College sophomore here with my dream engineering internship...

College sophomore here with my dream engineering internship, it's for a manufacturing design position at the most prestigious company in my city. It's on Tuesday but I'm already getting tons of anxiety.

I don't think it will be too technical of a interview but what are some generic questions and responses I should memorize to not seem like a turbo autist?

Also what the fuck should I say when they ask me to tell about myself? Should I just be as safe as possible and talk about how I always have been interested in engineering and it's my dream job that's the only thing that fulfills me? Idk I've aced an interview before but that was at fucking Costco (which actually is incredibly hard to get a job at btw)

Nice just bought 100k

Also what are some good stories I can tell? Or just something trendy but non engineering related that will make them think I'm interesting?

I think I'll talk about how I'm interested in blockchain technology that's a big buzzword in industry right right now.

I also gotta make up some stories about how I helped implement six sigma ideas at my last job.

Tell them about LINK smart contracts are the future

>excited for a wagecuck office job

College sophomore here too, just got my first internship offer this week.

The first half of Qs will be behavioral type questions. They want to see if you Youll fit into their 'atmosphere' and that you're not a faggot.
>come up with examples from you past for each answer, definitely have stories ready
>"user, tell me about a time where you had to deal with a teammate you disagreed with" and "tell me about your greatest accomplishment" questions

The second half will be more technical questions. This is were you can't really fake answers, you just have to be (((honest))). Def act like you are extremely willing to learn new things. Don't try to bullshit technical questions, because they know what they are talking about.

Above all, be personable/friendly. I went through 7 interviews the past two months and they all went how I just explained

Your interview will probably not be technical at all. You'll be asked questions like "Name a time in your life when you worked in a group where someone was not pulling their weighty and how you resolved the situation."
You need to have examples of you working well with other people. Talk about some of the friends you've made and emphasize how important the relationships have been towards your success. No one wants to hire a social outcast even iif he's a genius

Being a functioning member of society is better than being a NEET millionaire

I'm no expert never went to college. But I have studied a bit of marketing through books and writing copy.

At a job interview you are basically selling yourself.

You need to tell them why they should hire you. But here's the trick don't actually make it about you. Make it about them.

Tell them how you working for them will increase their bottom line. Talk about how you care about the company and their growth because their growth equal your growths. You have to make that dopamine in their heads explode. Give them some buzzwords like "I treat my job as it was my own business.

If you memorise responses chances are you're going to be coming off as that turbo autist since it's likely they wont even be right in the context

>aspiring wagey

Enjoy doing nothing with your life. lol maybe you will design refrigerators or some other useless shit

A little tip I picked up for interviews is to always make sure to pause before answering a question even if you know the answer. Don't answer too quickly. By pausing even for a few seconds you'll be able to make sure you completely understand what is being asked as well as be able to give a better answer.

Mechanical engineer here, 25.

Don't listen to these guys.

I got selected for on site interview with space x ( didn't go, fuck california). Took a job with Northrop Grumman as manufacturing eng. (Such a shitty job/company literally entered depression)

You need to be yourself and only talk about shit you know. If it's a decent company they will find out what you know eventually. Always ask when you don't know something and actually learn it.

If you just want eng money and just want to be like sales or manager than just kys. Calcs and design or bust.

If you like manufacturing then you better fucking know 3d modeling and about 3d printing. Learn what lean is but fuck enforcing it, that's some pleb qc fags job.

Biggest advice I'll give you is this. If you want to do manufacturing you HAVE to design with manufacturing in mind. Just cause you can draw it doesn't mean it fan be built.

Also, thought I wanted to work for big aerospace company and look cool. Turns out the industry is shit. I now work for a small engineering firm and I spend all day designing cool as shit that we then make in the shop. Most badass job ever and you'd never know the name.

Good luck. Also I'm a link marine. See you on the moon.

It's an internship dumbass he's gonna be probably getting coffee and sucking dicks

Pretty much. Internship interviews are pretty relaxed.

Should I take some adderall before an interview? It makes me extremely sociable and enthusiastic it seems like a great idea.

Also low doses of MDMA seems like a great idea as well.

Same shit he wants to be a part of the company just cause he's doing it for free doesn't mean shit. He still needs to have the shareholders in mind.

Sucking his boss's dick will help him relax thus making sit at his desk a little longer. And jacking everyone up on coffee will make everyone's go day by faster thus making them forget their miserable existence just a bit longer.

Does small details will make the company's stock skyrocket.

Say something now faggot.

Your a literal retard, how about just be smart and yourself. Are you going to take drugs everyday of work to be social you fucking pajeet.

How about know things that would be useful to them.

It's manufacturing, do you know what gd&t means, how about iso9000, what about the benefits of different machining processes such as lathe, mill, laser cutter and water jet. What do these different processes over?

Be a fucking engineer you scum.
You literally disgust me, your the guy that gets the job and is then proven to be useless.

If you want to impress them know shit about 3d printing, and not just hurr durr shit

Relax faggot internships are pretty much charity, they lose money by hiring you its community service.

don't listen to the NEET cucks, BZC and UFR aren't going to moon and eventually mommy's money will dry up. solid jobs aren't only for faggots.
serious advice: come up with good questions to ask about the company and the position. they WILL end the interview by asking if you have any questions. this is the best opportunity to make yourself look like a serious candidate and not some basement dwelling autist posting for advice on a burmese kite flying forum

I can vouch for working in a big aerospace company, or any defense company. Things move insanely slow and and the tech is always decades behind so if you're looking for something engaging or invigorating, find something else.

BUT some places offer a 9/80 schedule where you get every other Friday off and it is fucking comfy.

I got an internship with IT this past summer (didn't make the cut). But these top tier company's want the ones that know their shit. I tell myself i'm an average coder and I'm fine with that. Im graduating this year btw. I got asked many technical questions that i did not know. I just straight up told them i didn't know. I was surprised i made it to the final round of interviews. The last interview was personal questions. I worked with some of the best coders i have ever met. Compared to them i am nothing lol. But thats how this industry works. Some are just born to do shit like this. Goodluck out there man.

Internship interviews are pretty casual, at least for me.

They'll ask to talk about what you learn at school. What activities or clubs you joined. Probably rate yourself in a skill they find useful. Try putting some extra talent in your resume that will raise question and make you more unique among other interviewees.

The dude is a sophomore in college. You hardly learn anything useful in college until junior year. Up until then it's basic thermodynamics maths and materials. Where I work the freshmans and sophomores coming in for interviews are expected to know half shit but at least be willing to learn. But I'm also a chemical engineer and not a mechanical so maybe you guys get highly specialized sophomore year but we definitely didn't when I was in school