fucking blows now.
now? how was it then?

>no WHYTE BOI post yet
Shamefure dispray

so you never learned your lesson to HODL litecoin, and reap the tax free gains??



The highest I bought LTC is at $58. I wish I sold at the peak and rebought.

Who buys anything at the ATH? Just wait a few months for a big dip.

>buys high, sells low every fucking time.

Sorry tard, that isn't the coin's fault.

Bought literally at the highest of all time highs.. then immediately regretted my decision and traded it all for VEN a day later... best and most comfy trade yet. No regrets!

i had 200 of this fucking piece of shit this summer when it sat between $20-30 while BTC was hitting 2500+

soon as i sold it went to 40

I know someone that held for years then sold out of frustration only for it then to moon the next week.

at least you are making money user....

>I know someone that held for years then sold out of frustration only for it then to moon the next week.

goddmamn I love me a pawg

i bought the dips at 86 and 122.

>Dips at 82
When? The last few dips >$100. Larp


Nice just sodl my life insurance policy for LTC.

At some point, you need to realize you're cucking yourself.